文/Anwei Yu(美国) 译/张佳艺


Moving to another country is an exciting experience although it can get a bit scary. Besides the physical change of climate and environment, there are also vast differences in cultures and customs. Because of China's long history and diversity, each province, city, town and village has its own cultures and languages.Sounds overwhelming, right? No worries!


China is a diverse country with a population of over 1.3 billion people made up of 56 ethnic groups.The Han Chinese, the ethnic group that makes up about 91.5% of China's population, speak 7 major dialects of Chinese language which can be divided further into thousands of smaller mutually unintelligible dialects that can change from one village to the next (my family speaks 3 at home). Especially in southern China, people are still proud of their local dialects and will speak them in their daily conversations. This sounds scary, but some basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese can get you very far as it is the language used in all official settings including schools. Be prepared to be taught random phrases and words by your students and fellow teachers!


Let's take a step back and look at what you should do before even packing your luggage. You may be wondering, “What do I wear?!” After finding out your placement, I would recommend looking online at the year-round climate data of the area.This will help you in choosing clothes to pack. Most of the AYC placement schools are in the southern provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang which have four distinct seasons. Due to the humidity,it feels more hot or cold than it would at the same temperature in drier places like the United States. In addition, although it can get very cold in these two provinces (to the point where it snows), there are no heating systems installed, only air conditioning systems. However, the air conditioning systems can be converted to emit heat.


Chinese people tend to mind the weather a bit more than Westerners and are very concerned about catching colds and getting tan. Therefore, you will see people wearing long sleeves when it is 22°C (72°F) outside and holding umbrellas when it is sunny or right after rainfall. If you are not wearing the exact same number of layers the local teachers are wearing, they will probably ask you if you are cold or if you need an umbrella. Although it sounds like nagging, they are just worried that you will get sick.


Next, you should be prepared for spontaneous events happening in China. In Western countries, big meetings and events are usually scheduled months in advance and class schedules are unchanged throughout an entire semester. However, in China, you will often be notified that you will have to attend an event or have a change in your class schedule as early as two weeks in advance and as late as after the event has already begun. For example, I went to a regularly scheduled class one day and there were no students in the classroom due to a school event that no one had mentioned to me. At first, it may be a bit frustrating, but usually the reason for this is that the teachers and students themselves are notified last minute. My coordinators have apologized time and time again telling me that the changes were very last minute.



One time I was assigned to be a Japanese-Chinese translator for the county government and no one knew who was attending,when they were arriving or the purpose of the event. In the end,everything worked out, but in situations like this, the best thing to do is to just stay patient and talk about the situation with your friends on WeChat.


Within the first few days you are in China, you may notice that there is food everywhere! In China, there is a saying, “People view food as if it is their whole world” (民以食为天). Throughout your whole journey in China there will be many people around your school and even your community offering to treat you to a meal. They will want you to try local specialties and may even cook for you. If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, be sure to make it clear to your school as soon as possible. Many Chinese dishes add peanuts or sesame to garnish dishes and some people may think just picking them out of the food can help you avoid an allergic reaction. You may be worried about offending your hosts or hurting their feelings, but remember to put your health first.


Along with food, we have to discuss alcohol! When eating out(especially with leaders), alcohol will be brought to the table.This is due to a combination of a stereotype that foreigners can hold their liquor and a lively local drinking culture. Most people in China will either pick beer or baijiu, a clear alcohol distilled from fermented sorghum usually ranging from 25%-65% alcohol content, as their drink of choice. Local Chinese beer has a lower alcohol content than most beer in foreign countries (usually ranging from 2%-5%). Some people will also drink red wine and whiskey. It is respectful to toast people at the table starting from the highest ranking. If you know you are going to a fancy dinner, you may find it useful to drink water and eat some food before heading out.


You may find that Chinese people are extremely interested in your life as many of them have not left the country before. They are curious about what goes on in other countries and how people's lifestyles differ around the world. During passing and especially during meals, some people in your school or community will ask you about a variety of topics ranging from your hobbies to your opinions toward issues in international politics. If at any time you feel uncomfortable talking about any topic, feel free to give a vague or even fake answer. Directly rejecting people in China can sometimes be viewed as you do not want to be friends.


My last piece of advice is regarding visiting Chinese people's homes. In China, it is customary to bring a small gift (maybe a few fruits) to someone's house and take off your shoes before entering the home. People do it today mainly to avoid cleaning their floors from dirt tracked in from outside. The majority of Chinese homes are not carpeted and will usually be thoroughly cleaned before your arrival due to a deep respect for guests.Usually, visits to other people's homes are relaxed and fun, so no need to feel too nervous.

我强烈建议大家来华之前搜索和中国文化与目的地点相关的信息,给未来同事和朋友们留下深刻印象,并为自己进入到人生的下一篇章做好准备。I highly encourage searching up information about Chinese culture and your placement locations on the Internet before arriving to impress your future coworkers and friends and get yourself ready for the transition to an exciting chapter of your life. (Anwei Yu is one of the Educational Ambassadors of AYC 2017-2018 program. He teaches in Qingtian High School in Zhejiang Province, China.)
