作者单位: 570311 海口,海南省人民医院超声科(李载红,杨炳昂,钟文津,张洁);510630 广州,广州市第十二人民医院(刘移民)







Abstract【】ObjectiveTo evaluate the relationship between carotid atherosclerosis and the ankle-brachial index in ischemic stroke patients. MethodsColor Doppler ultrasound examinations were performed in 236 ischemic stroke patients (study group) and 260 healthy volunteers (control group) to examine the carotid intima-media thickness and carotid atherosclerotic plaque formation. The ankle-brachial index (ABI) was measured using Doppler ultrasound. The correlation between the ABI and the extent and stability of carotid atherosclerotic plaques was assessed. ResultsAmong the 236 patients in the study group, 183 exhibited carotid atherosclerotic plaques, with an incidence rate of 77.5%, while 60 of the 260 volunteers in the control group exhibited carotid atherosclerotic plaques, resulting in an incidence rate of 23.1%. The incidence rate of atherosclerotic plaques was significantly higher in ischemic stroke patients compared with healthy volunteers (P<0.01). Among the ischemic stroke patients, 22 (9.3%) had an abnormal ABI, while six subjects in the control group (2.3%) had an ABI abnormality. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.01). The ABI of the patients with a thickened carotid intima in the study group was remarkably lower than that of the normal control group, and the ABI of patients with plaques in the carotid intima was significantly lower than that of the patients with a thickened carotid intima (P<0.05). Furthermore, the ABI of patients with unstable plaques in the carotid intima was markedly lower than that of patients with stable plaques (P<0.05). Carotid atherosclerotic plaques and the ABI were correlated with ischemic stroke (OR=1.118 and 0.054, respectively, P<0.05). ConclusionsCarotid artery arteriosclerosis and, in particular, unstable plaques are closely associated with ischemic stroke. The ABI can be used as an indicator of risk for an ischemic stroke.


Correlation between carotid atherosclerosis and ankle-brachial index in ischemic stroke patientsLiZaihong,YangBing’ang,ZhongWenjing,ZhangJie,LiuYimin.UltrasoundDivision,HainanProvincePeople’sHospital,Haikou570311,China


【Key words】Ischemic stroke; Carotid artery arteriosclerosis; Ankle-brachial index

脑卒中病死率和致残率较高,给患者的个人、家庭和社会带来了沉重的经济负担和精神压力。多项研究显示,缺血性脑卒中的发生与颈动脉粥样硬化斑块密切相关[1]。血管造影是诊断脑血管疾病的最佳手段,但由于其医疗费用高,且为有创检查,患者一般不愿接受[2]。与其相比,踝肱指数廉价、无创、操作简单,广泛用于心血管疾病的诊断及预后评估[3]。但踝肱指数与缺血性脑卒中的关系尚未定论。为此,本研究对236 例缺血性脑卒中住院患者进行颈动脉彩色多普勒超声(彩超)检查,并使用多普勒超声仪测量其踝肱指数变化,旨在探讨颈动脉粥样硬化斑块发生与踝肱指数的相关性,现报告如下。



2009年1月至2011年6月在广州市第十二人民医院神经内科住院的236例缺血性脑卒中,均于入院前或入院后3 d内行头颅CT或MRI检查,检查结果符合全国第4届脑血管疾病学术会议制定的缺血性脑卒中的诊断标准[4]。男136例,女100例,年龄(62±12)岁。选取同期在该院体检中心进行健康体检的260名健康人为对照组,其中男143名,女117名,年龄(61±14)岁。排除截肢者及血管造瘘者。2组患者的年龄、性别构成比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。


1. 临床资料收集


2. 踝肱指数测定

受检者取仰卧位,采用ES-1000SPM多普勒超声仪 (8 MHz)测量双侧肱动脉收缩压作为肱动脉压,并测量同侧踝部(胫后动脉或足背动脉)收缩压作为踝动脉压,计算两侧踝动脉压与肱动脉压之比,即踝肱指数值,如双侧踝肱指数值不同则取其中低值为研究值[5]。踝肱指数1.0~1.3为正常;踝肱指数<0.9为异常;踝肱指数>1.3,可能为动脉钙化显示出的异常高值[6]。

3. 颈动脉彩超检查

患者取仰卧位,采用美国飞利浦IU-22彩色多普勒超声诊断仪(7~10 MHz)沿胸锁乳突肌外缘纵、横扫查,测量管腔内膜交界面至中膜与外膜交界面的垂直距离,即内中膜厚度(IMT),IMT<1.0 mm为正常,IMT 1.0~1.2 mm为内膜增厚,局部隆起增厚向管腔内突起且IMT>1.2 mm为内膜斑块形成。同时观察双侧颈动脉内膜表面是否光滑、管壁上是否存在粥样硬化斑块,记录斑块大小、形态、部位及回声类型[7]。根据斑块的性质及回声类型将斑块分为低回声脂质型软斑块、强回声或伴声影的钙化型硬斑块、回声强弱不均的溃疡型混合斑块。强回声钙化型硬斑块属于稳定斑块,软斑块和混合斑块属于不稳定斑块[8]。




与对照组相比,观察组的收缩压、舒张压、吸烟者比例、LDL、APOB、空腹血糖、血清肌酐均明显高于对照组(P均<0.01),而LDL和踝肱指数则明显低于对照组(P<0.01);而2组间是否饮酒、总胆固醇、甘油三酯、APOA和血尿素氮比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),见表1。 观察组踝肱指数降低22例, 异常率为9.3%,对照组踝肱指数降低6例,异常率为2.3%,观察组踝肱指数异常率明显高于对照组(χ2=11.427,P<0.01) 。



表1 观察组与对照组的脑卒中相关指标比较

1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa

表2 观察组与对照组的


观察组患者中,颈动脉内膜斑块形成组的踝肱指数为0.856±0.085,明显低于增厚组的0.892±0.096(t=-2.111,P<0.05),颈动脉内膜增厚组的踝肱指数亦明显低于正常组的0.981±0.147 (t=-2.661,P<0.05);颈动脉内膜不稳定斑块组踝肱指数为0.831±0.104,明显低于稳定斑块组的0.886±0.078 (t=-2.176,P<0.05)。






动脉粥样硬化性血管疾病往往导致颅内或颅外动脉和穿支动脉闭塞或严重狭窄,造成缺血性脑卒中[9]。研究表明,IMT是颈动脉粥样硬化疾病的早期指征。IMT增厚对预测脑卒中的发生具有重要价值,IMT每增加0.15 mm,发生缺血性脑卒中的危险性就增加69%。本研究发现,血管狭窄程度越严重,IMT越厚,斑块越不稳定,发生脑卒中的风险就越高。临床上早期发现动脉粥样硬化并采取治疗,可减缓甚至逆转其进展。彩超具有无创、敏感、操作简单的优点,可动态观察颈动脉粥样硬化的发生,有效评价颈动脉管腔狭窄程度,已广泛应用于各种心血管病的二级预防。临床上通过彩超检查IMT,早期对高风险患者进行干预,从而预防缺血性脑卒中的发生。



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