

中国著名景点导游词 第1篇

Welcome to our beautiful golden city I'm your tour guide_ You can call me The driver next to him is So Wang is an excellent coach driver in He was rated as "three good masters". Which three are good? He has a good temper, good technology and good I believe I am lucky to be here with you today, but you are even I'm lucky that I've met a group of friends from afar, and you're lucky not only because you met a lucky guide, but also because you came to a lucky Why do you say If you look at the map of China, you will find that the shape of Gansu is like a handle symbolizing the good luck of everything; if you look at the map of Lanzhou City, you will find that it is also a handle of good Lanzhou is located in the middle of Gansu Province, just like a big Ruyi contains a small Ruyi, so many people call Lanzhou the place of Next, let's talk about Lanzhou with the five

Lanzhou was called Jincheng in ancient times, and gold is the first element of There are many different opinions on the origin of Some people say that gold was dug out when the city was built at the beginning of that year; some people say that it was taken from the allusion of "Jincheng Tangchi"; others say that it was taken from the five elements, and the West belonged to gold, while Lanzhou was located in the west of the capital Chang'an in the Han No matter what kind of view, it reflects that Lanzhou has been full of gold since ancient Among the five elements, the West belongs to Jin, who is also in charge of Lanzhou is located in the northwest, with convenient transportation and extremely dangerous Since its establishment for more than 20XX years, it has been a must for military strategists of all Today, the headquarters of Lanzhou Military Region, one of China's seven major military regions, is also located in this Gold also means wealth and In the fashionable words, it means a high level of In the Han Dynasty, Lanzhou, together with Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Zhangye and Wuwei, was known as the five counties of It was at the throat of the Silk Road and developed trade with the western regions and In our words, it was at the forefront of reform and opening So at that time, the quality of life of our people in Lanzhou was at the forefront of the country, which was worthy of the name of You may have to say that it was more than 20XX years Now it can be called Hey, good In recent years, we Lanzhou in urban construction, economic and cultural development and many other aspects have been earth shaking Lanzhou people believe that, especially with the upcoming second round of spring breeze of the western development, our Lanzhou will remain golden and When you come to Lanzhou, you must absorb the golden atmosphere of Lanzhou and enjoy the splendor of

The biggest witness of Lanzhou's history is the ancient trees all over the Take a look at the north and south of the city, where the two mountains are green and Take a look at the fragrant locust flowers and towering vegetation on both sides of the You will pass the ancient locust tree in the cool when the poet of Tang Dynasty went west, and you will pass the willow planted by Zuo Zongtang This is the wood element of Lanzhou, the green of Lanzhou, the cool of Lanzhou, the refreshing of Lanzhou is not only full of gold and wood, but also a city with pleasant The scenic spots we are going to visit are the famous Baili Yellow River style line in Lanzhou, the sculpture of the Yellow River mother, the first bridge of the Yellow River in the world Zhongshan Bridge, the ancient waterwheel, and the unique Yellow River sheepskin These landscapes carrying the Yellow River style will bring you New Visual enjoyment one by Since Lanzhou has such a rich water culture, there won't be too many fire elements in You don't say that in Lanzhou, you can not find anything with fire except railway station and hot pot But we Lanzhou has a different fire, fire all over the river, leading the hot Our hosts in Lanzhou are popular all over the country, especially in CCTV, including Zhu Jun in variety show, Shui Junyi in high-end interview, Li Xiuping in news network, Pei Xinhua in weather forecast, and Zhang Li in military world; our beautiful men and beautiful women in Lanzhou are popular all over China, Wei Chen, the second runner up of happy boys, and Li Xiaoyun, the second runner up of happy girls, affect the hearts of thousands of young men and Readers' magazines are popular all over the world, and beef Ramen is popular all over the The heavy ion accelerator cancer treatment hospital that we started construction last year also attracted worldwide Lanzhou is like this, always with the spirit of fire As for the earth elements in Lanzhou, you need to taste them Feel the historical scenery of Lanzhou, touch the people's customs of Lanzhou, taste the local snacks of Lanzhou, and take away the local specialties of

