
商务常用英语口语 第1篇

翻译中,灵活性和原则性是涉及语言效果和传达原意的两个方面。缺乏灵活性会影响表达效果,如“月亮代表我的心”若“忠实地”翻译为“Themoonstandsformyheart”就不如灵活地翻译为“The moon reflects my mood”(字面意思:月亮反映我的心情)更容易理解,因为世界各地都“月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合”。 “曲高和寡”在绝大多数情况下是一个比喻的说法,译为“Highbrowsongsfindsfewsingers”就很难传达实际应用中的意义。笔者认为翻译成“Highartishardtounderstand”或“Elegancemeansloneliness”(高雅意味着孤独)更妥。又如,把“日出江花红胜火”翻译为“Theflowersinriverareredderthanfirewhenthesunrises”就不像是写景的句子,译为“Beneaththerisingsun,riversareaflamewithflowersinbloom”才有诗意。(字面意思:旭日冉冉,江花盛开江如燃) 缺乏灵活性有时还会损害原则性。英语中gallant有“英勇”和“善于讨好女性”两方面意思,和汉语中“风流”确实对应得很好,但很多专家对号入座地把“大江东去,浪淘尽千古风流人物”中的“风流人物”翻译为gallantheroes,会让人误以为周瑜、诸葛亮等在战场上和情场上都是高手。其实只要译成heroes就可以了。结合中国历史整句话可以翻译为:“ChinesehistoryseesYangtzerun;thousandsyearsandmyriadheroes,with rolling wavesaregone”。英国人和美国人都认为这种译法最佳,不仅因为本词的主题是怀古,“中国历史目睹长江奔流”和“随着滚滚波涛千秋岁月和无数英雄已经远走”能给人以岁月沧桑的感觉,而且美国的小说《飘》(GonewiththeWind)广为人知,享有盛誉。 笔者所遇到的最棘手的问题是翻译“士为知己者死,女为悦己者容”。直接译为“Agentlemandiesforonewhoknowshisheart;a woman make supher face foronewhopleasesher”不仅不适于多数场合,而且一有人讨好就梳妆打扮,把女的说成“三陪”之类的人了。事实上,“士为知己者死”是一种态度和决心,不仅仅是行动;“女为悦己者容”也不是“让她高兴她就梳妆打扮”。“容”体现的是对美好生活的向往,“悦己者”也不是随便来讨好的人,而应该理解为触动她心弦的人。简言之,前句谈事业,后句谈生活,因此可以译为“Atruemanisreadytodiealoyaldeathforthosewhoknowtheworthofhim;a woman is eager toliveahappylifewithonewhotouchesthechordinher”。(字面意思:男人忠于知道自己价值的人并会为之慷慨赴死,女人渴望和触动自己心弦的人过着幸福的生活) 文艺翻译要讲究灵活性,对专业术语和政治用语的翻译则要讲究原则性。例如,外语教学中的eclecticism无论从内涵和词源上看都是“博采众长”,却被译为“折衷主义”,褒义词几乎成了贬义词。台湾问题在国内的很多英文报刊上被说成“Taiwanissue”,但从政治意义上讲台湾问题是一个注定了要有answer的question,不是一个可以众说纷纭的issue,我们没必要和西方媒体保持一致。

商务常用英语口语 第2篇

edge 优势 (competitive edge )

enterprise board 企业板

entertainment industry 娱乐业

entrepreneur 企业家

events company 活动策划公司

exclusive contract 独家合同

expense claim 报销

expertise 专家的意见, 专门技术,专家

expire 到期

express service 快递服务

extension line 分机线 an extension number 电话分机号码

feedback form 反馈表

fire drill 消防演习

flexible working 弹性工作

focus meeting 专题会议

freelance 自由职业者

Head office 总公司

headhunter 猎头公司

incentive 刺激,鼓励r

industrial relations 劳资关系

installation 安装

in-house 机构内部的,内部的 in-house training 内部培训

innovative 创新的,革新的 innovation 创新

intangible 无形的: intangible assets 无形资产 (tangible assets 有形资产)

invoice 发票, 发货单

商务常用英语口语 第3篇

centralize 集中,统一 centralized 集中的,统一的:

