

大学生简历英语 第1篇

basic information

name: andrew xx sex: female

date of birth: 1987-12-20 nationality: han

height: 160 weight: 45

origin: the current location of hunan: hunan

nationality: chinese marital status:

educational background

highest level of education: college putonghua: good

foreign languages: english language: good

graduate colleges: college of medicine in changsha graduation date: XX -6 months

studies by category: professional name: clinical medicine

education / training experience:

in june XX in changsha institute of medicine XX mission mission society of the secretariat in september XX the director of medical college hospital in changsha团干excellent level in june XX in changsha institute class of outstanding members of the faculty of medicine in june XX in changsha institute of medicine first-class scholarship in june XX -XX huaihua city in april in the people's liberation army 535 hospital interns

intention with the work experience job

talent type: graduates job type: full-time

i hope the job candidates: clinical category

work experience: 0 title: no title

monthly requirements: negotiable hope that the working area: hunan

can be reported for duty date: hunan

personal experience

☆, 07, he joined the red cross association, the young volunteers association, on several occasions to the community to participate in the aids campaign. ☆, in the house of medical school to participate in social organizations, the community has the obligation to participate in medical activities. ☆, 07 changsha, he joined the party school of medicine study courses. ☆, XX on years 7 years -XX huaihua city in september and then study diagnosis and treatment of common diseases clinic; ☆, 08 organizations took part in college, "the four ambulance knowledge" training and knowledge to senior publicity ambulance. ☆, XX years 5 years -XX on june 8th in changsha city people's hospital trainee; ☆, XX years 6 years in april on -XX huaihua city in the people's liberation army hospital internship 5.5.

ability to put themselves forward with a detailed personal

highly professional and able to master history taking, medical writing, treatment of common diseases, abdominal puncture, thoracic puncture lumbar puncture basic operations, such as internal medicine, suture debridement, dressing change techniques, such as post-operative suture removal surgery the basic operation of law. ☆, good interpersonal communication and co-ordination, sense of responsibility with a high sense of responsibility. ☆, the organization has a strong management and coordination, a team player, able to handle a variety of coordinate relations.

大学生简历英语 第2篇



性别: 女

年龄: 27 岁 身高: 161CM

婚姻状况: 未婚 户籍所在: 福建宁德

最高学历: 本科 工作经验: 1年以下

联系地址: 贵阳市南明区


最近工作过的职位: 贵阳斑马英语助教

期望工作地: 贵州省/贵阳市

期望岗位性质: 兼职

期望月薪: 3000~4000元/月

期望从事的岗位: 经理助理,高级文秘,英语

期望从事的行业: 会展/博览,建筑与工程,教育/培训


技能特长: 本人拥有良好的`英文口语功底,能够自如和外籍人士沟通;熟练使用word、excel等办公软件,及时高效地完成日常办公文档的编辑工作;工作认真负责,有良好的服务意识和协作精神,善于沟通,富有亲和力和感染力;具备处理问题的灵活性和应变能力。


福建农林大学 (本科)

起止年月: 20xx年9月至20xx年7月

学校名称: 福建农林大学

专业名称: 英语专业

获得学历: 本科


天津欣祺益贵金属有限公司 - 理财顾问

起止日期: 20xx年3月至20xx年6月

企业名称: 天津欣祺益贵金属有限公司

从事职位: 理财顾问

业绩表现: 1、维护老客户 2、电话销售,开发新客户 3、介绍理财产品 4、在职期间平均每个月2~3个新客户

企业介绍: 欣祺益贵金属经营有限公司是天津贵金属交易所综合类会员,编号193,注册资金为1亿元。主要从事黄金、白银等贵金属现货买卖、投资管理及咨询服务等业务,并执专业之所长为广大投资者及时传递全球金融资讯、贵金属市场行情,提供相关分析服务。

上海启振教育 - 初中英语教师

起止日期: 20xx年7月至20xx年9月

企业名称: 上海启振教育

从事职位: 初中英语教师

业绩表现: 1、教授初中语法课程 2.根据学生的实际情况,进行学习方 法指导、学习习惯的培养和适度的课后跟踪服务;80%的学生在经过一段时间的培训后成绩有所提高。 4.及时接收学生、家长的反馈意见,不断提高教学服务质量;

企业介绍: 上海启振教育信息咨询有限公司是经上海工商行政管理部门批准注册、具有企业法人资格的教育机构,公司致力于为上海中小学生服务,培养中小学生的学习能力,帮助学生考上理想的学校,打造上海小班化教学和学生学习交流的平台。