Lanzhou has a history of two thousand It was called "Jincheng" in ancient Ying Xun's annotation in geography annals of the Han Dynasty said: "the city was built in the early days and got gold, so it is called " There is also an allusion to "Jincheng pond soup", which is named after its In the Han Dynasty, Jincheng county was In the Sui Dynasty, it was renamed Lanzhou because of Gaolan mountain in the south of the Later, after several changes, it became Lanzhou government in Qing After the revolution of 1911, Lanzhou became the capital of Gansu Lanzhou has a long history and As early as 5000 years ago in the Neolithic age, our ancestors lived here, engaged in hunting and farming, and created splendid Majiayao, Banshan, Machang and Qijia During the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Qiang and Rong people, who took the Yan Emperor of Shennong family as their ancestral God, lived Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, Lanzhou has played an important role in the communication between China and the west, economic and cultural exchanges, and friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and the people of Asian, African and European

Lanzhou is the only city where the Yellow River passes through the You can enjoy the majestic scenery of the Yellow River, waterwheel garden, statue of the Yellow River mother, Zhongshan Iron Bridge along the green corridor of Binhe Road, and visit Baita Mountain, Provincial Museum, Wuquan mountain, Lanshan Park and other scenic In suburban counties, there are Xinglong Mountain, Lu Tusi yamen, Tulu Valley, water diversion project from Datong to When tourists come to Lanzhou, they can also transfer to Yongjing Bingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple, Qinghai tal temple and Tianshui Maiji Lanzhou has relatively convenient Zhongchuan airport has more than 20 routes leading to major cities in China; four national highways, including 312, pass through the territory; four major railway lines, Longhai, Lanxin, Lanqing and Baotou Lanzhou, meet There are 15 star hotels, 11 international travel agencies, 32 domestic travel agencies, 3 travel vehicle companies and 15 designated travel shops in Lanzhou, forming a complete tourism reception Lanzhou is also an important industrial base, scientific research and education center and business center in Northwest Lanzhou is a city where five elements gather and wish you all the I sincerely wish you a happy and lucky day here

中国著名景点导游词 第2篇

xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of yunnan the prefecture is nicknamed "aerial garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and renowned as a huge natural zoo, xishuangbanna’s rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills

thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to the region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in this has earned it the renown and sobriquet "the moonstone on the crown of the kingdom of plants".

among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose leaves rotate then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to

species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating the "king of tea trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous pu’er in xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ." 北京十三陵英文导游词

At a distance of 50 km northwest of Beijing stands an arc-shaped cluster of hills fronted by a small Here is where 13 emperors of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) were buried, and the area is known as the Ming

Construction of the tombs started in 1409 and ended with the fall of the Ming Dynasty in In over 200 years tombs were built over an area of 40 square kilometres, which is surrounded by walls totalling 40 Each tomb is located at the foot of a separate hill and is linked with the other tombs by a road called the Sacred The stone archway at the southern end of the Sacred Way, built in 1540, is 14 metres high and 19 metres wide, and is decorated with designs of clouds, waves and divine

Beijing served as the national capital during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Unlike Ming and Qing rulers who all built massive tombs for themselves, Yuan rulers left no similar burial Why the difference?

This has to do with people's different views on Beijing nomads came from the Mongolian Mongols who established the Yuan Dynasty held the belief that they had come from: they adopted a simple funeral method: the dead was placed inside a hollowed nanmu tree, which was then buried under Growth of grass soon left no traces of the

By contrast, during the Ming Dynasty established by Han Chinese coming from an agricultural society in central China, people believed the existence of an after-world, where the dead "lived" a life similar to that of the Ming emperor, therefore, has grand mausoleums built for Qing rulers did

The stone archway at the southern end of the Sacred Way, built in 1540, is 14 metres high and 19 metres wide, and is decorated with designs of clouds, waves and divine Well-proportioned and finely carved, the archway is one of the best preserved specimens of its kink in the Ming It is also the largest ancient stone archway in

The Stele Pavilion, not far from the Great Palace Gate, is actually a pavilion with a double-eaved On the back of the stele is carvedpoetry written by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty when he visited the Ming

