
The world is but a canvas to the imagination.

——Henry David Thoreau


Creativity is not,as some would have us believed,something to be taken lightly.More than painting pictures orcomposing original music—creativity could rightly be considered a healing force for societies overwhelmed by the ongoing utilitarian struggles of humanity.Call it a cure for depression,an escape from working—class drudgery,catharsis for the stress and worry that accumulates within us all.Or just call it a fun and productive way to wile away an afternoon.


But the spark of creativity is not always easily lit.As children,our creative zeal is generally encouraged and allowed tothrive,but as we move into adulthood that zeal tends to atrophy from neglect.Other things take over our lives,such as hectic career schedules and increased social pressure to achieve"status".According to Elisabeth Keating inPieces of Beauty,this is an unhealthy trend spawned from an overly materialistic culture.She gose on to detail the spiritual benefits of a more creative life.


Tongue in cheek,Melvin Durai exposes creativity from a more "everyday" andpractical angle in his humorous piece,Let theBeer Come to You.Not only have great minds invented personal computers and cell phone technology,they might also bless us with beertossing refrigerators and couches that spit out lost remote controls.

Melvin Durai在用他的诙谐作品《让啤酒来到你的身边》开玩笑似的从日常和实践的角度剖析创造性。

Clearly,the expression of artistic creativity throughout history has been just a instrumental in improving the human condition as any business venture or economic boom.Without it there would be no great works of art to enjoy and puzzle over,no songs to sing badly in the shower,no ho new fashion trends,no novels to read.I ask you,is that the sort of world you want to live in?



Many years ago, when I saw a movie, I was very impressed by the words that spoken by the protagonist. He asked the guy what was the most precious thing in the 21th century, the guy had no idea and he told him that the talent was needed. It is true that talents are welcomed everywhere, because they can meet the value that a company needs. So in the job market, they are always popular. The meaning of a talent is the creativity. To be creative, we need to scan overall information, so as to sort out the new point. What's more, we need to take care of the things around us. Someday the idea will come without preparation. If we are equipped with enough information and skills, success comes at hand.


Since I go to school, I have to do the morning exercise from Monday to Friday. When the familiar music plays, my body will shake unexpectly. The school morning exercise has become part of my life, I will never forget about these action. Recently, it has been reported that some schools have make some changes in the morning exercise. They teach the students the new style exercise with the popular music. A video has been played on the Internet and people like it so much. I think it is a good change, the students are full of passion and they enjoy it. Doing the morning exercise is not longer a boring task.


Many years ago, I saw a very impressive movie.

The protagonist asked another character about what was the most precious thing in the new era and the answer was talent. Indeed, today, the talents are favored by the job market, because technology industry develops very fast and the talents can create new products.

So we need to have open minded and see more things around the world, only in this way can we find more ideas, thus comes the creative thoughts.

Since we are young , we need to learn more knowledge and equip ourselves with all kinds of skills, then we can make more creative idea into practical.