
题材文章词数少年爱心与公益323 难度 ★★★体裁建议用时记叙文6′


1.devastate v.摧毁

2.compel v.迫使

3.activism n.行动主义

4.instil v.逐渐灌输

Ten days after Hurricane MariadevastatedPuerto Rico,15-year-old Salvador Gomez Colon and his family are squatted(蹲)down in their apartment in San Juan.

Still Salvador knows he's better off than many others on the island that was devastated by Maria.He feltcompelledtolauncha crowdfunding campaign called“Light and Hope for Puerto Rico” on fund-raising platform Generosity.He has 1.__________nearly$14,000 of his$100,000 target.He wants to use the 2._________to buy the portable lamps and washing machines for residents in some of the worst affected areas of Puerto Rico.

Separately,he also reached out directly to business firms of some products that might help them.One company,California-based d.light,responded by donating$500 to his campaign and offered a discount on their solar-powered lamps.Another firm,Omnivoltaic in Hong Kong,said it would 3_________.100 of its portable lights to his effort.

Neha Misra,co-founder of Washington,D.C.-based non-profit Solar Sister,is helping Salvador with his mission.Her organization provides portable solar-powered lamps to communities without 4._________in rural Africa.“Here is a 15-year-old boy,who's facing extreme despair(绝望)himself,and he's moved to act on behalf of others,” she said.She spoke with Salvador and connected him with Solar Sister partners d.light and Omnivoltaic.Because Salvador has no internet connection,she also set up the online crowfunding campaign and is helping him monitor it.“To be clear,this is his campaign,driven by him.He is guiding me,” she said.

Salvador,who just started ninth grade,said community activism is important to him.“My mom instilled it in me from when I was very little,”he said.His family fully supports his effort.“My grandmother was so moved that she started to cry,” he said.But his mother's advice was more direct.“She told me if I want to do this,I have to make sure I go through with it to the end,”he said.

Reading Check

Fill in each blank with only one word according to the context.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Important words and expressions in the


1.launch v.发起

2.monitor v.监控

3.set up建立

4.on behalf of代表;为了……

5.go through with把……进行到底

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences.



__________________,he also reached out directly to business firms of some products_________________might help them.



__________________is a 15-year-old boy,facing extreme despair himself,and he's moved to act on behalf of others.



“My grandmother was__________________moved _________________she started to cry,”he said.