
[摘 要]阅读英语绘本,这是一种适合英语初学者进行英语阅读学习的有效方法。对于小学生而言,激发他们的阅读兴趣是提高英语绘本教学效率的关键。英语课堂中,教师可尝试从课堂教学导入、语言知识呈现、语言知识操练和语言知识内化四个维度,通过有效运用预测策略,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生阅读的积极性,培养学生的英语语用能力,建构精彩的英语课堂。


[中图分类号] G623.31[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-9068(2020)24-0046-03


随着课程改革的深入发展和推进,英语绘本教学已经逐步成为小学生补充、完善英语知识的重要途径。绘本,英文称Picture Book,顾名思义是指一种以图画为主,文字为辅,融合视觉艺术与语言艺术而呈现出来的故事书籍。为了能够切实提升学生的英语核心素养和英语学习能力,近年来,南京市小学英语学科教师在教研员张老师的带领下进行英语绘本教学的研究。对于英语绘本教学,每一位教师可能都是初学者,那该如何上好一节英语绘本教学课呢?如何让自己的英语绘本教学更精彩呢?对于一名年轻的英语教师来说,这是一种挑战,也是一个新的成长平台。



教学内容:We all love ice cream


T:Look at the picture,Do you have any questions about the picture?At the same time,the teacher show them some key words,For example:When?How?What?(师出示本课教学内容的封面,引导学生小组讨论猜测)

S1:When do they have lunch?

S2:What do they eat?

S3:What are they talking about?

S4:Who are they?

S5:Why are they laughing?

T:They are eating some ice cream. Do you love ice cream?(师选择性地把学生提出的问题写到黑板上,引导学生利用预测的方式来回答问题,课堂氛围积极热烈)

S:Yes,I am.

T:Me,too. We all love ice cream.(自然引入课文主题)

片段二:The teacher shows a picture of Fred

T:Guess,What does he say?

S6:I am not hungry.

S7:I dont like broccoli.

T:What does Freds Mum say?(学生在教师的引导下大胆猜测)

S8:You must eat broccoli.

S9:Fred,you are not a good boy.

S10:Broccoli is good for you.

片段三:The teacher shows a picture of Fred and Freds Mum

T:What does Fred say?

S11:Mum,why dont you eat your carrots?

T:Wht does Freds Mum say?

S12:But I dont like carrots.(于是教师引导学生猜测Fred是怎幺劝妈妈吃carrots的,并让两个学生一组演一演)

S13:If you eat your carrots,Ill eat my broccoli.

S14:If you eat your carrots,Ill do my homework carefully.

S15:If you eat your carrots,Ill not play computer games.

片段四:The teacher show the end picture of the story

T:(引导学生读图)There are nothing on Fred and his Mums dishes. They are eating ice cream happily. Why?

S16:If you eat your own carrots and broccoli,Ill do the laundry and the dishes.

S17:If you eat your own carrots and broccoli,Ill wash clothes.

S18:If you eat your own carrots and broccoli,Ill buy new clothers for you.

