商务英语高级 第1篇

the brunt of 主要压力/正面冲撞

brand name noun 品牌名

coupon noun 商家的优待券

credit card noun 信用卡

bill noun US 钞票

downturn noun 低迷时期

slowdown noun 生产放慢/减速

eurocheque noun 欧洲货币支票

increase verb 增加,增大

interest noun 利息

launch verb 发动/发起/投放市场

letter of credit noun 信用证

list price noun 价目表所列之价格

marginal adjective 少的/微不足道的

net noun 净利/价

oblique adjective 倾斜的

slash noun 斜线

pound noun 英镑

prestige noun 声望,威望

spreadsheet noun 空白表格程序,电子数据表

string noun 线,串

tax noun 税,税款

assess verb 评估,评定

bad debt noun 呆帐(收不回的帐)

disregard noun 漠视,忽视

face value noun 票面价值

owe verb 欠

recover verb 重新获得,恢复

gross adjective, adverb 总的,毛重的

gross noun 一罗

invoice noun 发票,发货单

merchandise noun 商品,货物

remittance noun 汇款,汇款额

inconsistent adjective 不一致/不协调的

irrevocable adjective 不可撤销的

particular adjective 特殊的/特别的

shipment noun 装运,货物

stipulate verb 规定

enclose verb 放入封套,装入

liquidate verb 清算

rectify verb 纠正

aggressive adjective 敢作敢为/侵略性的

aggression - noun 进攻,侵略

appointment noun 约会,指定

badge noun 徽章,证章

colleague noun 同事,同僚

head of department noun 部门经理

department- noun 部门,科,处

managing director noun 常务懂事

personnel noun 人员,职员

public relations noun 公共关系

sales office noun 营业部,销售部

sincere adjective 诚挚的,真诚的

small talk noun 闲聊

superior noun 长者,上级

surname noun 姓

vice-chairman noun 副主席

vice - prefix 副的

chairman - noun主席

visitor noun 访问者,来宾

visit - 拜访,参观

whereabouts noun 下落,行踪

aperitif noun 开胃酒

apparently 显然地

behaviour noun 行为,举止

chew over noun 考虑,详细讨论

counterpart noun 对等的人或物

demonstration noun 示范,实证

demonstrate – verb 示范,证明

disaster noun 灾难

manners plural noun 礼貌

offence noun 犯罪,冒犯

syllable noun 音节

商务英语高级 第2篇

In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expected to see in their entire working lives having to communicate information which often leads to feelings of insecurity has become a key From being regarded as relatively unimportant in many companies , management employee communication has become a central corporate

Concordia International provides a good example of a company that has adjusted well to the changing needs for communication . since 1995 , Concordia has been turned inside-out and upside-down, to ensure that it is a marketing –led, customer-responsive business, one that looks outwards at customers and competitors, rather than inwards at its own processes and the way things were done in the In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforce by more than people - or 35% -on a voluntary basis, with further downsizing

From being an engineering company, Concordia is now remaking itself as a service The role of employee communication in such a context is to build people’s self-confidence, to persuade them that, although it is inevitable that the changes will go ahead, they also bring with them new opportunities for However, this is not an easy People tend to be skeptical of these claims and to feel that they are losing touch with the company they have worked for over many This is understandable, since many of the old certainties are being swept away , including the core activities of the company they work Above all , they have had to face up to the fact that they no longer have a job for

Research indicates that people respond to this predicament in a variety of The bulk of employees fall into two main categories in terms of their response to the new situation: on the one hand there are the “ pragmatists” and on the other “ the highly anxious” the former see their job as a means to an end and have a relatively short-term perspective, with strong loyalty to their local term , rather than the company as a whole . The second category, usually the majority, may respond to threatened changes with a feeling of having been let down, and even feel anger at the company for what they see as changing the terms of their

` The employee communication process needs to be capable of accurately directing its messages at a variety of employee groups and departments within the workforce . this is why middle managers and line managers are so key to They are the people who know about the full rage of concerns among the The problem in the past was that this crucial area was often the responsibility of a separate, relatively isolated Concordia puts responsibility for communication firmly on line All their research points to the same conclusion: people prefer to get their information face-to-face from their line That is the key relationship and where arguments and hearts and minds –are

The general rule in company communication is to tell employees as much as you can as soon as you If you can’t provide details, then at least put the news in context and commit yourself to providing greater detail when it becomes available another rule of company communication is that there must be a fit between what the company is telling its employees and what it is telling its In the last eight years, Concordia has

A made over employees reduncdant

B completed a period of downsizing

C reduced its workforce of by 35%

D given 35% of departing employees voluntary redundancy

16 From Concordia’s point of view, the role of communication is to

A win employee support before going ahead with the changes

B change the company’s core

C emphasise the positive aspects of the changes

D explain the need for the changes

17 what does research show about most employees’ response to change?