The Sacred Way inside the gate of the Ming Tomb is lined with 18 pairs of stone human figures and These include four each of three types of officials: civil, military and meritorious officials, symbolizing those who assist the emperor in the administration of the state, plus four each of six iypes of animals: lion, griffin, camel, elephant, unicorn and

Yongling, built in 1536, is the tomb for Emperor Shizong, Zhu Houcong (1507-1566). He stayed in power for 45

The Dingling Tomb is the tomb of Emperor Wanli (reigned 1573-1619), the 13th emperor of the Ming Dynasty, whose personal name was Zhu Yijun, and of his two empresses, Xiao Duan and Xiao The tomb was completed in six years (1584-1590), it occupies a total area of 1,195 square meters at the foot of Dayu Mountain southwest of the Changling

Emperor Xianzong, Zhu Jianshen, and his three empresses are entombed within Zhu Jianshen (1447-1487) was the first son of Emperor He stayed in power for 22

We have covered some of the most significant tombs of the 13 Ming tombs in the If you are also interested in the other tombs, the best way is to come and experience

Changling is the tomb of emperor Yongle (reigned 1403-1424), the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty whose personal name was Zhu Di, and of his Built in 1413, the mausoleum extends over an area of 100,000 square The soul tower, which tells people whose tomb it is, rests on a circular wall called the "city of treasures" which surrounds the burial The "city of treasures" at Changling has a length of more than a

The underground palace at Dingling Tomb consists of an antechamber, a ceniral chamber and a rear chamber plus the left and right One of the pictures shows the central chamber where the sacrificial utensils are on Two marble doors are made of single slabs and carved with life-size human figures, flowers and More than 3,000 articles have been unearthed from the tumulus, the most precious being the golden crowns of the emperor and his

中国著名景点导游词 第3篇

the great mosque in huajue lane

today we’ll visit the great it stood west of the drum tower in huajue it is the most sizable mosques in the city of xi’an which is also one of the oldest and best-preserved mosques in

standing outside of the great mosques, we can see this one is not like the mosques in arabian with splendid domes, skyward eaves, and dazzling this mosque possesses much chinese tradition in both design and styles it shows the culture combinations between china and other

next, we are going to talk about how islam was introduced into islam was founded in the early period of the 7th century and was introduced to china in the middle of the 7th at that time, some merchants, travelers, and missionaries from arabic countries, persia, and afghanistan by land over the sink road and also by many of them settled down and married the local their children became the first generation of chinese however, massive immigration of moslems to china was the result of genghis khan’s western expedition in the 13th he conquered vast of land from central asia to east europe, including the northern part of many of the moslems were forced to enlist in the then in the 14th century, lots of moslems took part in zhu yuan zhang’s therefore, all the emperors of the ming dynasty ordered to protect the moslems for their great nowadays, there are 17 million moslems in the moslems in xi’an are mainly the hui ok, now, after known so much about the background history, you must curious about the great let’s get in and check it

中国著名景点导游词 第4篇






中国著名景点导游词 第5篇

about yuexiu park

yuexu park is considered to be one of the central parks in guangzhou city; recently it has been nominated as the scenic park of there are only eight certified scenic parks in

it acts as a natural defense in the northern part of the guangzhou city together with bai yun with height of more than 7000m above sea level, it is also historically known as yue (guangdong) xiu mountain, yue wang during the ming dynasty, in the reign of yong le, guan yin temple was built on this mountain hence it is also called guan yin

during the early west han dynasty, yue xu mountain was known to offer pilgrimage to many people, but then in the early 20th century, dr sun yat sen, suggested that yue xu should be turned into a grand park which was only realized after the liberation of china in

now, yuexu park is known for providing immense and comprehensive cultural it consists of one main hill, yue jin gang, 7 small hills guihua gang, muhe gang, yu gang, and baixiu, nanxiu, dongxiu artificial its total area is 860,000 its afforestation rate is at 92%. it is also a host to famous historical architectural site like zhen hai building, ming gu wall, square cannon site, dr, sun yat sen's monument historical sites and ancient trees were also built and planted respectively around wu yang temple, hall of chinese idioms, a place of relaxation with trees, and bamboos, garden of flowers, art gallery, museum, recreational area, swimming pool, playground, restaurants, kiosk, states, building and pavilion for people to rest and relax, making it a pleasurable experience to visit the the park also provides other amenities, to complete the wonderful experience, for there are many pathways for people to use to visit the places within the every year it also hosts a flower market about more than 10 million people comprising of foreigners and locals visit this park every year,

since the yuan dynasty, yue xu mountain is considered to be a good scenic park in recently it also has been nominated as one of the ten best scenic its zhen hai building and five ram statues are nominated for the ten best scenic

