
【摘 要】《绿色山墙的安妮》是蒙哥马利的第一部小说,她以文学形象确立了自己的国际声誉。这部小说非常成功,它被改编成不同版本的电影,受到来自世界各地的人们的喜爱。本文试图从三个角度分析小说的成功要素:安妮的魅力特征、教学的普遍主题以及女性主义写作的视角。


【Abstract】“Anne of Green Gables” is the first novel written by Montgomery which has established her international fame as a literary figure. The novel is so successful that it is put into films of different versions and enjoyed by people from all over the world. This thesis is trying to analyze the elements that lead to the success of the novel from three angles: the attractive characteristics of Anne, the universal theme of instruction as well as the feministic perspective of writing.

【Key words】“Anne of Green Gables”; Characteristics of Anne; Universal theme; Feministic perspective

Nearly a hundred years ago, Lucy Maud Montgomery, the famous Canadian writer, wrote her first novel “Anne of Green Gables” based on her life experience at Cavendish. The story takes place in Prince Edward Island. Anne, a young red-haired girl, is taken to the house of Matthew Cuthbert, a bachelor and his spinster sister Marilla, who decide to adopt a male orphan that would help them with the farm work. At first, Anne is not welcomed and she displays a talent for making mistakes that always getting her into trouble. While being a good-natured, optimistic girl, Anne finally wins respect and love from both the family and the school. The novel was an immediate success and won recognition from all over the world. It is put into films of different versions. Next, I will analyze he reasons for the success of the novel from three angles: the attractive characteristics of Anne, the universal theme of instruction as well as the feministic perspective of writing.

The success of “Anne of Green Gables” is largely due to the wonderful presentation of the characteristics of the heroin---Anne. She is not beautiful and lacks of care and attraction from others. At the same time, she is helpless. These points may contribute to her strange way of thinking and many of her actions are not accepted by others. So at first, she always gets into trouble. However, unlike other children of this type, Anne is hard-working and full of hope for the future. Even in the worst situation, “Optimism” is still the key word in her mind. It is her good nature and her optimistic spirit that helps her out and wins her love and and respect. Having a forgiving heart is another aspect of Annes characteristic. Anne is grateful for those who have ever helped her. While at the same time, she forgives those who have ever hurt her. She is often scolded by Mrs. Marilla at the beginning of the story. Instead of complaints, she thinks in the way of others and returns good for evil. At last, she wins the love of Marilla and they get along quite well with each other. Anne is also full of imagination, and her imagination brings us to a world of sunshine and flower. This is also helpful for the success of the novel.

A universal theme is attached to any work that can be called as classic. Although a hundred years has passed, “Anne of Green Gable” is still loved by readers just for its universal theme of instruction. Annes life experience is the experience of every human being must face, including growing up, studying, falling in love, getting married, giving birth and working. From this perspective, “Anne of Green Gables” is an instructive novel for young readers. It tells them to face difficulty with a calm and loving heart; it teaches them how to be confident in a bad situation; it instructs them to love nature and live with an optimistic spirit; it also shows the importance of knowledge. For young people, Annes personality would benefit them a lot. In a material-oriented society, the novel is quite instructive. Such as one criticizer has ever said: “There is an ‘Anne in every child. We must not destroy it with money and fame.”

Feministic perspective of writing is also a distinguished feature of the novel. By Anne and a series of female characters, Montgomery shows us the way of life of women in a small village in Canada and their efforts to get their own rights. By this, Montgomery presents the life of women as a whole. If we put the novel in the history of the feminist movement, it mainly focuses on two aspects: womens education and womens position in society. The touch of this hot problem catches the attention of the public and enlarges the popularity of the novel.