A they expect it to have a bad effect on the company

B they feel completely powerless

C they become less loyal

D they fell they have been treated unfairly

18 Concordia’s communication process mainly relies on

A printed communication

B departmental heads

C personal communication

D a separate, specialized unit

19 According to the writer, what is the guiding principle about giving information within an organization?

A Never make promises about future developments

B Give people an overall view at the earliest possible stage

C always include plenty of hard information

20 which of the following would be the most suitable title for the article?

A employee attitudes to company communication

B making company communication more effective

C Researching company commmucation

D Making employees feel less powerless


15题,答案很明显,但是选项很有迷惑性。答案是第二段的最后一句:In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforce by more than people - or 35% -on a voluntary basis, with further downsizing 减少了80000员工(或者说减少了35%的员工),预期还会减少更多。A选项是对的,made redundant是前面某套题目阅读的第五部分考过的词组;B不对,没有完成(completed),因为预期还会裁减更多(with further downsizing anticipated);C也不对,迷惑性最大,reduced its workforce of ,用了介词of,所以这句的意思是一共就80000员工,而实际情况是减少了80000员工;D不对,35%的员工被裁减,都是在自愿的基础上的,而不是离开的人中有35%是自愿的。

16题,问根据此人的观点,沟通的角色是什么。也就是问沟通的目的或者作用是什么。答案在第三段。沟通是为了帮助人树立自信,说服他们虽然要面临一些变化,但是同样也会拥有一些新的机会。说白了,就是鼓励这些被裁的人。答案选C,强调变化的积极方面。这里的positive aspects是对前面说的bring with them new opportunities的一个概括。(想起了电影《在云端》,up in the air,里面那个老男人的工作就是职业裁员专家,专门对被裁的人说些这样的话。)

17题,问调查显示大多数人对change的反应是什么。这题在答案中也很明显,但是选项很纠结。都有点似是而非。The second category, usually the majority, may respond to threatened changes with a feeling of having been let ,and even feel anger at the company for what they see as changing the terms of their 大多数员工的反应就是很失望,甚至会很愤怒。个人觉得这题出的不够严谨,没有哪个选项能严格从原文中提炼出来。对比下D要好点,因为对公司失望和愤怒,就是觉得受到了不公正的待遇。此题有待高手补充更完美的理由。

18题,问沟通过程主要依赖于什么。答案是第五段的这句:people prefer to get their information face-to-face from their line managers。喜欢面对面的从直属经理那里获取信息。所以选C,个人的交流。

19题,问组织内部提供信息的指导准则是什么。最后一段的第一句就是:The general rule in company communication is to tell employees as much as you can as soon as you can。尽可能的快,尽可能的多。不能提供细节的,至少给个大致的背景消息(put the news in context)。时机成熟了,再告知更多。选B:在可能的最早的阶段让人有个总体的印象。

20题,给文章选标题。这种题在BEC的阅读里还真不多见。选标题,就是要挑选文章的最主要意思,从整体上把握文章的main ideas。这篇文章通篇说的就是communication,前面介绍了沟通的背景:裁员;接着说了员工对裁员的反应;然后最后两段,一段说员工喜欢什么样的沟通方式,一段说沟通的原则是什么。综合起来,就是关于怎样进行有效沟通的问题。选B。A不对,片面了,只是文中某部分的内容,并且这部分内容是为后面做背景介绍,不是主要的;C不对,不是简单的research,research仅仅是介绍状况,文章还有关于实现措施的。

D Hold back until all the details can be provided

商务英语高级 第3篇

Report writing Ex 4: Sample answer: (235words)

Reassessment of job satisfaction: SuePearson(PR )


This report sets out to use Workset colours toassess the accuracy of my job description as PRofficer and to suggest a number of


