



By the end of the class, students will be able to:

1.identify present participle and past participle used as complement, understand the benefits of using -ing or -ed form and have preliminary application.

2.know when, why and how to interrupt others politely and put it into practice.

3.have a further discussion about global warming and put forward more solutions.

4.analyze causes, effects, and solutions to different environmental problems by using what they learnt.


Key points:

1.Get the students to briefly analyze some environmental problems as well as some possible solutions represented in the short passages and audio.

2.Get the students to learn a grammatical item - using -ing and -ed form as complement.

3.Get the students to listen to an audio to grasp the gist and details.


1.Get the students to understand similarities and differences between -ing and -ed form as complement.

2.Get the students to summarize the key points while listening to the passage.

3.Get the students to learn how to interrupt others appropriately in a real-life context.


Step 1 Lead-in

Teachers activity:

1.Ask students to brainstorm environmental problems.

2.Show students some pictures related to the topic by using -ing and -ed as complement.

3.Lead students to the topic.

Students activity:

Have a basic understanding of the topic.


1.To activitate students background knowledge.

2.To get the students familiar with “-ing and -ed” as complement.

Step 2 Learning -ing and -ed as complement

Teachers activity:

1.Show students pictures and ask them to choose the correct word.

2.Ask students to observe the sentences together and summarize the functions and usage of -ing and -ed as complement.

Students activity:

1.Read the sentence and make a choice.

2.Summarise the functions and usage of -ing and -ed as complement with the help of the teacher.


1.To encourage students to discover the grammar usage by themselves.

2.To further enhance students understanding of -ing and -ed as complement.



Problem 1 Ocean Animal Endangerment

Teachers activity:

1.Ask students to read the passage and figure out Hannahs special way to help ocean endangered animals.

2.Ask students to choose the correct forms of given verbs.

3.Ask students to figure out which -ing and -ed form is used as complement.

Students activity:

1.Read the passage and find out what is Hannahs special way.

2.Choose correct forms of the given verbs.


To get students to practice -ing and -ed as complement.



Problem 2 Nature Destruction (SNNR)

Teachers activity:

1.Ask students to read the interview and answer the question.

2.Help students rewrite the underlined sentences using -ing or -ed form as complement.

3.Fill in the mind map together.

Students activity:

1.Read the interview and answer three questions.

2.Rewrite the sentences using complement.

3.Fill in the mind map with the help of the teacher.


To help students consolidate the application of  -ing or -ed  form as complement in a real-life context.



Problem 3 Smog (listening)

Teachers activity:

1.Ask students to read the introduction part and fill in the mind map.

2.Play the audio and ask students to complete the slides.

3.Check the answers with the class.

4.Ask students to recall how the listeners interrupt the speaker and give more relevant expressions.

5.Have a similar conversation with students about another topic-recycling.Practice how to interrupt politely.

Students activity:

1.Fill in the mind map.

2.Listen to the lecture and complete the slides.

3.Check the answers with the teacher.

4.Talk about how to interrupt politely.

5.Listen to the teacher carefully and try to practice how to interrupt others.


1.To train students to grasp the main idea and key information of the listening materials.

2.To help students learn how to interrupt politely.

3.To help students learn more about the factual information about recycling.

4.To encourage students to practice interrupting others politely.



Problem 4 Global warming

Teachers activity:

Before class:

1.Help students learn the expressions and complete the brochure on page66.

2.Ask studennts to research information about causes, effects, solutions and slogans of global warming and design a brochure.

3.Provide each group with useful advice on how to present the brochure to the whole class.

During the class:

4.Listen to each groups presentation with the whole class and evaluate their work.

Students activity:

Before class:

1.Learn useful expressions and how to make a brochure.

2.Research information about global warming and work in group to design a brochure.

3.Choose one presenter to show the group brochure.

During the class:

4.Listen to each groups presentation with the whole class.


1.To deepen students understanding of global warming.

2.To help students develop comprehensive skills, like how to research and process information, how to spread opinions effectively, and how to cooperate with others.




*ocean - get...involved                  * S+P+O+C

*nature - keep...untouched                         -ing/ -ed

*air - make ...follow rules                   * interrupt politely

*waste - have ...classified/

reduced/ reused/ recycled

*global warming  ?








在每个单元教学的最后一个课时,都会开展“双P”教学实践,所谓“双P”指的是外研版新教材每个单元学习的最后一环即Presenting ideas 和Project 部分。该部分注重学生在知识与技能发展的基础上,通过迁移创新的语言实践活动发展学生的综合素养。学生在开放性活动中,彼此合作,展现个性,充分表达自己对单元主题思想的理解和认识,这样的课程设置为强基的实现打下了坚实的基础。

编辑/王    波