
摘  要:德育工作影响着广大青少年的身心和谐发展,加大对德育工作的重视程度,助推德育工作改革是提高学校教学质量的重要举措。德育在学生的全面发展当中扮演着重要角色,对学生的道德素质进行综合培养,能够满足学生综合发展的要求,也能够为现代化人才的培养奠定基础,促进德育的创新落实。在德育工作当中,家庭德育和学校德育有着不可分割的关系,前者是后者的补充与拓展,只有实现家校结合才能够确保德育的科学化以及完整化,最大化体现出家校共育的优势,为德育的长效发展打好基础。本文将重点就家校结合下的三星高中学生德育工作策略进行分析,以便构建合理的德育教学体系,提高德育工作的实效性。


【中图分类号】G785       【文献标识码】A         【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)26-0039-02

Research on the Moral Education Work Strategy of Three Stars Senior High School Students under the Combination of Home and School

LIU Cheng  (Jiangduo Middle School,Jiangyan District,Taizhou City,Jiangsu Province,China )

【Abstract】Moral education affects the harmonious development of the body and mind of young people. Increasing the emphasis on moral education and promoting the reform of moral education is an important measure to improve the quality of school teaching. Moral education plays an important role in the overall development of students. The comprehensive training of students' moral quality can meet the requirements of students' comprehensive development,lay the foundation for the cultivation of modern talents,and promote the innovative implementation of moral education. In moral education work,family moral education and school moral education have an inseparable relationship. The former is the complement and expansion of the latter. Only by realizing the combination of home and school can the scientific and complete moral education be ensured,and the advantages of home and school education can be maximized,lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of moral education. This article will focus on the analysis of the moral education work strategy of three stars high school students under the combination of home and school,in order to construct reasonable moral education and improve the effectiveness of moral education work.

【Keywords】Combination of home and school;Three stars senior high school;Moral education of students;Work strategy


1. 家庭德育和学校德育的内涵
