应勤来  张旭  滕懿群  朱雯

[关键词] 远程医学;机器人;床边会诊;PICU

[中图分类号] R197.324          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)20-0017-04

Application of remote robotic bedside consultation in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in primary hospitals

YING Qinlai   ZHANG Xu   TENG Yiqun   ZHU  Wen

The Second Hospital of Jiaxing,Jiaxing  314000,China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the application value of remote robotic bedside consultation in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in primary hospitals. Methods 22 cases of remote robotic bedside consultation were collected in our hospital from July 2018 to December 2019.The case data were retrospectively analyzed and were statistical analyzed.Results The demand rate of consultation was high (condition need: 86.4%);the cure rate after the consultation was 86.4%,and the consultation satisfaction was 90.9%.The family members of the children patients were in agreement with this type of consultation and the results of consultation. Conclusion The remote robotic bedside consultation in PICU in primary hospitals can enable consultation experts to better understand the condition of critically ill children. Through consultation,the consultation can be carried out in a timely and effective manner,which is conducive to improving the cure and improvement rate of children;at the same time,it can also improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of difficult and critical conditions by PICU physicians in primary hospitals,and accelerate the development of PICU in primary hospitals.

[Key words] Remote medicine;Robots;Bedside consultation;PICU


远程医学发展历史久远,从上世纪50年代末开始,美国学者Taylor Luisa[1]首先将双向电视系统用于医疗,此后,美国相继不断有人利用通讯和电子技术进行医学活动。我国的远程医疗技术起步偏晚,但发展迅速。在20世纪90年代,我国的通信和电子信息网络开始发展,为远程医学创造了条件。1993年,“金字工程”被提出,结合我国当时国情,1995年前卫生部建立“金卫工程”,至今已建立国家医疗卫生高速信息网络,通过卫星、电子通讯、网络和多媒体技术实现全国卫生机构间的联网,建立了多个远程医疗服务[2],为偏远地区和医疗条件有限的单位的疑难急重症患者进行远程会诊,也可以进行远程的学术讲座及临床教学,推动我国远程医学事业的发展。
