
摘  要:在当前小学语文教学内容不断更新和变化的发展中,对于学生自身的语文学习能力的发展有了更多的要求和标准,为此,为了更好地提高小学生的语文学习成绩,作为教师,一定要重视词语教学。之所以要强调词语教学的重要性,是因为在整个教学工作开展期间有着重要的意义,一方面能够通过词语教学的开展,极大地丰富和拓宽学生的学习视野,另一方面在学习的过程中,也能够强化学生的学习积极性和主动性。教师在日常活动开展的过程中,通过对词语教学内容的有效实施和开展,能够进一步激发学生的学习潜能。本文主要是根据当前教学中的问题进行分析,进而结合以往的教学经验提出解决措施,为后期的教育教学的发展质量提供一定的保障。


【中图分类号】G623.2      【文献标识码】A         【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)27 -0153-02

Problems and Improvement Strategies in the Teaching of Chinese Vocabulary in Primary Schools

CHENG Honghong  (Luxia Central Primary School,Nanping City,Fujian Province,China )

【Abstract】In the current development of elementary school Chinese teaching content that is constantly updated and changed,there are more requirements and standards for the development of students own Chinese learning ability. Therefore,in order to better improve the Chinese learning performance of primary school students,as a teacher,we must pay attention to vocabulary teaching.The reason for emphasizing the importance of vocabulary teaching is that it is of great significance during the entire teaching period. On the one hand,the development of vocabulary teaching can greatly enrich and broaden students learning horizons,on the other hand,in the process of learning,can also strengthen students' learning enthusiasm and initiative. In the process of carrying out daily activities,teachers can further stimulate students' learning potential through the effective implementation and development of vocabulary teaching content. This article is mainly based on the analysis of the current teaching problems,and then combined with the previous teaching experience to propose solutions to provide a certain guarantee for the quality of the later development of education and teaching.

【Keywords】Primary school vocabulary teaching;Problem;Strategy


1. 当前教学存在的问题讨论