贵阳斑马英语 - 英语助教,代课老师

起止日期: 20xx年9月至20xx年1月

企业名称: 贵阳斑马英语

从事职位: 英语助教,代课老师

业绩表现: 1、教授初中英语 2、听有经验老师的课,并与其交流,吸取经验,帮助进步 3、兼职教务方面工作 4、参与活动策划与组织



福建省语言文字工作委员会 - 普通话

起止日期: 20xx年9月至20xx年10月

培训机构: 福建省语言文字工作委员会

培训课程: 普通话

培训描述: 主要培训普通话,矫正普通话发音、以及复杂字、易错字的读音等。经过考试,获得普通话二级甲等证书。

大学生简历英语 第3篇

personal resume

personal information

name: date of birth:

gender: female native place: guangdong

mobile no。: email:

education school: south china agriculture university

major: accountant

major category: business administration

major course: accounting,marketing,international finance,international accounting standard,management science,tax laws and regulations

elective course: japanese,public relations,advertising


english skills: cet—4;toeic score:590; good spoken and written english;

computer ability: master office software; master photoshop software。

certificate:《cet—4》,《certificate of professional english proficiency》,《toeic score certificate》,《kingdee k/3 system application》

hobbies : writing,entertainment,foreign language


english: good cantonese: fluent chinese mandarin: fluent

grade of english: cet 4 oral english: good


keqi shoes co。 ltd。 (operation assistant)

yuecheng guangdong accounting co。 ltd。 (audit assistant)

coca cola co。 ltd。 (sales promotion)

anway co。 ltd。 (sales agent)

大学生简历英语 第4篇



大学生简历英语 第5篇








大学生简历英语 第6篇

男 | 170CM | 30岁 | 5年以上工作经验 | 大专 | 应用英语 | 未婚

沟通能力强 学习力强 境外工作经验 长期从事境外现场翻译 熟悉工业管道 纺织机械以及电气类专业英语。


希望职位: 英语翻译 销售

工作类型: 全职

目前月薪: 保密

其它要求: 包午餐

期望月薪: 面议





20_年06月 — 20_年06月[1年]

私营企业|综合性工商/实业公司 职位:英语翻译

工作描述: 国外项目带队,安装,现场翻译。


20_年02月 — 20_年05月[1年3个月]

私营企业|综合性工商/实业公司 职位:英语翻译

工作描述: 在境外负责一切涉外事务,如采购、销售、后勤等


20_年03月 — 20_年02月[1年11个月]

私营企业|综合性工商/实业公司 职位:销售-其他

工作描述: 1、掌握相关产品知识及英语描述 2、回复询盘、选型、报价、下订单等 3、必要时接待客人 4、货物报检、报关、租船订舱


20_年12月 — 20_年09月[9个月]

私营企业|教育/科研/培训/学术 职位:

工作描述: 助教


_职业技术学院 (20_年09月 - 20_年06月)

学历教育 | 应用英语 | 大专 cet6


_职业技术学院 (20_年09月 - 20_年06月)

学历教育 | 应用英语(科技方向) | 专科毕业证、cet-6



CET-6 | 精通 | 30个月 汉语 | 精通 cet-6 英语 | 精通 普通话二级甲等 CET-6


CET-6 | 20XX年12月 | 大学英语CET-6 报检员资格证书 产地证申领证书 | 20XX年10月 | 申领原产地证 报检员资格证书 | 20XX年11月 | 报检员资格证书

大学生简历英语 第7篇







大学生简历英语 第8篇

Personal Information

Name: xxx

Gender: male

Date of Birth: xxxx/xx/xx

Residency: HuangShi

Zip Code: 435002

Career Objective:English Teacher

Home Tel: 086—xxxx—xxxxxxx

Mobile: 0714—xxxxxxxxxxx

Email: xx

Political Background:probationary party member

Leadership Position:the chair of league member

Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village

Work Experience

2005/07—2005/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing

2006/03——2007/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing

2007/06—2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi

2007/10—2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies

2008/08—2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc。 Huang Shi Branch


2004/09——2007/06 XianNing University English Education Associate

2007/09——2009/06 HuBei Normal Univercity English Bachelor


2006/10——2006/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city English cadet teacher

