
商务英语考试bec中级 第1篇

Go across the street 过马路

A: Let’s go across the street for a

B: Okay, sounds very



Go around the lake 去湖边走走

A: Would you like to go around the lake?

B: Great idea!



How are things going? 怎么样?

A: How are things going recently?

B: Pretty



How is your family? 家里人好吗?

A: How is your family?

B: They are doing



Let’s go and get some fresh 我们出去呼吸一下新鲜空气吧。

A: After lunch, let’s go and get some fresh

B: Good



商务英语考试bec中级 第2篇

SCENE⑤ C 会议结束后


Elvin: I used to 1) be down on the sales people until I saw her 2) in

艾文: 我以前对业务员都很失望,直到我见识到吉娜的能耐。

Dave: She means business, for

戴夫: 她可都是玩真的。

Elvin: Most salespeople seem like 3) Zina's definitely an 4)

艾文: 大部分的业务看起来都没大脑。吉娜绝对是个例外。

Dave: We'd better get back to

戴夫: 我们最好回去工作了。

Elvin: Yeah, I'm not too worried about Vince, but I'd hate to face Zina if we don't 5)

艾文: 是啊,我还不太担心文斯,但若我们搞不定,我可是打死不想面对吉娜……


A: It's definitely time you got a


B: I My hair is always in my


【mean business 玩真的】

mean business是表示“当真,玩真的”,没有儿戏的成份在内,一心一意地去达成某件事,未必和“生意”business有关:

A: I still can't believe Mary got into


B: Well, she meant business this


mean business也可以表示为了某种目的而来:

A: Why are the police outside?


B: They mean Otherwise, they wouldn't have come


1) be down 对……感到失望,看不起。

2) in action 在行动中,在动作中

3) half-brain () 只有半个脑,意即“没大脑,白痴”。

4) exception () 例外

5) deliver () 成功达成交付任务

商务英语考试bec中级 第3篇








商务英语考试bec中级 第4篇

The Myth of the Paperless Office

0 The concept of a paperless office grew with the advance of It was

00 widely been claimed that as email became commonplace, people would stop

34 writing memos, keeping bulky files and bringing piles of paper to the

35 But the reality has in fact been quite the reverse, and paper, having already

36 survived five thousand years of technological change, and has proved remarkably

37 Worldwide, the amount of paper used for each year continues to

38 rise up, although statistics now show a slight reduction in the amount

39 it consumed in the So, has technology failed in its aim to end the use of

40 paper? Max Bray, a business lecturer, thinks office workers still distrust

41 ‘Technology is unreliable in most of people's eyes,’ he 'If you are sent an

42 important email, you are likely to print it, because there is always the

43 fear that it might have get ’ In contrast, Paul Blunt, a marketing

44 manager for desktop products, who says there has been significant progress in

45 automating a wide range of tasks, even though the transition between has been more of an evolution than a

《The Myth of the Paperless Office》,无纸化办公室神话。讲的是新技术对现代办公的影响。



36题,和上面的部分联系起来作为一个整体来考虑。paper, having already survived five thousand years of technological change, and has proved remarkably 中间的部分是插入语,可以不考虑,所以完整的应该是paper has proved remarkably resilient。主谓宾非常齐全,and是多余的。resilient是适应力强的,有弹力的。


38题,持续增长,用rise,rise up是起义的意思。

39题,the amount consumed in the UK,consumed也是后置定语,表示英国的消费总量。it多余。


41题,in most people’s eyes在大多数人的眼里,of多余。


43题,might have done表示可能已经做了某事,而这里的意思是指电子邮件等可能会被删除,不用have,去掉。

44题,Paul Blunt, a marketing manager for desktop products, who says there has been significant progress。中间的部分是插入成分,不予考虑。完整的是Paul Blunt (who) says there has been significant 主语是人,谓语是says,后面是宾语,成分齐全,who是多余的。

45题,the transition between has been more of an evolution than a 依然是一个完整的句子,成分齐全,transition是主语,has been是谓语,between是多余的。

商务英语考试bec中级 第5篇


商务英语考试bec中级 第6篇

Chairman's Report

I am pleased to report that, although we had been expecting poor results for this half year because of slow growth in the world economy, the company has performed very profits for this first half are in fact very much (19) with those for the corresponding (20) last Profits reached £l 15 million before tax, compared with £l million last Much of our success in the last six months can be (21) to the fact that all our major construction projects remained on Particularly pleasing was the early (22)of a major building contract in

The company has made good progress with the initiatives announced at the Annual General The majority of shareholders (23) the Board's decision to sell the company's loss-making engineering (24). It was the Board's belief that the company would (25) most benefit by (26) its resources on the expansion of its construction Negotiations with a potential buyer began in February and are now at a critical (27).However, we feel that we are not as yet in a (28) to comment on what the outcome is likely to

