文/Asad Khalil、Rami Khalil 译/史聪一

Rasha Khalil是一名来自叙利亚的发明家、研究员、创意教育家与艺术家,她有一个地道的中国名字:王玲。她曾在中东、北非及多个欧洲国家工作、学习和生活,而今在中国已十余年。对王玲而言,在中国的生活不仅是一次鼓舞人心的经历,还为她的生活平添了独特的色彩,并以意想不到的方式开拓了自身视野。她意识到:中国已经深深地植根于她的潜意识中,并深刻地影响了她的生活,同时不断地塑造她的事业与兴趣。






Rasha Khalil,叙利亚籍,四川外国语大学教授、发明家、研究员。曾获得世界知识产权组织(WIPO)发明奖章、英国肯特自然资源国际基金会奖,2020文明之光·中国文化交流年度人物。


































Rasha Khalil is a Syrian inventor, researcher, creative educator,and artist who lived, studied and worked in multiple countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. She has Lived in China for over ten years. Living in China has been an inspiring experience, added unique colors to Rasha’s life, and enabled her to expand her horizon in unexpected ways. She realized that China is deeply rooted in her consciousness and has profoundly impacted her life and shaped her career and interests.

China is an attractive country

For Rasha, optimizing her education and boosting her profession was of the utmost importance. Therefore, she decided to move to China in 2008. Since then, she has been living in Chongqing. Chongqing is a sprawling municipality surrounded by several mountain ranges, the Yangtze, and the Jialing rivers.Rasha found that the most astonishing aspect of Chongqing is its ability to preserve its natural beauty and cultural appeal despite its fast economic development, colossal manufacturing capacity with a heavy industry background, rapid urbanization,and technological advances.

In a way, Chongqing reflects China’s spirit, the vast land of extraordinary beauty, mighty history, and unlimited possibilities.

Rasha says that living in China is a life-changing experience.Daily, people witness a great leap into the future through the advanced services sector, fast building construction, rapid real estate development, modern agriculture, massive manufacturing capacity, and reliance on high-tech advances in almost every aspect of daily life.

In her opinion, the future is already here, and China has paved the path for others to follow. Yet, Rasha feels she can travel back in time by simply strolling through the traditional alleys, taking a walk on the Great Wall, and wandering in the Forbidden City.She reflected on life while walking in the unique Long Corridor of the Summer Palace, perceiving a valuable sensation from the stunning rock carvings in Dazu Grottoes and standing side by side with thousands of terracotta warriors standing ready for the final battle to honor their emperor.

Simultaneously enjoying the brilliant development advances and exploring China’s ancient civilization with a long historyand deeply rooted culture is only one element of China’s majestic charm.

Another element of China’s exceptional beauty is having a vast,diverse array of extraordinary and breathtaking landscapes and spectacular natural treasures that one needs more than a lifetime to explore and enjoy.

Whenever she has the opportunity, Rasha takes time from her busy schedule to pursue her passion for nature. Rasha’s travels bring her joy and wonder. Each journey has left a positive mark on her life, helping her explore the universe.

Nevertheless, the ultimate and exceptional experience was visiting Yangshuo in 2010. Rasha says that the unique position that Yangshuo occupies in her heart is not because of its distinctive and dramatic limestone karst hills, which resemble warriors resting for a moment on the banks of the Li River. Instead, the magical caves, rice paddies, meandering rivers, enchanted bridges, or even the sea of dense clouds layer covers the valley after heavy rainfall.

Standing at the bottom of those mountains for the first time generated a sweet pain of retrieving long-lost memories. That scenery took her 25 years back in just a matter of seconds. She remembered how the 10-year-old Rasha felt when she watched a documentary on Guilin’s Mountains. She had the same fantastic sensation of that place’s glory and greatness. Yet, for that little girl, Yangshuo was an exotic place far from home. She never imagined that she would be able to visit it in person or listen to the wind whispering to the trees crawling on those hills. She never imagined herself taking a bamboo raft and drifting away into endless serenity with the boatman’s folk songs.

That journey helped Rasha to reconnect to the forgotten sides of herself. She learned that letting go of worries and experiencing the world helps us discover buried yet central parts of ourselves. She began to understand the natural balance in all things and the need for living in spiritual and physical harmony with nature, particularly in a world with severe waves of change.

Still, Rasha believes that people are the essence of China’s beauty and the main element of its glory. Even though the Chinese nation is composed of 56 ethnic groups, people widely share the same core values and principles.

Chinese people are diligent, ambitious, and strive to achieve success. Yet, they emphasize the value of collaborative work.Rasha asserts that the most striking features of Chinese people are modesty, compassion, and frugality, virtues in Chinese culture.

In addition, Chinese culture emphasizes the importance of the family and the community as the pillars of the nation’s development. Furthermore, Chinese people believe in harmonious and peaceful coexistence with nature and others. Chinese people have dearly carried these values, cherished and treasured them despite the technological advancement and living in modernmetropolitan cities.

Build bridge between different cultures

Rasha has been working as a university professor in China for more than a decade. She believes that the concept of education goes beyond learning. She values critical thinking, innovation,and creativity, which have always been distinctive elements of her teaching philosophy.

