
摘  要:在全新的时代背景下,我国教育在不断变革,对于当前小学语文提出了全新的教学要求,原有的教学理念和教学模式已经不再适用于当前的教学需求。面对全新的时代背景,小学语文教师必须要深刻地进行自我反省,充分意识到传统教学模式存在的弊端,打破原有教学受时间空间的束缚,不断提高教学效率,推动小学生得到更加全面的发展。在教学工作过程中,小学语文教师应该积极采用情境教学法,为学生创设真实的教学情境,不断吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣。教师在课堂上可以积极借助多媒体来开展教学工作,让学生在学习过程中感受到乐趣,从而不断提高学生的自主学习能力。


【中图分类号】G623.2      【文献标识码】A         【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)27 -0123-02

Practice and Thoughts on Situational Teaching of Chinese in Primary Schools

ZHENG Biying  (Yifu Primary School,Fuan City,Fujian Province,China)

【Abstract】Under the background of the new era,my country's education is constantly changing,and new teaching requirements for the current primary school Chinese have been put forward. The original teaching concepts and teaching models are no longer suitable for the current teaching needs. Facing the new era background,elementary school Chinese teachers must deeply conduct self-reflection,be fully aware of the drawbacks of the traditional teaching model,break the constraints of the original teaching by time and space,continuously improve teaching efficiency,and promote a more comprehensive development of primary school students . In the process of teaching,elementary school Chinese teachers should actively adopt situational teaching methods,create real teaching situations for students,and constantly attract students' attention and stimulate their interest in learning. Teachers can actively use multimedia to carry out teaching work in the classroom,so that students feel fun in the learning process,so as to continuously improve students' independent learning ability.

【Keywords】Elementary school Chinese;Situational teaching;Problems;Teaching strategies


1. 小学语文情境教学中存在的问题分析