centralized ordering 统一订购

certificate 证书

chief executive 最高主管

clause 条款 penalty clause 罚款条款; cancellation clause (定单)取消条款

commission 佣金

commuting 通勤,往返上班

compensate 补偿,赔偿 compensation

complimentary 免费赠送的

component 零部件 plastic/metal/optical component 塑料/金属/光学零件

consignment 托运物, 发货

consultant 顾问,咨询者 external consultant 外部顾问,外聘顾问

contractor 承包人,承包商

coordinator 协调人,调度员,负责人

corporate 企业: corporate register 企业注册

customer service 客户服务

database 资料库,数据库

delegate 代表 委任, 委托

discount 折扣

dismissal 解雇

distributor 经销商

dividend 股息,红利

dock 码头,船坞

downturn 低迷(时期)

商务常用英语口语 第4篇

accommodation (提供)食宿

advertising campaign 广告活动, 广告宣传

adviser 顾问: financial adviser 财务顾问; legal adviser 法律顾问

after-sale service 售后服务

agenda 议程

annual report 年报

annual revenue 全年收入额

appendix 附录

best seller 畅销书,畅销产品

bid 出价,投标

board meeting 董事会议

bonus 奖金: performance bonus 绩效奖,annual bonus 年终奖

book signing 签名售书

briefing 简报

budget 预算

brochure 小册子(常包括推销材料或产品信息) : sales brochure 推广小册子, 宣传品

camcorder 摄像机

case study 案例分析,个案研究

cash flow 现金流,(公司、政府等的)现金流转

商务常用英语口语 第5篇


Let's call the meeting to

Let's get things under

Let's get things

Shall we begin?

Order 在此是指"会议的程序与规则";call 有"宣布"的含意,call (a meeting) to order 是开会时的惯用语,是"会议开始"的意思。此句型适用于主席宣布讨论要开始时,示意与会者安静,遵守会场的秩序。这里"call"亦可以"bring"代替。这个句型适用于正式的场合中。


Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should


Perhaps we'd better get started / down to

All right, I think it's about time we get started /

Right then, I think we should


Let's begin /get going, shall we?

Shall we start?


Let me bring your attention to (what I see as) the main

Let's focus on the main

Let me tell you what I believe to be the main

Allow me to set out the main issues for

bring one's attention 的意思是"让某人注意(听、看)……"。此句中的bring 可用 call代替;main 为"主要的";issue是"争论点;关键;议论"。这句话是表示自己要宣布几个重要事项,请与会者注意所要说明及提示的要点;这是正式的表达用语,语气中带有权威感。


To address this issue, I'd like to call

To discuss this matter, I'd like to call

To shed1 some light on this, I'd like to call

To provide us with more detail, I'd like to call

Address 为"提及;陈述";call on someone 这个词组的意思是"要求某人(做某事)",on之后的宾语为被要求的人。此句型是在正式的场合中用以介绍下一位发言人。由于句首使用 To address this issue "谈起这个问题",显示特别强调这位发言者的意见值得采纳、尊重或听取;有时亦暗示主席或高阶人士也同样支持此人的意见。



Let's call the meeting to

Let's get things under

Let's get things

Shall we begin?

Order 在此是指"会议的程序与规则";call 有"宣布"的含意,call (a meeting) to order 是开会时的惯用语,是"会议开始"的意思。此句型适用于主席宣布讨论要开始时,示意与会者安静,遵守会场的秩序。这里"call"亦可以"bring"代替。这个句型适用于正式的场合中。


Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should


Perhaps we'd better get started / down to

All right, I think it's about time we get started /

Right then, I think we should


Let's begin /get going, shall we?

Shall we start?