中国著名景点导游词 第6篇

Zhongchuan peony garden, founded in 1997, is located near Lanzhou Zhongchuan airport, covering an area of about 20 square meters_ Mu, focusing on the cultivation and R & D of unique purple spot peony in Gansu Province, integrating appreciation, production and scientific

There are more than 500 varieties of peony and more than 200 varieties of Paeonia lactiflora in the eco-tourism Expo Park, with Gansu purple spot peony as the main It has collected almost all the peony varieties from all over the country and Japan, and has become the peony Expo Park of the whole country and even the

Lanzhou Zhongchuan peony garden is the largest single peony garden in China, the highest mountain peony garden in the world, and also a scientific research, production and ornamental base of purple spot After nearly 20 years of construction, Lanzhou Zhongchuan peony garden has become a famous peony garden at home and

The landscape with flowers in spring, shade in summer and red leaves in autumn is clear and well Lanzhou Zhongchuan peony garden, based on the existing mountain, slope, platform and other geomorphic features, combined with the characteristics of Peony four seasons, has established 10 in garden gardens, including Centennial longevity garden, Hongyun garden, Jiali garden, Fugui garden and international With the corresponding doors, pavilions, corridors, courtyards, stones, sculptures, pools and roads, the peony culture viewing area with different styles, different characteristics and rich connotations is The garden is full of trees, flowers and plants, and

中国著名景点导游词 第7篇

Baita Mountain is located on the North Bank of the Yellow River in Lanzhou City, with an altitude of more than 1700

In ancient times, it was a military At the foot of the mountain, there were majestic Jinchengguan, yudieguan and On the mountain, there were layers of peaks, among which the "white tower" was one of the eight sceneries of

Standing on the South Bank of the Yellow River, looking to the north, the iron bridge of the Yellow River, the Gongyuan building complex of Baitashan, and the Baitasi temple are integrated into one, with a panoramic view, known as "river bridge overlooking". Through the Yellow River railway bridge, Baitashan , and buildings stand face-to-face, with cornices, red columns and uneven green It was rebuilt from the collapsed ruins of ancient buildings when it was built in 1958, with a total construction area of more than 8000 square The symmetrical stone steps, stone walls, pavilions and cloisters are connected together in this It is a unique architectural form in ancient Chinese architecture with clear hierarchy and well-organized For example, the overlapping and crisscross four corner pavilions with double eaves, the two upright stele buildings, and the three Hall with brick and wood All buildings are decorated with brick carvings, wood carvings, and color

Facing the main peak of the White Pagoda, Santai building complex has steep Ancient buildings include "wind forest fragrant curl" archway, Luohan hall, three palaces,

The ancient buildings on the top of the mountain are Sanxing hall and yingxuke You can see the sunrise from the railing and the Yellow

Baita Temple original "Zhenshan three treasures": elephant skin drum, bronze bell, Bauhinia It is said that the elephant skin drum was given by an Indian monk when he traveled around the white Now there are only imitations The bronze bell, which weighs , was cast during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing It is now in the The Bauhinia tree with numerous branches and leaves is a heavy load of There is a Peony Pavilion at the top of the mountain in the There is a stele in the It is said that the original stele was carved on the Toulu mountain in the north of Hengyang City, Hunan The shape of the stele is strange and difficult to Later generations attached it to the inscription of Dayu when he was controlling the In the fifth year of Jiading in Song Dynasty (1212 AD), He Mei was engraved in Yuelu The monument in Lanzhou was erected by Hou Jiangong of Jiuquan County in It is nine feet high and three feet wide, with 77 characters engraved on

