马增文 张斌

[摘要] 各种原因所引起的心脏骤停是严重的公共卫生问题,提高心脏骤停患者的存活率是现代医学面临的严峻挑战之一。尽管近年来关于心肺复苏的研究取得很大进展,但患者在恢复自主循环后的预后并没有明显改善。心脏骤停可致凝血功能紊乱,引起一系列生理病理改变,严重影响患者预后,目前已有一些针对该病理变化的临床研究,通过常规及新型凝血功能监测手段探究其发生发展规律,且还有一些基础研究不断推理、验证此病理变化的分子层面机制。然而不同原因引起的心脏骤停,其凝血功能改变是存在差异的,在特殊环境下,如高原地区,具有低气压、低氧相对于平原地区具有特殊外部环境,使得高原地区机体凝血机制异常,其心肺复苏后凝血功能变化存在一定特异性,仍需大量研究去进一步探明其中变化影响,为心肺复苏的个体化治疗提供理论依据。本文就心肺复苏后患者凝血功能改变这一临床研究进展进行综述。

[关键词] 心跳骤停;自主循环恢复;心跳骤停后综合征;凝血功能

[中图分类号] R365          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)14-0194-03

Advances in the study on the alterations of coagulation function after cardiopulmonary resuscitation

MA Zengwen ZHANG Bin

1.Graduate School of Qinghai University, Xining 810016,China; 2.Emergency Intensive Care Unit, Qinghai Provincial People′s Hospital, Xining 810007, China

[Abstract] Cardiac arrest resulted from various causes is a serious public health problem. Improving the survival rate of patients with cardiac arrest has become one of the serious challenges in modern medicine.Despite the great advances in the study on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in recent years, the prognosis of patients after the resumption of autonomic circulation has not improved significantly. Cardiac arrest can lead to coagulation disorders and a series of physiological and pathological alterations,which can seriously affect the prognosis of patients. Currently, some clinical studies have been conducted to investigate the development of these pathological alterations by means of conventional and novel coagulation function monitoring, and some basic studies have been conducted to deduce and verify the molecular-level mechanisms of these pathological alterations. However, there are differences in the alterations of coagulation function in cardiac arrest of different causes. For example, in special environments such as plateau areas, the coagulation mechanism of the body tends to be abnormal since air pressure and oxygen there are relatively lower than in plain areas. Besides, there will be certain specificity in the alterations of coagulation function after CPR, and a lot of studies are still required to further investigate the impact of these alterations, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the implementation of individualized CPR. This paper intends to review the advances in the clinical study on the alterations of coagulation function in patients after CPR.

[Key words] Cardiac arrest; Resumption of autonomic circulation; Post-cardiac arrest syndrome; Coagulation function

心脏骤停是世界上很多地区第一位的死亡原因,调查显示美国的心脏骤停病例总数超过35万例/年[1],而我国则超过54万例/年[2],早期复苏成功的患者入院死亡率可高达60%~80%[3],最终30 d存活率不到10%[4]。复苏后综合征(post-cardiac arrest syndrome, PCAS),是复苏患者自主循环恢复(return of spontaneous circulation,ROSC)主要的死亡原因[3,5]。凝血机制异常是PCAS产生的重要原因之一[6],在ROSC患者中,持续存在凝血被激活,抗凝因子减少,纤溶增加等全身凝血障碍的证据。心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)在近十几年的研究中已取得较大进展,凝血功能改变在心脏骤停、CPR过程中、对患者治疗及预后影响的相关研究也不断深入,本文综述相关的研究进展如下。

1 凝血功能产生的原因及机制


2 凝血功能监测方法


3 监测凝血功能意义

ROSC患者常发生凝血功能紊乱,且在复苏后患者中凝血功能紊乱持续存在,并参与PCAS的发生、发展,对患者病情转归具有及其重要的影响[19],据报道,有凝血障碍的心脏骤停患者的死亡率是无凝血障碍患者的3~4倍[20],因此凝血功能障碍是影响ROSC患者预后的原因之一。心脏骤停后患者凝血功能紊乱的主要改变为凝血功能增强[21],然而实验和临床研究并未证明抗凝剂对心脏骤停和复苏患者是有益的[16]。Satosh等[22]认为,心脏骤停后发生的凝血功能激活、抗凝途径不足、血管内纤维凝块形成等,所引起的脏器功能障碍等一系列病理生理变化符合弥散性血管内凝血(disseminated intravascular coagulation,DIC)的表现。另有研究发现,这种DIC表现是不良预后及早期死亡风险的独立预测因子[7],甚至可预测ROSC患者的神经预后[23-25]。在此观点上认为ROSC患者合并的DIC不是简单的凝血功能紊乱,针对PCAS合并DIC的患者制定相应治疗策略是极其必要的[7]。国内已有学者使用连续性血液净化联合常规方法,对ROSC伴有凝血功能障碍的患者进行治疗并取得一定效果[26],然而该方法对患者远期预后及神经功能恢复的影响仍需多中心大样本量的临床研究数据予以支持。

4 展望



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