
Reviving Shaxi town on ancient Tea Horse Road

重庆 黄忠雪海词积累1.caravan n.商队2.arterial adj.干线的The ancient temples,old alleys of the ancient town of Shax...

The dilemma of“junk” food adverts

海词积累1.panel n.嵌板2.junk n.无用的东西3.compliant adj.符合的4.watershed n.分水岭5.dairy product乳制品A supermarket ad...

Super intelligence—brain-chips

海词积累1.neuroscientist n.神经系统科学家2.drone n.无人机3.stimulation n.刺激4.peripheral adj.神经末梢区域的5.neural interf...

Environmental problem with toilet paper

题材文章词数资源与环境341 难度 ★★★体裁建议用时说明文6′海词积累1.pulp n.纸浆2.flush v.用水冲走3.ingredient n.原料;要素4.sustainability n....

A city of the future

江苏无锡青山高中 刘豪杰海词积累1.showcase v.使展现2.entrant n.参赛者3.renewable adj.可再生的;可更新的4.power grid电力网What will the...

Cheese changes taste according to tunes

题材文章词数科学实验254 难度 ★★★体裁建议用时说明文5′海词积累1.vibration n.振动2.refine v.精炼;提纯3.composition n.成分;构成It may be sh...

An all purpose robot platform

河北祖冲之中学 胡艳美题材文章词数机器人与人类生活271 难度 ★★★体裁建议用时说明文5′海词积累1.cognitive adj.认知的2.customizable adj.可定制的3.grip v...

Recycling can get kids free books

题材文章词数读书与环保337 难度 ★★★体裁建议用时记叙文6′海词积累1.giveaway n.免费赠送2.decompose v.分解3.aluminum can铝制罐An Italian boo...

A “solar-powered lights”boy

飓风玛利亚把15岁的萨尔瓦多困在家里十多天。当飓风过后,萨尔瓦多不仅想到还有更多的灾民面临比他更不幸的境况,还积极发起众筹活动,给灾民带去“太阳能灯”。题材文章词数少年爱心与公益323 难度 ★★★体...

Ocean protection

陕西西安外国语大学 程佳雯题材文章词数海洋生物保护312 难度 ★★体裁建议用时记叙文6′海词积累1.instinct n.本能;天性2.conservancy n.管理;保护“Out of nowh...

Is owning a dog good for your health?

陕西西安外国语大学 孟 洁海词积累1.cholesterol n.胆固醇2.epidemiologist n.流行病学家3.substitute n.代替物4.retriever n.寻回犬Dogs...

Interesting exotic pets

江苏淮安市楚州中学 程 强题材文章词数宠物饲养346 难度 ★★★体裁建议用时记叙文6′海词积累1.exotic adj.异国的;奇异的2.capybara n.水豚3.semi-aquatic ad...