In the north of the western part of Baita, there are luxuriant trees, and the peaks of Chaoyang mountain, Matou Mountain, Guanyun mountain and Huancui mountain are Deep in the shade, there is a rest Pavilion for tourists to have a There is a reservoir in front of the With high mountains and dense forests, it is a good place for mountain climbing, distant view and summer

中国著名景点导游词 第8篇








中国著名景点导游词 第9篇






中国著名景点导游词 第10篇

Tulugou National Forest Park is located in the hinterland of Liancheng forest region, Yongdeng County, Gansu Province, 160 kilometers away from the provincial capital Lanzhou City and Xining City, Qinghai It is the eastern foot of Qilian Mountains, with a total area of hectares and an altitude of 1998-3165 Tulu Valley is named "Tulu Valley" because of its strange peaks, strange rocks, green trees and evergreen all the year The landscape here is unique and The vertical distribution of vegetation is very At the top is rich grassland, vast pasture, standing trees on the hillside, and farmland at the foot of the The landscape of the park is rugged and rugged, which can fully appreciate the natural It is known as the "mythical Green Valley".

"Tulu" is an ancient Mongolian language, which means "big, good", or "beautiful orchard". Tulugou used to be a multi-ethnic Influenced by the mountain climate, it has abundant rainfall, overlapping peaks, verdant trees, winding paths and beautiful It has become an original natural scenic spot without artificial In the area, Tulu River, which originates from ebofeng, flows from northwest to Southeast and joins at Then it flows into Datong River through A highway is built along the river valley, which leads to the ditch The two sides of the river have different

Known as the ship of the desert and the emissary of the Silk Road, hump ridge, green and green, stands tall to welcome The skylight with boundless scenery is a wonder of the It's rare in the On the mountain wall with high clouds, "the stone door of the cave opens in a roaring way". It's like a distant mirror to observe the celestial bodies, so that we can see the magnificent scenery of the green mountain peak outside the In front of the skylight eye, surrounded by mountains, the cliff is At the corner of the cliff, there is a Hidden Dragon The stream comes back into the cave, which is as graceful as a dragon's On the side of the cave, there is a huge stone standing opposite, which is called the stone of tiger exploring Dragon Looking up, the sky is cut into crescent shape by the cliff, which is called the hidden dragon Crouching Tiger half moon In the coniferous forest between mount Kumgang and Qixi bridge, there is a particularly striking red birch forest, which is very gorgeous and attractive under the green The canopy of the sky and the jade pillars on the top of the skyscrapers make the tourists

Shibi Xiezhu, known as one of the top ten landscapes in Lanzhou City, constitutes a mysterious The waterfall is more than 80 meters high, and the poet's feeling of "flying down 3000 feet, suspecting that the Milky way is falling nine days" comes back to In addition, there are more than 20 natural landscapes, such as Maitreya stone, tongtianmen, Guanyin temple,

The landscape of the park fluctuates violently, the mountains are steep and towering, and the vertical distribution of vegetation is incisively and vividly displayed The top is rich grassland, vast pastures, and sometimes melodious folk songs, so that visitors can enjoy the unique scenery of the The hillside stands with trees, colorful flowers and plants are blooming, and the delicious and sweet fruits are in full The usual thoughts and worries are gone, and the farmland at the foot of the mountain is Visitors who have lived in the downtown for a long time can feel the carefree and contented pastoral scenery Small bridge and flowing water make people feel like another

There are many kinds of organisms in the park, which can be called natural biological It is an ideal place for scholars, experts, students to investigate, research, practice and According to research, there are 1614 species of seed plants belonging to 122 families in the Among them, there are 103 species of arbors, 261 species of shrubs and 1250 species of herbs, which are rich in willow flowers, Capricorn, staghorn vegetables, mushrooms and There are many rare animals and birds in the forest, such as red deer, forest musk deer, roe deer, stone sheep, lynx, flying squirrel and blue eared