In June, we made a successful (29) for the Renishaw Construction Company of Hong Kong SAR, in order to give us greater (30) to markets in South East We still have sufficient resources to pursue our growth (31) and are at present (32) several other business opportunities which, like Renishaw Construction, would (33) new markets to

in order B on track C in line D on target

session B term C season D period

attributed B referred C assigned D designated

termination B ending C completion D finalising

confirmed B maintained C agreed D supported

portion B component C sector D division

have B gain C find D earn

focusing B directing C pointing D strengthening

height B step C edge D stage

condition B point C position D capacity

request B price C demand D bid

access B approach C admission D entrance

strategy B process C promotion D system

inquiring B deliberating C exploring D searching

send B open C provide D give

商务英语考试bec中级 第7篇

Business Meetings

It is important that ideas and suggestions tabled at formal meeting are voiced at the (0) This is achieved by keeping to the (19) shown on the For example, there is no (20) discussing ideas to do with item six on the agenda when item two has not yet been (21) deviations from the agenda may (22) in confusion among the people at the meeting; they may also (23) concentration if they see something as

To make certain that the meeting proceeds in an orderly fashion, it is therefore useful to (24) some ground First, everyone will need to understand that they must (25) comments to the topic under The Chair can then encourage one person to speak at a (26) , so that any ideas offered can be discussed and (27) that person has finished, someone else can put (28) ideas and so If this procedure is adopted, the participants will be able to follow the various issues in a consistent manner, which will help with the decision-making (29) later It will also (30) the quiet people at meetings get a chance to (31) say, rather than just their more outspoken In (32) , it is often the quiet people at meetings who generate the best ideas, because they are in the (33) thinking before they

19 A structure B direction C order D arrangement

20 A point B worth C need D reason

21 A brought in B dealt with C catered for D taken off

22 A appear B produce C arise D result

23 A lose B fail C miss D drop

24 A form B establish C design D settle

25 A contain B reserve C check D restrict

26 A turn B time C moment D sequence

27A noted B written C regarded D remarked

28 A down B through C away D forward

29 A path B course C process D method

30 A ensure B secure C allow D permit

31 A give B make C have D put

32 A part B reality C contrast D case

33 A custom B routine C practice D habit

《Business Meeting》,商业会议。文章一共两段,第一段说开会要按照日程安排来进行,第二段说开会要尽量让大家发言,尤其是在会议上沉默寡言的人。

19题,这一题可能会选择arrangement。order和arrangement的中文意思也的确很相像。只有看英文的意思来进行理解。Order:A sequence or arrangement of successive 一系列连续事情的安排。因为这里的意思是保持日程表上的安排,日程表上的安排井井有条且有秩序,应该选择order,比arrangement更合适。

20题,there is no point in doing 做什么事情没有意义。

21题,目录2上的事情还没有处理就谈论日程表上的目录6是没有意义的。选dealt with。cater for是迎合的意思。

22题,这种偏差(指前面说的目录2没完就讨论目录6)会导致开会的人产生混乱。选result in,导致。

23题,如果他们认为什么是不相关的,就会注意力不集中。lose concentration是地道标准的说法,参考一个例句:I was absent minded and lose concentration very

24题,建立一些基本规则。地道的用法就是establish the rules。form rules是指表单规则,design rules是指设计规则。

25题,把自己的评论限制在讨论的话题之下。restrict to限制

26题,主席可以鼓励每个人分别说一会。重点在于理解词组at a time的含义:separately in the specified groups or numbers。看一个例句:He took the stairs two at a

27题,这里考察的是note一个不太常见的用法:to give your attention to something by discussing it or making a written record of it。正好和前面动词discuss相对应,而且做笔记这一点也符合会议的特点。不选remark,因为是开会,更多的是发言、讨论、记笔记,而不是评论。

28题,put forward: suggest, propose 提出。

29题,decision-making process,做决定的过程。


31题,拥有发言权。say在这里是发言权的意思,动词用have。参考牛津高阶词典上的例句:Can't you keep quiet for a minute and let me have my say? / The judge usually has the final

have a say in: To have the right to express one's opinion or cast a vote in a pending

Our boss is friendly and democratic; he always encourages us to have a say in what we will do

32题,in reality在现实中。in contrast对比,in case万一。

33题,往往会上沉默的人能想出好点子,因为他们养成了开口前思考的习惯。in the habit of有什么习惯。固定搭配。

商务英语考试bec中级 第8篇


Today's advice comes from Autodesk CEO Carl Bass:

今天的嘉宾是Autodesk 首席执行官Carl Bass:

"I think it’s real easy as a leader to confusewhat the results are today with the actions that happened a while ago, BECause then you just start "


Bass says the problem is that companies use factors like revenueand profit to measure their success, but it's possible that these things are still positive even after a company has lost its original


"I’ve been spending a lot more time trying to quantifyor figure out if what we’re doing is right, or whether what we’re really doing is just celebrating the result of things that happened a while "