Language Skills

English excellent Japanese average


2008/03 TEM Level 8 EVIII 0810045236

2007/04 TEM Level 4 EIV 0710075088

2006/06 CET—6 061242066001800

2005/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1 2005121141345

2004/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate X1140430787

2007/7 Teacher qualification certificate 20074210730000459


national scholarship

the first ranking scholarship

the second ranking scholarship

3 good’s student

outstanding student leader9 f2 m: |# H,

excellent League Member

the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University

the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson

the third price in students’acqierement

the outstanding price in first term in Telecommunications Cup Resume Competition

Self Assessment

self—confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education

大学生简历英语 第9篇

Dear leaders:

Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule in the materials I I am the College of Liberal Arts, Guangxi Normal University Chinese Language and Literature (National outstanding liberal arts base classes) professional I look forward to your company can find a suitable job, in order to contribute to your I urge you to join your company's I have the confidence and ability to be an excellent Since the university after me "self-confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance", not only strive to learn professional knowledge and active participation in a variety of social practice, after four years of university study and social training, I have the following capabilities:

A solid foundation of professional expertise and deep knowledge of

Outstanding liberal arts base to enter the country four years of study, I carefully study the various professional courses, with a solid foundation for Chinese Language and Literature of the knowledge and professional skills, but also capable of thinking and research paper writing skills, has participated in the "Innovation Cup "competition of scientific research papers have been hospital-level second-class I created the "China Forum for Academic criticism" Guoxue save, build a new system of academic evaluation of the role play, caused concern both within and outside

I like literature, often after school hours to participate in the activities of a variety of literary salon, a large number of literary books to 20XX invited to participate in "The Second Guangxi Youth poetry will" broaden the horizons of knowledge In "Journal of Guangxi Normal University," "South Danxia", "Jenny", "Chatham", "Acacia Lake poetry group" and the article published articles (articles listed in Annex material).

Second, a wealth of social practice and outstanding ability to

I was in China, Haier Group, China Netcom, Beijing Dragon sun Technology Development , , Guilin, respectively, as the Western Hills Park促销员, business agents, such as sales assistant positions, positions are made in the excellent performance by the employing units The squad leader as a base class, college party branch secretary, vice president of Book Club Fifth Season, Guangxi Normal University, Office of Academic Affairs Office of the Assistant High classroom, Guangxi Normal University, College of Liberal Arts Campus Party secretary, an increase of competence, the Office has accumulated rich knowledge of executive secretarial knowledge and . The accumulated experience of social activities, work in your organization to lay a certain

Third, the concept of a strong brand of team spirit and

After four years of college, I become more and more aware of social practice: in a competitive society, there is no strong brand awareness it is impossible to gain a foothold in the Therefore, I seek to become their own good, and seek to engage in their work of any of the business as a brand, so I always pay attention to seize the opportunity to exercise their own, and always thinking about ways to do a good Mission as the party branch secretaries (one semester), where the class was "优秀团支部colonel" title; as stem classes (one year), where the class was the "best course of Guangxi district collective title", as the Guangxi Normal University College of Liberal Arts Campus Secretary When party activists through rate of more than 95%. In addition, I am a team but also have the ability, I can quickly adapt to a new working environment, and established in the new environment of team work

After fine arts at the national base for up to 4 years of training, I already have a "" should have the basic Hope I can fit your request, I also hope you choose, your choice is what I In order to facilitate a more detailed understanding of your situation I am, please review the resume I submitted, as well as related Give me a chance also a miracle that you and look forward to your Units祝贵flourishing career, has made great achievements!



大学生简历英语 第10篇

Howard Calahan

1128 Tea Berry Lane

Bonduel, WI 54105

Phone: 715-758-2566

Email ID:


Seeking for the entry level and responsible position in

Summary of Qualifications:

Meet deadlines, calm under pressure, strong on

Excellent numerical and analytical

Strong closing and sales

Demonstrated interpersonal skills: equally effective, cooperative team player, hard working, motivating and

Bilingual: Fluent in French and





Highly energetic


Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT

Bachelor of Science in Finance, May 1994

Major GPA:

Johnsbury Weston, CT, 1990

Employment History:

Round the Water Trough, Waterbury, CT


Assistant to Manager/Server and Bartender

Responsible for balancing of nightly receipts and providing customer

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT


Teaching Assistant/Tutor in Finance, Economics, Accounting

Assisted professor and tutored students in corporate finance

Wilshire Associates, Austin, TX


Payroll and Daily Journal Bookkeeper

Responsible for daily payroll and bookkeeping


DOS, WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3


Water and snow skiing



大学生简历英语 第11篇