It is clear that there is a difference between theway the company views the job and the reality as I perceive Firstly, a number of areas whichdemand a significant proportion of my time are not mentioned in the official job Thesegment on the pie chart which provides most cause for concern is the pink sector; this relatesto my attendance at a number of meetings which I can contribute Another significantarea is the grey segment; this refers to the unscheduled time I spend sorting out I feel these activities are hampering my core As can be seen from the piecharts, the time I spend actively working to meet the goals agreed with my line manager is lessthan


The above discrepancies clearly indicate that my current job brief is


I would recommend that my official job brief should be updated using the Workset would also be valuable to consider the proportion of non-core colours in the pie chart andto investigate whether work in these areas could be carried out by someone else more suitedto these

商务英语高级 第4篇


Unfortunately, + 表示 something is wrong 的句子


A company has sent you a bill for the wrong

Unfortunately you sent us a bill for the wrong Please could you send us a correct bill as soon as

Your new photocopier has broken You have to write to the company who sold it to

Unfortunately our new photocopier has broken Please could you send a repairman to fix it for us as soon as

Two temporary secretaries do not speak You have to write to the agency who sent them to

Unfortunately two temporary secretaries you recommended to us do not speak We would be grateful if you could recommend two more who could speak

You keep receiving letters for someone You have to write to the post

Unfortunately I keep receiving letters for someone Please could you make the address clear before you deliver letters every


I should like to draw your attention to (the fact that)…

I should like to point out that …


I should like to remind you that…

I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that …


One of your staff keeps parking his car in front of the main door, the space which is reserved for the

I should like to remind you that the space in front of the main door is reserved for the

Someone is interested in purchasing a large quantity of your simplex Tell him about 25% discount for large

I should like t draw your attention to the fact that we offer about 25% discount for larger

One of your staff arrives half an hour late for work every (She should start at )

I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that work start at 9: 30 every

Someone is interested in your Tell him that you guarantee that your prices are the largest in the

I should like to point out that we guarantee that all prices are the lowest in the


We must insist that …DO… (DO指动词原型)



We must insist that you deliver the goods




We will be forced to …

环境:(What warnings would you give these people?)

A company that has not paid your bill

Unless you pay the bill, we will be forced to take legal

Another company that is using your company’s car park

If you do not move your car away from our park, we will be forced to turn to the

An employee who always arrives late for work

Unless you come to work on time, we will be forced to fire

A builder who has left a lot of their tools in your office

If you do not take your tools from our office, we will be forced to throw them




阐述发生的问题:it is now over nine months since we placed this order and we are still waiting for the

使用句型12:I should like to point out that we have already paid for these

使用句型 13:we must insist that you deliver them

使用句型14:unless we hear from you within 7 days we will take legal

商务英语高级 第5篇

Building international teams Ex2: Sample answer: (230words)

Dear Jacek

Further to our conversation of 11 November, I writing to confirm your Since this will be your first trip to the United Kingdom, I include some information about the way we

The first meeting is scheduled for and you should be ready to start Some people say that the British have a rather relaxed attitude to time and that starting 15 minutes late is However, Jim Walsh, the Head of Sales, is extremely keen on punctuality, so do not be tempted to take any

One difference between this office and yours that you may notice is the apparent lack of formality between colleagues In British it is usual to use a person’s first name once you have been introduced and you will be invited to do Also, please do not feel offended if our staff here do not use your professional title; only the medical doctors are given the title ‘Doctor’ As I said, especially between colleagues, it is common simply to use a person’s first

A number of our managers are women and you should be aware that they are treated in exactly the same way as their male

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 779

I look forward to seeing you on 8

Yours sincerely

商务英语高级 第6篇

Report 工作部门工作总结

This report aims at outlining which aspects of our department function most effectively, which ones need improvement and how to achieve an efficient

First of all, it needs to be stressed out that the majority of the team generally shows a real team spirit, is willing to do his best to prioritize some smooth interactions with customers and is not reluctant to work outside the normal working

On top of that, every member of the team has been carefully selected for his/her excellent qualifications in terms of negotiating skills and communications

As a result, it came out of the recent survey, conducted with most of our customers, that our department has an excellent image outside the

Unfortunately, however, some aspects appear to be less As part of our sales force, people spend most of their time on the phone and cannot fit any training course within their As there is no clear strategy to encourage the employees to attend training courses, they may feel guilty to decide to use part of their working time to get a better knowledge on a computer software for

