主持人_王众 邓茗文

Personal Essay

主持人_王众 邓茗文


My name is XXX, a senior student of Beijing XXX University, one of the most prestigious universities in China and also known as the cradle of diplomats...My life path seemed to be attached to French and people constantly told me that my choice is a one-way street, but I fi rmly believe there are other ways that I can choose and walk out because I never put all my eggs in one thing, thus I choose Finance as my minor and try to fi nd my interest area.01

Therefore, I attended a great number of courses concerning economics and accounting, such as the Financial Management, Financial Accounting, Auditing etc., from which I was exposed to the accounting world.02 I was intrigued.03 by the beauty of simplicity in its core methodology and the diversity in its vast applications immediately.04 Gradually, I took keen interest in accounting, especially when I was a junior student, I had an internship in BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP where I got access to corporate fi nancial statements, sampling test on hundreds of vouchers, journalizing, auditing working papers, IPO auditing project, and a complete interim report to be presented in Hong Kong Stock Exchange, etc. This unforgettable internship experience aroused my strong interest in accounting industry.05

Out of the class, I also took part in a variety of giant extracurricular and social activities, for example, 2012 China Tennis Open, Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Chief of Arts Department in Student Union of XXX. These activities not only widened my horizon, but also explored my potential abilities of leadership, communication as well as creativity. More importantly, through communicating with different people in different position, I gradually gain some ideas about my career objectives.06


When I worked as an assistant in Business Development Department in 2012 China Tennis Open, I often work together with staffs in Financial Department and helped them solve many problems. Frankly, their rigorous and conscientious working attitude as well as challenging working content has fascinated me. However, when my boss asked me to transfer to be head of a group leader of volunteers in Financial Department, I soon perceived that most of volunteers in Financial Department were dissatis fi ed with this decision. So I refused his arrangement on the pretext of can’t afford this responsibility.07









01 这是个相对保险的开头,作者开门见山地自报家门,并解释了自己为什幺要转专业。尽管读上去并不引人入胜,但对于硕士申请来说,这种干净利落的开头显得professional,胜过故弄玄虚的铺垫,毕竟PS都是有字数限制的,如果想不到一个短促巧妙的开头,不如单刀直入。







09这一段先认可了UIUC会计专业的排名,并强调了自己心仪的两个项目,结构完全没问题。如果字数有限,第一句完全可以省去,不必浪费字数告诉招生官这样的信息,对学校排名的获悉并不会为自己加分。后两句渐入佳境,告诉学校“我仔细地研究过你的课程,他们特别符合我的需求”,第二个MSA项目则处理得更好。This experience reminded me a fact that as a student who didn’t major in accounting, discipline-specif i c knowledge and skills in the fields of accounting is what I need to sharpen and will be a cornerstone for my career. I need to get better understanding about this world through further studies.

I choose to pursue a master’s degree in UIUC for the reason that the Big Four CPA firms acknowledge this prestigious program. I think this choice not only help to achieve my primary career goal of becoming an auditor in the Big Four CPA fi rms after I get the master degree but also is beneficial to my intermediate goal to a senior auditor and excellent department chief within fi ve years. Once accumulating enough expertise and resources and fi nding my interest area, I will leave the Big Four and work in the industry I choose and pursue the CFO position.08

Since the UIUC accounting faculty ranks first in financial accounting research, I believe the theory knowledge and practical operate skills as well as the newest research achievements I will learn from the UIUC can open a door for the Big Four. Particularly, your summer session program will benef i t students in strengthening their academic background and language skills so as to faster and better entering into the learning state. Your MSA program, with a CPA exam oriented curriculum, fulfills my expectation to learn professional knowledge and pass the CPA exam and offers students opportunities to improve our understanding about the accounting world and help us to better fit into the American society and to fi nd jobs.09

I desire to step into accounting field and interact with academic pioneers and industry leaders. And I believe you can open a door for a potential and energetic young lady who has made her mind to do what she likes better.