
摘  要:“吴下琴川古有名,放舟落日偶经行。七溪流水皆通海,十里青山半入城。”明代诗人沈玄一首《过海虞》,完美勾勒了一幅常熟风景画。以地方特色文化为切入口,通过个性化校本课程这个平台,让学生的生活细节成为其人生大阅读的外延,进而感受虞韵之美,培养浓郁乡情。创新与严谨一色,内涵与形式齐飞,让理性的校本教材落地生根,促学生的文化情愫发芽开花。


【中图分类号】G622.0       【文献标识码】A          【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)35-0034-02

On the Development and Application of School-based Teaching Materials with Local Characteristics

ZHU XiaoQi  (Chongwen Primary School in Changshu City,Jiangsu Province,China)

【Abstract】"Wu Xiaqinchuan is famous in ancient times,and the boats and sunsets occasionally travel. Seven streams and rivers all lead to the sea,and ten miles of green mountains and half into the city." The poet Shen Xuan of the Ming Dynasty,"Crossing the Sea",perfectly outlines a Changshu landscape painting . Taking the local characteristic culture as the entry point,through the platform of personalized school-based curriculum,students' life details become the extension of their life reading,and then they can feel the beauty of Yu Yun and cultivate a strong nostalgia. Innovation and rigor are the same,connotation and form fly together,allowing rational school-based teaching materials to take root,and promoting students' cultural sentiment to blossom.

【Keywords】Local characteristics;School-based teaching materials