In her career as an educator in China, Rasha has utilized twenty-five years of diverse and extensive professional experience to create a positive, nurturing, and interactive learning environment that fosters the students’ engagement and perception of academic competence. Rasha guides her students to break down the barriers between individual topics and encourages cross-functional application and transference of knowledge.She always strives to equip, empower, and energize her students. Therefore, she puts them in the driver’s seat and allows them to demonstrate their knowledge and apply it in problemsolving.

She wants her students to optimize their education, develop their expertise to reach their full potential, and be ready for the challenges they will face in the employment market.

Rasha says that during this fantastic adventure in these young and curious minds, she found herself in a unique position where the teacher has become the student. She has learned an incredible amount from her students. Every student she taught in the past ten years has had something to teach her and helped her become a better educator and perfect her career.

More substantially, her students enabled her to embrace and genuinely comprehend the Chinese culture. Every one of them has represented their family and reflected the core values of their community. Thus, working closely with her students has enabled her to explore the depth of Chinese culture in a way she has never imagined.

Rasha considers herself a cultural ambassador between China and the Arab world. She has been striving to raise awareness about Chinese culture’s significance and strength, urging others to learn from it.

To do that, she has utilized her capacity as a researcher and educator to develop and deepen academic and cultural exchanges between Chinese and Arab universities. In addition, she used her art as a communication channel to reflect the magnificence and glory of Chinese culture and build a bridge between different cultures.

Art Empowers Lives

As an artist, Rasha loves painting and sculpting. She has alwaysbeen fascinated by images and how artists represent the world through expressive and visionary work.

In her art, she likes to capture the beauty in ordinary objects and places which not only brings her peace but also offers her a chance to reflect on the beauty in the world. Rasha believes that art in its different forms is a way to channel the artist’s inner energy. Thus she intends to convey the same peace and grace to others, hoping to offer them a moment of deep belonging. She believes that if someone stops for a moment to view and reflect on a piece she has created, she has succeeded in her work.

Observing the vivid and rich traditional Chinese artwork, in which artists strive to find nature within themselves and surrender to its calls rather than attempting to reproduce character as faithful copyists, has not only added new dimension and depth to her art but also profoundly impacted and altered her perception of the nature and the purpose of art. The distinctive characteristics and unique spirit of Chinese painting have impressed her a lot. She finds that the sensation Gongbi and Shuimo give differs from that of oil painting. Both of them have a unique way of reaching consciousness. While the former uses fine strokes and rich colors to produce highly detailed paintings, the latter uses rough and few brush strokes and details and light colors to convey the subject’s essence.

She found the analogies in Chinese painting striking. Mountain peaks represent longevity, bamboos represent humbleness and integrity, while flowers symbolize loneliness, pride, or breaking free. Rasha was amazed to see that Chinese painters express their spirit in a distinctive approach by combining painting and poetry to highlight these analogies further.

To her, the artist’s task exceeds imitating the external surface of things, to present the essence of the surroundings, whether it is a mountain, a tree, a river, an animal, or traditions, by feeling some of this spirit in themselves, and then letting it flows out freely and smoothly through the brush onto canvas or embodying it in sculptures.

Rasha has always cherished this connection between people and nature, opening up immeasurable opportunities and limitless portals to creativity. Her art is a constant search for the ultimate way to decipher her ideas about herself and the world. Therefore,she does not limit herself to one medium, style, or concept because different art mediums allow her to convey diverse ideas.Each piece she creates is simultaneously an extension of the past,a reflection of her present, and a preview of the future.

The Driving Force Behind Her Art. Rasha believes that art empowers lives and enhances society’s well-being. It also affects people from all walks of life who should have access to the power of creativity.

Therefore, she runs creative arts projects to help young people face challenges in their lives and give them a chance to express themselves, build skills, meet other people and nurture their well-being through art.

In addition, Rasha organized several art workshops in collaboration with different NGOs in the Middle East. In these workshops, the power of art-making was employed to empower women living in rural areas and raise awareness of the importance of embracing indigenous knowledge and utilizing it as a means to preserve natural resources and achieve sustainable development. Furthermore, those workshops were platforms for women to discuss their stories of success and stress, shared affirmations, and featured art-making projects such as painting on canvas, stained glass window design and dot painting.

She donated her best artwork to charitable auctions and nonprofit organizations to amplify the significance of environmental and social issues. Her art donation went to poverty alleviation and natural resource conservation.

She strives to extend her effort and do everything she can to serve society and express her deep appreciation and love of China. And she hopes to collaborate with different Chinese organizations and artists to rally support for vulnerable women,education, and fight poverty in rural areas.

In 2020, Rasha was awarded the title of “Light of Civilization -Chinese Cultural Exchange Person of the Year” in recognition of her long-term and constant efforts to strengthen Sino-foreign cultural exchanges.

Rasha believes that her legacy is for every single person. She wants everyone to be inspired by her work. She wants them to be more courageous and decide to take a further step toward a better and brighter future. She wants to make a positive change in the lives of others, no matter how big or small.