Stay Fine and Safe in China

文/Amiri Hashmatullah(阿智明,阿富汗籍) 译/吴璇
















My name is Amiri Hashmatullah, an Afghan student. I am a master’s degree student majoring in transportation planning and management at the traffic and transportation school in Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China. Since I came to China, I had a pleasant time here.

The Cradle of Engineers

First, I would like to talk about how I came to China. I graduated from university in 2016, and my dream is to continue my studies in a world-class country. China is my first choice. China’s industry and manufacturing are very developed, which is the cradle of engineers. Therefore, driven by the dream to study in China and with my friends’ help, I applied for the Chinese government scholarship program of Lanzhou Jiaotong University. Fortunately, I was selected to study in China and became a student of Lanzhou Jiaotong University. I did not imagine that I was so lucky enough at that time. Before coming to China, I worked as an engineer at a small company in one of the most remote villages in my hometown. The Internet always did not work in the place where I worked. I remembered one day the network was interrupted again. I had no way to work, so I went home dejectedly. When I was upset and bored, I received a message from my Facebook. A student from Lanzhou Jiaotong University sent it. He said that he congratulated me on winning the Lanzhou Jiaotong University scholarship qualification, and the teachers asked him to help me deal with matters related to studying abroad. My joy was overflowing.I have been waiting for a long time to get what I wanted. I thought that I was the luckiest person in the world. At the same time, I was very grateful to the teachers of Lanzhou Jiaotong University. They tried to contact me and asked another international student to help me. They perceived that I needed help. With their assistance, everything went well. I got my visa in three days. On August 10, 2018, I packed my bags, said goodbye to my family, and then embarked on the road to study abroad, which made me excited and uneasy.

Putting Down Worries and Anxieties

I arrived in China on August 12, 2018. On the first day, whenI went to school for registration, my teacher gave me my Chinese name, “A Zhiming,” which means smart. It was the first gift I received in China. On the first day, I was exhausted and nervous, but the teachers arranged a warm room for me and then talked to me kindly, “Welcome to China, and welcome to Lanzhou Jiaotong University.” On that day, I unloaded my luggage, put down all my worries and anxieties,and felt relaxed and happy.

I remembered the first time I went to the restaurant for dinner. Because I didn’t know how to speak Chinese at all,I could not order. I just followed the pictures and used my hands to explain what I needed. Finally, the waiter put a big bowl on my table, full of rice, meat, and vegetables. Moreover,it was very spicy. Before I finished my dinner, I ran out of the dining hall in a mess.

I also remembered that I went out with another international student one day, but we got lost when we were back at school.We asked a lady on the street for help, and she tried to tell us the way in English. We didn’t expect that after knowing that we were international students, she directly sent us back to school, for she was afraid that we would get lost. I felt that the Chinese people are very friendly to us foreigners.

Gradually, I got to know the city of Lanzhou. I like the beef noodles and hot pot here. When there is no class, I want to go to Gansu Provincial Museum, Zhongshan Iron Bridge, White Pagoda Park, Zhengning road night market, and Waterwheel Garden. I would also go to other places to see the Yellow River, the city, and its people. I also went to some other cities in China, such as Shanghai, Xi’an, and Hefei. In China, every city has its beauty. For example, Shanghai is prosperous and modern, and in my eyes, it is the most beautiful city in the world. If you want to come to China, Shanghai is worth seeing.

Time flies, and in this way, I spent two years studying in China.

Firmly Believing to Choose Here

The year 2020 is destined to be a great year. The outbreak of COVID-19 occurred at the beginning of the year. It was like a storm that swept the world. China, especially Wuhan, has experienced a difficult period due to the virus pandemic. We are concerned about the development of the situation every day. Chinese President Xi Jinping has made many televised speeches and personally directed the deployment of epidemic prevention. He conveyed the message to all the Chinese people that the Chinese government and the Chinese people are standing together. The Chinese government will spare no effort to ensure the safety of the people’s lives. Chinese people will join hands in fighting the epidemic. Whenthe epidemic broke out, I was terrified as an international student, but I saw many Chinese doctors left their children and families and rushed to the hospital to work. In a short time, China had built many mobile cabin hospitals to treat and help those patients. And the teachers of Lanzhou Jiaotong University stood beside us for the first time, took 24-hour duty, distributed epidemic prevention materials and food, popularized epidemic prevention knowledge, and took care of us. The secretary and the university principal have come to visit us many times to deliver their care. I was no longer afraid of the virus. Finally, the epidemic was under control, and all 166 international students and staff were free of infection. As an international student from a foreign country, we received a lot of help and care from our teachers and school. We witnessed Chinese people united together to defeat the epidemic. It touched me to see the boundless love of Chinese medical workers. I also admire the excellent leadership and coordination ability of the Chinese government.

During the epidemic period, my motherland, Afghanistan,always believed that Afghan students or staff in China would be safe because our government firmly believed that Afghans in China could have better medical facilities than those in Afghanistan. I also passionately believe that. We are fine and safe.

Now, everything is normal again. The campus is full of laughter as usual. I choose here, enjoy the happy time of studying abroad. I want to express my gratitude to the Chinese people who are hospitable and helpful. I want to express my gratitude to my university and teachers. Their kindness and care for me will drive me to try my best to be an excellent person in the future.