

本单元为外研社选修七第二单元,课文中的语言现象是名词性从句。此从句是三大从句之一,而且其中含有大量固定句式,学好名词性从句对今后在阅读,完形中长难句的理解意义重大。同时,名词性从句当中含有大量经典句式,对于学生写作水平的提高至关重要。本节课立足于学生掌握名词性从句,并用从句翻译造句,在此基础上鼓励学生进行写作。相信通过对经典句式的掌握, 翻译练习以及写作训练,学生最后一定能水到渠成,有所收获。



A.Target language:

1.Some important sentence patterns about the noun Clauses for students to master.

2.Help students to understand the usage of;the noun. clauses.

B. Ability goals:

1.Enable students to write correct sentences using the noun. Clauses.

2.Help students write a short passage by using the noun Clauses.

C. Emotional goals:

1.Get the students to appreciate the beauty of the noun. Clauses.

2.Let the students pay attention to the beautiful sentences and Keep them in the notebook.

Teaching important points

The usage of the noun. clauses. (翻译句子,并进行写作是本课时的重点,把对从句的理解转化成写的输出,最终实现综合能力的提高。)

Teaching difficult points

How to use the noun. clauses freely and correctly. (长难句的理解,主语从句加表语从句的准确运用。)

Teaching methods

Explaining, discussing and practising.

Teaching aids

A projector and a computer,PPT

Teaching procedures;& ways

Step 1.Lead-in. (4mins)

T:Yesterday we have learned some sentence patterns about the noun clauses. Now,I need some volunteers to recite them for us. At the same time,each group chose a member to write them on the blackboard.

Step 2. Lets appreciate. (a letter from students to their teachers);6 mins

Step 3.Lets write some sentences. (8 mins +12 mins)

T:Now,lets try to translate the following sentences by using the noun. clauses.

A: 一句多译:


(1)宾语从句:       .

(2)主语从句:       .

(3)主从+表从        .



(2)主语从句:       .

(3)主从+表从:       .

(First the teacher asked the ss to translate the sentences and then discuss in groups. Next, each group showed their answers on the blackboard.In the end, the teacher asked each group to check another groups mistakes and correct them.)

T: By translating these sentences in three ways,Im sure you have understood the the noun. Clauses better. Next,lets try to translate more noun.clauses to master them better.

B: 用名词性从句翻译下面各句。


本节课整体思路是要让学生更准确理解,并运用名词性从句,鼓励他们多进行写作练习。但是,在课堂过程中,发现学生在掌握从句上还是有一定难度,其中What ……is that……的句式学生一直不能完全掌握。学案最后一个写作任务难度较大,有一定挑战性,导致课堂任务没有完全完成,还有待于通过下次课堂操练再加深学生的理解。相信最终他们会有很大收获的!