
摘  要:信息技术发展日新月异,在我国的教育事业当中的应用也越来越广。小学信息技术的教学实效性和教学质量紧密关联,在小学阶段的信息技术课教学中要与时俱进,要重视对学生的能力培养,培养小学生自主开展学习的能力,将学生培养成为能够独立思考,能够应用现代技术的人才,这才是信息技术课的教学目标。文章主要探讨关注小学生自主学习能力的培养,充实信息技术课堂的教学内容与教学价值体系,创新小学信息技术的教学,让学生能够掌握实用的信息技术。


【中图分类号】G622.0       【文献标识码】A          【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)35-0028-02

Carry out Independent Learning to Improve Students' Comprehensive Ability

CHEN Zhiqing(Longhai Floating Central Primary School,Zhangzhou City,FujianProvince,China)

【Abstract】With the rapid development of information technology,it is more and more widely used in China's education. The teaching effectiveness of information technology in primary school is closely related to the teaching quality. In the teaching of information technology in primary school,we should keep pace with the times,pay attention to the cultivation of students' ability,cultivate pupils' ability to carry out learning independently,and cultivate students into talents who can think independently and apply modern technology. This is the teaching goal of information technology. This paper mainly discusses the cultivation of pupils' autonomous learning ability,enriching the teaching content and teaching value system of information technology classroom,innovating the teaching of information technology in primary school,so that students can master practical information technology.

【Keywords】Primary school;Information technology class;Independent learning;Ability