中国著名景点导游词 第11篇

Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province, is the central city and transportation hub in Northwest It is the headquarters of Lanzhou Military Region, one of China's seven major military regions, and the headquarters of Lanzhou Railway Bureau, one of China's 18 railway Surrounded by mountains in the north and south of the City, the East and West Yellow River pass through the It has the characteristics of a belt basin It is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and has a moderate temperate continental The annual average precipitation is 360mm, the annual average temperature is ℃, the annual average sunshine hours is 2446 hours, and the frost free period is more than 180 Lanzhou is the only provincial capital city where the Yellow River passes through the center of the urban The urban area is close to mountains and rivers, and the mountains are still, forming a unique and beautiful urban North and South Mountains face each other, and the East and West Yellow River passes through the city, winding more than 100

Geography and climate

Lanzhou [1] is located at 36 ° 03 n, 103 ° 40 'e, which is the closest to the capital of the other four provinces (autonomous regions) in Northwest North and south of the city, surrounded by mountains, East and west of the Yellow River, pillow mountain with river, mountain and water, with an average altitude of 1500 meters, with the characteristics of a basin

Lanzhou is located in the inland, with obvious continental characteristics, belonging to temperate continental It is characterized by less precipitation, more sunshine, great light energy potential, dry climate, large annual and daily temperature difference, slightly hot in summer, with the highest temperature of about 30 ℃, cold but not extremely cold in winter, and the lowest temperature of about minus 10 ℃. The annual sunshine hours are 2600 hours, the frost free period is 180 days, and the annual average precipitation is 250-350 mm, mainly concentrated in June to The annual average temperature is ℃.

natural resources

At present, there are 156 kinds of deposits, occurrences and 35 kinds of minerals in There are relatively rich non-metallic minerals, including limestone, flux dolomite, flux quartzite, ferrosilicon quartzite and refractory Among them, the reserves of quartzite are concentrated, and the transportation reserves reach 300 million tons, which provides sufficient reserve resources for ferrosilicon The coal reserves are 905 million The main mining areas are Yaojie and Agan mines, which basically meet the recent requirements of There are 8 cascade hydropower stations from Jishixia to Heishanxia in the upper reaches of the Yellow In addition, Huangshui River and its tributary Datong River can also be

The water resources in Lanzhou city are lower than the national average level, but the inflow water resources are The inflow of the Yellow River and its tributaries Huangshui and Datong River running through the city is billion cubic meters, and the water volume is There is no freezing in each season, and the sediment content is small, which can meet the needs of urban industrial and agricultural water and living According to the preliminary survey, the annual groundwater in the city is 960 million cubic

There are 182550 hectares of forestry land in the city, accounting for % of the total area, including 90157 hectares of forest vacant land, with great potential for further The natural grassland area is 770000 Wild animal and plant resources are also There are about 600 species of wild plants, and 40% of them have obvious economic Gansu's famous traditional Chinese medicines, such as licorice, angelica, Codonopsis, ephedra, Gentiana, podophyllum, Zushima, are distributed in There are 187 kinds of wild animals, and the rare animals are: Black Stork, Tibetan snow chicken, leopard, blue eared pheasant,

The land area of the city is million Among them, there are 219000 hectares of cultivated land, 765000 hectares of woodland, 765000 hectares of pasture land, and nearly 235000 hectares of unused wasteland, saline alkali land and sandy Land resources can be divided into three types, namely: low mountain forest and pastoral areas, located in the west, southwest and south of Lanzhou; river valley, Sichuan and Taiwan vegetable and fruit areas, located in the river valley terraces; low mountain and hilly grain and oil areas, distributed in the north mountain of Yuzhong, northwest of Gaolan County, and qinzhengchuan of Yongdeng The complex and diverse land types are suitable for the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and fishery, with great development

Population of Lanzhou

According to the main data bulletin of the sixth national census of Lanzhou in 20XX, the city's permanent population is In 20XX, the city's permanent population has 1112369 households, with 3138817 The average population of each household is Among the city's permanent population, the male population is 1849809, accounting for %, and the female population is 1766354, accounting for %. The sex ratio of population (100 females, male to female ratio) decreased from in the fifth national census in 20XX to

administrative division

As of May 31, 20XX, Lanzhou has jurisdiction over 5 municipal districts and 3

Lanzhou covers an area of 13271 square kilometers and has a permanent resident population of million (according to the sixth census in November 20XX).