This being, said, I strongly recommend to define a clear strategy encouraging people to register, at least, to two training courses, each

This would help them to understand that, whatever their initial qualifications may be, it may bring benefit to both them and the company to improve

商务英语高级 第7篇


'Let me send you our brochure' is probably the most commonly used phrase in But all too often, it can spell the end of a customer enquiry because many brochures appear to be produced not to clarify and to excite but to So what goes wrong and how can it be put right? Too often, businesses fail to ask themselves critical questions like, 'Who will the brochure be sent to?' 'What do we want to achieve with it?' The truth is that a brochure has usually been produced for no other reason than that the competition has

However, with a little research, it often transpires that what the client wants is a mixture: part mail shot, part glossy corporate brochure and part product catalogue - a combination rarely Having said that, the budget is likely to be There may not be enough money to meet all three marketing needs, so the first task is to plan the brochure, taking into account the most significant of The other requirements will have to be met in a different After all, introducing the company's product range to new customers by mail is a different task from selling a new season's collection to existing

The second task is to get the content In 95 per cent of cases, a company will hire a designer to oversee the layout, so the final product looks stylish, interesting and professional; but they don't get a copywriter or someone with the right expertise to produce the text, or at least tidy it up - and this A bigger failing is to produce a brochure that is not customer Your brochure should cover areas of interest to the customer, concentrating on the benefits of buying from

Instead, thousands of brochures start with a history lesson, 'Founded in 1987, we have been selling our products I can assure you that customers are never going to say to themselves, 'They've been around for 20 years - I'll buy from ' It's not how long you've been in business that counts, it's what you've done in that The important point to get across at the beginning is that you have a good track Once this has been established, the rest of the brochure should aim to convince customers that your products are the best on the

It is helpful with content to get inside the customer's If your audience is young and trendy, be creative and As always, create a list of the benefits that potential customers would gain from doing business with you, for example, product quality, breadth of range, expertise of staff and so But remember that it is not enough just to state these; in order to persuade, they need to be spelt One possibility is to quote recommendations from existing This also makes the brochure personal to you, rather than it simply being a set of suppliers' photographs with your name on the

At the design stage, there are many production features that can distinguish your brochure from the run of the You may think that things like cutouts or pop-ups will do this for you and thus make you stand out, or you may think they just look like designer whims that add Go through all the options in One of them might be that all-important magical

13 What point does the writer make about brochures in the first paragraph?

A Customer expectations of them are too

B They ought to be more straightforward in

C Insufficient thought tends to go into producing

D Companies should ensure they use them more

14 The writer's advice to companies in the second paragraph is to

A produce a brochure to advertise new product

B use a brochure to extend the customer

C accept that a brochure cannot fulfil every

D aim to get a bigger budget allocation for producing

15 In the third paragraph, which of the following does the writer say would improve the majority of brochures?

A better language and expression

B better overall appearance

C more up-to-date content

D more product information

16 In the introduction to a brochure, the writer advises companies to focus on

A their understanding of the business

B the range of products they

C their unique market

D the reputation they have built

17 When discussing brochure content in the fifth paragraph, the writer reminds companies to

A consider old customers as well as new

B provide support for the claims they

C avoid using their own

D include details of quality

18 What does 'run of the mill' in line 67 mean?

A eye-catching

B complicated

C stylish

D ordinary

商务英语高级 第8篇

belongings plural noun 财产,所有物

chain smoker noun 连续抽烟的人

connect verb 连接

gate noun 大门

itinerary noun 旅行的计划/旅行路线

platform noun 月台,站台,讲台

smooth adjective 顺利/光滑/流畅的

traffic jam noun 交通阻塞,塞车

traveller’s cheque noun 旅行支票

trolley noun 电车,手推车

buffet noun 自助餐

single room noun 单人房

twin bed noun 成对的单人床之一

gallery noun 美术陈列室,画廊

back streets noun 后街(通常指城镇贫民区中狭窄的街道)

big name noun informal 要人

brief verb 事先给某人详细介绍或指示

lake noun 湖

politician noun 政治家,政客

public transport noun公共交通/公交车辆

personality noun 名人(尤指娱乐界或体育界的)

