

·Reimagining mental health in primary care:a blueprint for STPs 重新定位心理健康在初级保健中的地位:一个可持续转型计划蓝图

·Communicating risk in primary care:what the Academy of Medical Sciences′ report means in practice 初级保健中的沟通风险:医学科学院报告在实践中意味着什么

·Improving recognition of anxiety and depression in rheumatoid arthritis:a qualitative study in a community clinic 提高对类风湿关节炎患者焦虑和抑郁的认知:一项社区诊所的定性研究

·Diagnosis and management of perinatal depression and anxiety in general practice:a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies 全科医生对围生期抑郁和焦虑综合征的诊断与管理:一项质性研究的荟萃分析

·Empathy, burnout, and antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory infections:a cross-sectional primary care study in the US急性呼吸道感染的共情、职业倦怠和抗生素处方:一项来自美国的横断面初级护理研究

·Helpful strategies for GPs seeing patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms:a focus group study 全科医生遇到医学无法解释的症状时的帮助策略:一个焦点小组研究

·Impact of GP reminders on follow-up of abnormal cervical cytology:a before-after study in Danish general practice 全科医生提醒宫颈细胞学异常的后续影响:一项基于丹麦全科医生的研究

·Early intervention in psychosis services 精神病服务的早期干预

·Challenges and pitfalls of antipsychotic prescribing in people with learning disability 对有学习障碍的患者开具抗精神病药物处方的挑战与困难

·IAchieving a balance between the physical and the psychological in headache 头疼患者如何达到生理和心理平衡

·Intrusive thoughts and images of intentional harm to infants in the context of maternal postnatal depression, anxiety, and OCD 在产后抑郁症、焦虑和强迫症的背景下,对婴儿故意伤害的侵入性想法和图像

