

(noun) A favorable opinion of a person, often mixed with a feeling of admiration and warm regard. (NOTE: also used as verb meaning “to hold in high regard.”)

EXAMPLE: Our companys modest boss is both friendly and intelligent, so the other employees and I all hold her in great esteem.


gleanings 1.搜集来的信息(名词);2.落穗(名词)

1. (noun) Small amounts of information gathered bit by bit over time.

EXAMPLE: Great scienti?ic studies often result from the gleanings of many patient researchers.


2. (noun) Small but useful bits of grain left in a ?ield after a harvest.

EXAMPLE: After gathering their annual crop, the farmers were able to feed their livestock with the gleanings that remained.


holdup 1.抢劫(名词);2.障碍(名词)

1. (noun) A face-to-face robbery occurring in a speci?ic location, such as a bank, that involves the intimidation of a group, such as bank customers.

EXAMPLE: Our bank maintains strong security, and has not experienced a holdup in over ?ifty years.


2. (noun) Anything that blocks or delays a process.

EXAMPLE: The factory manager has just discovered a serious holdup that often delayed production, and wants to ?ix it immediately.



(noun) A small restaurant open for breakfast and lunch only, usually offering quick service and simple food at low prices.

EXAMPLE: Because we usually dont have a lot of time, my coworkers and I often like to eat lunch in the luncheonette across the street from our o?ice.



(noun) Someone who enjoys going to movie theaters frequently.

EXAMPLE: Im an avid moviegoer, and try to go see a couple new movies every month.



cow someone into something威胁某人做某事

To intimidate someone into a certain behavior; to frighten by making threats.

EXAMPLE: My ferocious aunt often cows her timid husband into buying her expensive clothing and jewelry they cannot afford.

我的凶猛的姑妈通常威胁她的胆怯的丈夫,给她买他们难以负担的昂贵衣服和珠宝。crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪,虚情假意(成语)

(IDIOM) Any expression of false, insincere sorrow, usually as a way of hiding ones secret joy at someone elses misfortune.

EXAMPLE: My jealous cousin wept crocodile tears when her sisters handsome boyfriend broke up with her.


have one foot in the grave垂老之人

Describing someone as elderly and probably useless. (NOTE: impolite but common humorous expression)

EXAMPLE: “To grow and prosper, our company needs young and enthusiastic new managers with fresh ideas,” our elderly president joked, “instead of old people like me with one foot in the grave.”


long face不愉快的脸色

A sad and miserable facial expression.

EXAMPLE: When my brother returned home from the basketball championship game with a long face, I knew right away that his favorite team had lost.


nooks and crannies隐匿处(传统词组)

(TRADITIONAL COLLOCATION) Small, sometimes hidden places, or parts of something, in which it may often be di?icult to ?ind something.

EXAMPLE: After our grandfather died, we looked in all the nooks and crannies of his huge old house, but we were unable to ?ind the album of old photographs he often talked about.


to back off后撤

To retreat from a situation in order to avoid an unpleasant confrontation.

EXAMPLE: My two brothers often argue at family gatherings, but my sister prefers to back off.