Chengguan District covers an area of 220 square kilometers and has a population of Most of the provincial and municipal administrative units are located in Chengguan It is the best District in the whole province and the whole city, and one of the four core areas of

Qilihe district covers an area of 397 square kilometers and has a population of There are many old state-owned enterprises and developed commerce and It is one of the four core areas of Lanzhou

Xigu District covers an area of 385 square kilometers and has a population of Petrochina Lanzhou Petrochemical, the largest petrochemical enterprise in central and Western China, is one of the core areas of four cities in

Anning District covers an area of 86 square kilometers and has a population of It is the location of national Lanzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, where colleges and universities It is the science and Education District of Lanzhou, the future administrative center of Lanzhou City, and one of the four core areas of Lanzhou

Honggu District covers an area of 575 square kilometers and has a population of Baiyin district has become the only outer suburb of Lanzhou after the establishment of Baiyin

Yongdeng County covers an area of 6090 square kilometers and has a population of The county people's government is located in Chengguan Qinwangchuan in the territory is the main battlefield of "Lanzhou New Area", with great development

Gaolan County covers an area of 2556 square kilometers and has a population of The county people's government is located in Shidong Lanzhou Baiyin metropolitan area and Lanzhou Baiyin economic zone are the connecting zone of the two

Yuzhong County covers an area of 3362 square kilometers and has a population of The county people's government is located in Chengguan The east gate of Lanzhou city is the main area for the future development of the state-level Lanzhou high tech Development Plateau Summer cuisine is the signboard and characteristic industry of

中国著名景点导游词 第12篇

In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East—— "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother Gorge scattered the English citizens and helped them leave the dangerous On their way home,their plane washijackedand fell down into the mountain in the an Some lucky survivors were taken to Shangri-la where Conway found lots of fantastic things in such a state founded nearly 200 years ago, in which the local people lived up to more than one hundred years old and lived peacefully and harmoniously with the other people, animals and everything The place was called "Shangri-La" by the local folks。

James Hilton located "Shangri-La" in a mysterious valley which was surrounded by snowcapped mountains; near where there were snow-clad peaks, blue lakes, broad grassy marshlands, and lamaseries, Buddhist nunneries, mosques, Catholic Church, the human beings and the nature were in perfect harmony, several religions and varies of nationalities exited at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people contacted the outer world by caravan for a long time, many foreign experts and scholars had come here to investigate and remained much relics……

Obviously, that is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a kind of artistic

With the novel and the film coming out, Shangri-La became very famous in western Later, a Chinese named Guo Huonian used the name of this place and set up "Shangri-La" Hotel Group which has become one of the most successful hotel group in the

At the same time, people didn’t give up looking for the legendary Up to the end of this century, they finally have found——

After inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that Diqing Prefecture, the only an region in Yunnan, China, has striking similarity with what’s described in the tale regarding either on natural scenery or people’s way of Therefore, the name of "Diqing?ǎShangri-La" spreads

中国著名景点导游词 第13篇

Zhaozhou BridgeThe whole commentary of Zhaozhou Bridge includes three parts:Part one: IntroductionThe Zhaozhou0zhaozhou bridge

the whole commentary of zhaozhou bridge includes three parts:

part one: introduction

the zhaozhou bridge is also known as the safe crossing bridge and the great stone it crosses the xiao river in zhao it is named after the nearby zhao county, which is known as zhao zhou in

zhaozhou bridge is designed and built by lichun from 605 to 616 during the sui dynasty, has stood the tests of earthquakes, floods and traffic for more than 1400 it is the world’s oldest single-arch stone bridge still in use today and with the reputation as one of the four treasures of north

part two: creative


1) it has only one main arch and this arch has a span of more than 37 meters, which is a great creation in the world

2) the bridge has two small side arches on either of the main arch, they serve two important functions: first, they reduce the total weight of the bridge and save the structural second, in time of flood, they cooperate with the main one allowing water to pass through, thus weaken the flood’s impact on the body of the bridge

3) this design also improve the general look of the bridge, contributes to its beauty, so people compared the bridge to a new moon rising above the clouds” and “a long rainbow hanging on a mountain waterfall”.

part three: beautiful stories and famous folk song

there are many legends about the design of this

中国著名景点导游词 第14篇