Let me bring your attention to (what I see as) the main

Let's focus on the main

Let me tell you what I believe to be the main

Allow me to set out the main issues for

bring one's attention 的意思是"让某人注意(听、看)……"。此句中的bring 可用 call代替;main 为"主要的";issue是"争论点;关键;议论"。这句话是表示自己要宣布几个重要事项,请与会者注意所要说明及提示的要点;这是正式的表达用语,语气中带有权威感。


To address this issue, I'd like to call

To discuss this matter, I'd like to call

To shed some light on this, I'd like to call

To provide us with more detail, I'd like to call

Address 为"提及;陈述";call on someone 这个词组的意思是"要求某人(做某事)",on之后的宾语为被要求的人。此句型是在正式的场合中用以介绍下一位发言人。由于句首使用 To address this issue "谈起这个问题",显示特别强调这位发言者的意见值得采纳、尊重或听取;有时亦暗示主席或高阶人士也同样支持此人的意见。








商务常用英语口语 第6篇

We’d like to express our desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed


In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with


Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between


We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business


It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with


We look forward to receiving your quotation very


I hope you’ll see from the reduction that we are really doing our


We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest


We wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather


We look forward to your early and trust that through our mutual cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near


I hope we can do business together, and look forward to hearing from you


I hope that we can cooperate


I hope that we can continue our


We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the satisfaction of both


We hope that this market trend will


It is hoped that you would seriously take this matter into consideration and let us have your reply


商务常用英语口语 第7篇

job description 职责描述, 岗位说明书

keynote 基调,主旨 keynote of the press conference 记者招待会的基调

launch 发动/开展

layout 规划,设计,布局

legislation 法律,法规

legal obligation 法律义务(如合同契约等)

liability 债务,负债 (与asset相对)

line manager 生产线经理,部门经理

literature 资料 (sales literature)

logistics 后勤

logo 标识,商标,标识语

loss leader 为招揽顾客而削本出售的商品

loyal customer 忠诚客户

luxury 奢侈品

mail shot 邮购

maintenance 维护,保养

margin 利润,盈余 net margin 净利润;gross margin 毛利润

marketing mix 综合营销策略,指定价、促销、产品等策略的配合

market share 市场占有率,市场份额

media mix 媒体组合

merge 吞并, 兼并, (企业等)合并 merger (企业等的)并吞, 合并

minutes 会议记录

monopoly 垄断,独占

motivate 激励 staff motivation 员工激励

multi-cultural company 多元文化的公司

necessity 必需品

nine to five 朝9晚5 (的工作方式)

niche market 小众市场,缝隙市场

operating profits 营业利润

order 订购,订单

orientation 熟悉,介绍情况

outgoing 即将离职的

outsource 外购产品或由外单位制做产品

overheads 企业日常管理费用

商务常用英语口语 第8篇

Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁

Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理

Sales Manager 销售经理

Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理

Merchandising Manager 采购经理

Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监

Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监

Sales Assistant 销售助理

Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理

Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员

Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员

Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师

Marketing Consultant 市场顾问

Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员

Manufacturers Representative 厂家代表

Sales Representative 销售代表

Marketing Intern 市场实习

Marketing Director 市场总监

Insurance Agent 保险代理人

Customer Manager 客户经理

Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁

Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理

Sales Administrator 销售主管

Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监

Advertising Manager 广告经理

Travel Agent 旅行代办员

Salesperson 销售员

Telemarketer 电话销售员

Sales Executive 销售执行者

Marketing Assistant 市场助理

Retail Buyer 零售采购员

Real Estate Manager 房地产经理

Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人

Purchasing Agent 采购代理

Product Developer 产品开发

Marketing Manager 市场经理

Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员

Advertising Assistant 广告助理

Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail) 广告文撰写人

Customer Representative 客户代表

商务常用英语口语 第9篇

1 I\'ve come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant


2 You\'re going out of your way for us, I


3 It\'s just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient1 of you right


4 I think we can draw up a tentative2 plan


5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made


6 Is there any way of ensuring we\'ll have enough time for our talks?


7 So our evenings will be quite full then?


8 We\'ll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with


9 We\'d have to compare notes on what we\'ve discussed during the


10 That\'ll put us both in the


11 Then we\'d have some ideas of what you\'ll be needing


12 I can\'t say for certain


13 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time


14 It\'ll be easier for us to get down to facts


15 But wouldn\'t you like to spend an extra day or two here?


16 I\'m afraid that won\'t be possible,much as we\'d like


17 We\'ve got to report back to the head


18 Thank you for you


19 We\'ve arranged4 our schedule without any


20 Here is a copy of itinerary5 we have worked out for you and your you please have a look at it?


21 If you have any questions on the details, feel free to


22 I can see you have put a lot of time into


23 We really wish you\'ll have a pleasant stay


24 I wonder if it is possible to arrange3 shopping for


25 Welcome to our
