



创伤性关节炎; Lisfranc损伤; 内固定术


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 选取2009年11月-2012年4月本院19例伴有Lisfranc损伤的患者,其中男15例,女4例;年龄21~58岁,平均41岁;患者经历了开放/闭合复位和内固定(采用空心螺钉和克氏针),伴有Lisfranc损伤(图1)。排除瘦弱、先天性畸形、先天性神经系统疾病、挤压伤的患者。Lisfranc骨折分型:同侧(I型)7例,单独型(II型)7例,分离型(III型)5例。患者中右足损伤10例,开放性骨折6例,多重创伤3例;3例有身体同侧的下肢骨折,8例损伤5个跖跗关节,4例仅损伤了内侧柱,3例仅损伤后柱,6例单纯韧带损伤,13例骨折脱位。对于上述lisfranc损伤骨折情况不稳定的患者笔者采用切开复位内固定术(用螺钉和克氏针),这些患者被定义为在负重位X线上内侧柱排列紊乱移位>1 mm,或者骰骨和第四跖骨在斜位片上排列紊乱,或者第二跖骨和中间楔骨在正侧位X线片上丢失正常的队列[11]。

图1 Lisfranc损伤及术后复查

1.2 手术方法 肿胀消退后,患者接受治疗,所有患者先进行闭合复位,闭合复位失败后采用切开复位内固定术。在第一和第二跖骨基底之间背侧踇长伸肌腱旁侧做一个长切口,背内侧皮神经的内侧分支注意保护。如果视野紧张,切口可以延长到末端伸肌支持带[3,12]。足背动脉和腓深神经通过可伸缩性线圈游离。复位从第二跖骨楔骨关节开始[13]。然后复位跖骨基底骨折,小的不可复位的碎片被移除。开放性骨折要反复大量的冲洗。空心螺钉从内侧楔骨横向方向钉入,用克氏针和巾钳临时固定,经皮导针沿着远端到近端方向钉入,影像学控制下观察复位情况,术中直径4 mm空心螺钉被使用,术中要注意螺钉头的埋入情况,避免刺激伸肌腱。随后第一和第三跖骨楔骨关节复位用同样的方式固定,第四和第五跖跗关节的稳定性自然恢复。如果仍然不稳定,可在与第一切口平行的基础上做第二切口,用克氏针固定。在关闭伤口的过程中避免缝合线过紧。其中5例采用空心螺钉固定,4例采用克氏针固定,10例同时采用空心螺钉和克氏针固定。


1.3 评价标准 疼痛、功能和外观通过MFS评分系统和AOFAS评分系统评估[12-15]。以负重位X线片评估骨不连、半脱位、排列紊乱和术后创伤关节炎。解剖对齐:在正侧位X线片跖骨的内侧缘与中间楔骨一致,在斜位片上第4跖骨的内侧缘与骰骨相一致,在斜位片上第三跖骨的外侧缘与外侧楔骨相一致,平足测量根据骰骨的跖侧缘和第四跖骨的基底部的距离。

图2 拔出克氏针后X线

1.4 统计学处理 采用SPSS 19.0统计学软件对数据进行处理,计量资料采用(±s)表示,比较采用t检验,计数资料比较采用 χ2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果


表1 不同复位和骨折类型患者的MFS、AOFAS评分的比较(±s) 分

表1 不同复位和骨折类型患者的MFS、AOFAS评分的比较(±s) 分

分类 组别 MFS平均分 P值 AOFAS平均分 P值复位 解剖组(n=14) 80.40±4.11 0.0009 79.30±4.85 0.0007非解剖组(n=5) 69.40±6.07 67.50±5.13损伤 仅韧带损伤组(n=6) 72.10±7.34 0.09 73.50±6.34 0.075骨与韧带损伤组(n=13) 78.10±6.85 79.30±5.54骨折 开放组(n=5) 71.40±8.47 0.08 75.00±7.87 0.37闭合组(n=14) 77.90±5.93 78.40±6.35跖跗关节损伤的数量 <5(n=11) 74.70±7.85 0.36 76.00±7.35 0.25 5(n=8) 78.00±5.86 79.60±5.52复位 切开复位(n=14) 77.70±6.64 0.12 79.00±6.47 0.11闭合复位(n=5) 72.00±7.21 73.40±6.23

3 讨论




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Clinical Research on Postoperative Lisfranc Injury Traumatic Arthritis

GUO Hong-liang,HAN Ya-jun,Yilihamutuoheti.//Medical Innovation of China,2014,11(24):034-037

Objective:Clinical research on Lisfranc injury traumatic arthritis postoperative.Method:19 cases of Lisfranc injury traumatic arthritis postoperative were selected, 15 men and 4 women, aged 21 to 58 (average, 41)years. The patients all were received Lisfranc fractures underwent open/closed reduction and internal fixation (used screw and wire). Fractures were classified as homolateral (n=7), isolated (n=7), and divergent (n=5). 6 patients had open fractures; 8 patients injured 5 tarsometatarsal joints; and 6 patients had pure ligamentous injury. Outcome was assessed using the Maryland foot score(MFS) and the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score. Weight-bearing radiographs were evaluated for non-union, subluxation, malalignment, and post-traumatic arthritis.Result:Patients were followed up for 24 to 40 ((average, 30) months. Patients with anatomic reduction achieved higher mean AOFAS foot score (79.3±4.85 vs 67.5±5.13,P=0.0007) and Maryland foot score (80.4±4.11 vs 69.4±6.07,P=0.0009) than did patients with non-anatomic reduction. Post-traumatic arthritis occurred significantly more often in patients with non-anatomic than anatomic reduction (3/5 vs 1/14,P=0.037). 4 patients developed post-traumatic arthritis, one of whom also developed lateral subluxation after implant removal, 2 patients developed flat foot. 2 patients had severe symptoms that limited function, one of whom underwent an arthrodesis. 2 patients with compound fractures developed superficial infections. 3 patients had broken screws.Conclusion:Lisfranc injury patients treated with anatomical repositioning, curative effect is good, seldom develop arthritis.

Post-traumatic arthritis; Lisfranc injury; Open reduction


2014-02-19) (本文编辑:蔡元元)


①新疆医科大学第二附属医院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830063


First-author’s address:The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830063,China