appetizer US noun 开胃食品,开胃物

dessert noun 餐后甜点

entrée US noun 在正式宴席上,在鱼和肉两道主菜之间所上的菜

exaggerate verb 夸张,夸大

fudge noun 软糖

jet lag noun 喷气飞行时差反

main course UK noun 主菜

pie noun 馅饼

pumpkin noun 南瓜

starter UK noun 第一道菜

APEX abbreviation for Advance Purchase Excursion noun 预购远足套票

fee noun 费,酬金

full board 全膳

lecture noun 演讲,讲座

overhead projector (OHP) noun 高射投影仪

refund noun 退款,偿还额

self-catering adjective, noun (指假日、住宿等)自己举炊的

seminar noun 研讨会

商务英语高级 第9篇

Problems in the IT industry

In the information technology industry, it is widely acknowledged that how well IT departments of the future can fulfil their business goals will depend not on the regular updating of technology, which is essential for them to do, but on how well they can hold on to the people skilled at manipulating the newest This is becoming more Best estimates of the current shortfall in IT staff in the UK are between 30,000 and 50,000, and

And there is no end to the problem in A severe industry-wide lack of investment in training means the long-term skills base is both ageing and Employers are chasing experienced staff in ever-decreasing circles, and, according to a recent government report, 250,000 new IT jobs will be created over the next

Most employers are confining themselves to dealing with the immediate There is little evidence, for example, that they are stepping up their intake of raw recruits for in-house training, or retraining existing staff from other This is the course of action recommended by the Computer Software Services Association, but research shows its members are adopting the short-term measure of bringing in more and more consultants on a contract However, this approach is becoming less and less acceptable as the general shortage of skills, coupled with high demand, sends contractor rates An experienced contract programmer, for example, can now earn at least double the current permanent

With IT professionals increasingly attracted to the financial rewards and flexibility of consultancy work, average staff turnover rates are estimated to be around 15%. While many companies in the financial services sector are managing to contain their losses by offering skilled IT staff ’golden handcuffs’ - deferred loyalty bonuses that tie them in until a certain date - other organisations, like local governments, are unable to match the competitive salaries and perks on offer in the private sector and contractor market, and are suffering turnover rates of up to 60% a

But while loyalty bonuses have grabbed the headlines, there are other means of holding on to Some companies are doing additional IT pay reviews in the year and paying market But such measures can create serious employee relations problems among those excluded, both within and outside IT Many industry experts advise employers to link bonuses to performance wherever However, employers are realising that bonuses will only succeed if they are accompanied by other incentives such as attractive career prospects, training, and challenging work that meets the individual’s long-term

This means managers need to allocate assignments more strategically and think about advancing their staff as well as their Some employers advocate giving key employees projects that would normally be handled by people with slightly more experience or For many employers, however, the urgency of the problem demands a more immediate solution, such as recruiting skilled workers from But even this is not easy, with strict quotas on the number of work permits In addition, opposition to the recruitment of IT people from other countries is growing, as many professionals believe it will lead to even less investment in training and thus a long-term weakening of the UK skills

13 According to the first paragraph, the success of iT departments will depend on

A their success at retaining their skilled

B the extent to which they invest in new

C their attempts to recruit staff with the necessary

D the ability of employees to keep up with the latest

14 A problem referred to in the second paragraph is that

A the government needs to create thousands of new IT

B the pool of skilled IT people will get even smaller in the

C company budgets for IT training have been decreasing

D older IT professionals have not had adequate

15 What possible solution to the long-term problems in the IT industry is referred to in the third paragraph?

A ensure that permanent staff earn the same as contract staff

B expand company training programmes for new and old employees

C conduct more research into the reasons for staff leaving

D offer top rates to attract the best specialist consultants

16 In some businesses in the financial services sector, the IT staffing problem has led to

A cash promises for skilled staff after a specified period of

B more employees seeking alternative employment in the public

C the loss of customers to rival

D more flexible conditions of work for their

17 Employers accept that IT professionals are more likely to stay in their present post if they

A are set more realistic performance

B have a good working relationship with staff in other

C are provided with good opportunities for professional

D receive a remuneration package at top market

18 According to the final paragraph, the UK skills base will be weakened by

A changes to managers’ strategic

B insufficient responsibility being given to IT

C the employment of IT staff with too little

D the hiring of IT personnel from

商务英语高级 第10篇


holding company控股公司


hot under the collar · (口)非常气愤

imaging industry影像工业

in bulk大批量

incubator ··培养人才的场所



IPO=initial public offering初次公开招股