

1. Ss will be able to listen、say、read and write the sentences“What can we do to…? We can…”

2. Ss will be able to listen、say、read and write the words“keep/clean”.

3. Ss will be able to listen、say、read the words and phrases “bin/ plant/more/rubbish/move…away from”.


1. Ss will be able to use some expressions about giving opinions to make our city clean.

2. Ss will be able to know how to make our city clean.


1. Ss will be able to have strong responsibility to keep our city clean.

2. Ss will have a better understanding of keeping our city clean.

教学重点:Know how to use some expressions about keeping our city clean.

教学难点:Know how to use the expressions properly in their daily life.

教学准备:pictures ppt

学情分析:My students are primary school students who are in Grade 6 .They are lively and lovely .They have a strong desire for knowledge .To keep our city clean,they are also very interested in. They have already learned some words and expressions about keeping our city clean .This will help them learn new knowledge easily. However,there are some students who are lack of words and phrases to make sentences about keeping our city clean.

教学安排:Before class

(学生活动)Ask students to preview words by looking up the dictionary. Serf the Internet to find some information about keeping our city clean and write down. During class

Leading in:(教师活动)ppt shows some pictures which are making our city dirty to students. Guide them to watch the picture carefully. What can you see? And say to your partners . Give students the structure “I can see…There is/are…”

(学生活动)Do what teacher asks

Presentation:1.(教师活动) Ok,you are talking excitedly. But,do you think ”What can we do to keep our city clean?(板书) ” And then read the sentence 5times.Show the Chinese mean to students.

(学生活动)Students just listen quietly.

2.教学生认读“What can we do to keep our city clean?”

(学生活动)①read after the tape 5 times.

②read in groups(group 1/2/3/4)

③read to your partners

④play a game 读句子比赛。

3.(教师活动)T:“What can we do to keep our city clean?”Guide students to answer and give the sentence structure(We can…)

(学生活动)Ss:students write down the answers on the paper as more as possible.

4.(教师活动)T:collects the answers and write down on the blackboard .

We can take the bus and the metro to school.

We can walk to school.

We can move some factories away from our city.

We can put rubbish in the bin.

We can plant more trees.

Practice:① Students copy the sentences 1 time.

②Ask and answer (教师活动) T:“what can we do to make our city clean?”

(学生活动)s1:We can…./s2:We can….s3…..

③Do a servey (组长问:what can we do to make our city clean? 组员答:we can…..小组大声齐读出servey)

Homework:1 .Read the writing design 10 times

2. Copy the word “keep/clean”4 times.