




目的 探讨新生儿科光疗患儿护理风险管理的应用价值。方法 回顾性分析本院2014年1月—2016年6月新生儿科光疗患儿91例的临床资料,男51例(56.04%),女40例(43.96%),足月72例(79.12%),早产儿19例(20.88%),出生日龄(14.26±3.14)d,体质量(3.26±1.52)kg,光疗持续时间(31.24±10.11)h,对全部新生儿科光疗患儿实施护理风险管理。结果 对91例新生儿科光疗患儿执行及时有效的护理风险管理,护理安全隐患事件、医疗事故与护患纠纷均为0.00%,护理满意度为100.00%;护理风险管理有效减少护理安全隐患事件,确保新生儿科光疗患儿顺利完成光疗,避免护理不当而导致的医疗事故与护患纠纷发生,保证护理安全,改善患儿家属对护理工作的满意程度。结论 新生儿科光疗患儿护理风险管理的应用价值显着,值得临床推广应用。



1 资料与方法

1.1 临床资料

回顾性分析本院2014年1月—2016年6月新生儿科光疗患儿91例的临床资料。纳入标准:全部患儿均具有蓝光治疗的适应证(血清胆红素>205 mol/L),符合高胆红素血症的诊断标准,出生日龄<28 d,患儿监护人同意参加本研究试验并签署知情同意书。排除标准:具有蓝光治疗的禁忌症,中途退出研究。91例新生儿科光疗患儿中,其中男51例(56.04%),女40例(43.96%),足月72例(79.12%),早产儿19例(20.88%),出生日龄2~28 d,平均出生日龄(14.26±3.14)d,体质量2.14~4.85 kg,平均体质量(3.26±1.52)kg,光疗持续时间19~50 h,平均光疗持续时间(31.24±10.11)h。

1.2 观察方法



1.3 护理方法


To Explore the Nursing Risk Management of Neonatal Phototherapy in Children

Huang Aiyuan,Hou Guijuan
(The Third Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510000,China)

Objectiveto investigate the application value of nursing risk management of neonatal phototherapy in children.Methodsa retrospective analysis of our hospital from January 2014 to June 2016 during the neonatal phototherapy in patients with the clinical data of 91 cases,51 cases were male (56.04%),40 cases were female (43.96%),(79.12%),72 cases of full-term infants 19 cases (20.88%),age (14.26 + 3.14) d,body weight (3.26 + 1.52) kg phototherapy duration (31.24 + 10.11) h,the implementation of nursing risk management for all freshmen pediatric phototherapy in children.Resultsthe nursing risk management in a timely and effective in 91 cases of neonatal phototherapy were performed,nursing safety events,medical accident and nursing disputes were 0%, nursing satisfaction was 100%;the nursing risk management can effectively reduce the nursing safety hazard event,to ensure that light therapy of neonatal phototherapy were successfully completed,avoid medical accidents caused by improper nursing and the nurse patient disputes,ensure nursing safety,improve the degree of satisfaction of the families of children with nursing work.Conclusionthe application value of nursing risk management in children with neonatal phototherapy is significant,it is worthy of clinical application.

newborn;phototherapy;nursing;risk management
