
摘  要:少先队组织是中国特有的少年儿童团体,是落实学生德育的重要载体,是学校教育不可替代的得力助手。因此,学校德育要充分借助少先队组织的集体性、号召力和影响力,有效开展德育工作顺利开展。少先队教育活动是学生德育的主要承载,是学生德育创新的实践形式,是学生德育拓展的第二课堂。增强少先队工作和德育活动实效性,是新时代教育背景下的必然要求。思想道德教育是影响学生成长和发展的终身教育,是少先队教育工作的使命。


【中图分类号】G621       【文献标识码】A         【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)25-0161-02

New Thoughts on the Work of Young Pioneers and Moral Education of Students in the New Period

LIU Xingjiao  (Xiaolu Primary School,Dalu Town,Jingyuan County,Gansu Province,China)

【Abstract】The Young Pioneers organization is a unique group of children and children in China. It is an important carrier for the implementation of moral education for students and an irreplaceable right-hand man in school education. Therefore,school moral education must fully utilize the collective,appealing and influence of the Young Pioneers organization to effectively carry out the moral education work smoothly. The Young Pioneers educational activities are the main carrier of students' moral education,an innovative practice form of students' moral education,and the second classroom for students' moral education expansion. Enhancing the effectiveness of the Young Pioneers' work and moral education activities is an inevitable requirement under the background of education in the new era. Ideological and moral education is a lifelong education that affects the growth and development of students,and is the mission of the Young Pioneers' education work.

【Keywords】New era;Young pioneers work;Player education;Moral education


1. 充分认识少先队组织在新时期学校德育中的重要作用



