

Beijing’s First Driverless Subway Line on Trial Run近日,连接西南郊区和中心市区的燕房线——北京第一条无人驾驶地铁线路——开始第一次试运行。这也是首都第一条全自动、全装备国产技术的地铁线路。无人驾驶地铁线路和普通线路的区别是,无人驾驶技术让地铁列车不需要驾驶员任何操作、自动完成所有的行驶程序,包括行驶、停车、再启动、打开和关闭车门以及返回等。该地铁线路预计将于2017年年底正式开放给市民。

The Yanfang line, Beijing’s first driverless subway line connecting the city’s southwest suburbs to its central urban district started its first pilot run recently.It is also the capital city’s first subway line that is fully automatic, and fully equipped with domestic technology.The difference between the driverless subway line and the ordinary line is that the driverless technology allows the subway train to automatically complete all running procedures, including traveling, dormancy, awakening, opening and closing train doors, as well as returning, without any operations by drivers.The line is expected to officially open to citizens at the end of 2017.


Palace Museum Annex to be Built in Hong Kong北京故宫博物院的一个“分号”将于2022年在香港开业。这一文化项目旨在让当地居民和游客能够看到中国最珍贵的文物。受空间的限制,北京故宫博物院每年只能展出不到百分之一的收藏品。博物院一直在寻找机会越过紫禁城深红色的墙壁,展示其更多的文物。香港的博物院将位于西九龙文化区,占地一万平方米。它的展品预计将包括具有紫禁城的历史和帝国生活的文物,以及其永久收藏的绘画、书法和陶瓷。

A branch of Beijing’s Palace Museum is set to open in Hong Kong in 2022.The cultural project is designed to allow local residents and tourists there to view some of China’s most treasured artifacts. Limited by space, Beijing’s Palace Museum is only capable of displaying less than one percent of its collection each year. The museum has been looking for opportunities to present more of its cultural relics beyond the crimson walls of the Forbidden City.The museum in Hong Kong will be built on a 10-thousand square meter site in the West Kowloon Cultural District. Its exhibits are expected to include cultural relics featuring the Forbidden City’s history and imperial life, along with paintings, calligraphy and ceramics from its permanent collection.


Summer Palace Opens Of cial Taobao Store


The Summer Palace in Beijing recently opened its official online store, "Royal Business Street," on e-commerce platform Taobao.According to Summer Palace authorities, a total of 53 items are currently available for purchase. The items are largely cultural and creative souvenirs, including ornaments, books, clothes, bags, stationary, souvenirs and birthday gifts. The cheapest item is paper towels, selling for 3 RMB per pack; the most expensive item is an APEC silk shawl, priced at 9,980 RMB.Sales of the products from Aug. 16 to Oct. 8 of 2016 reached 830,000 RMB. In addition to online sales, the Summer Palace has also opened two brick-and-mortar stores in the Renshou Hall area.