
【摘  要】企业在校园招聘是大学生实现就业的主要渠道之一,也是许多企业获得优秀员工的重要渠道之一。目前,应届毕业生越来越多,应届毕业生的求职观念发生了变化,企业招聘也需要作出相应的调整,特别是企业在校园招聘方面需要全新定位。论文运用访谈法与调查研究法,以参加广东职业技术学院2019年招聘会的企业为调研对象,分析企业校园招聘的现状,找出其存在的问题及其影响因素,并针对其中存在的问题提出相应的解决对策。希望该研究结果能为各大企业的校园招聘起到帮助、参考、借鉴的作用。

【Abstract】Enterprise recruitment in campus is one of the main channels for college students to achieve employment, and it is also one of the important channels for many enterprises to obtain excellent employees. At present, the number of new graduates continues to increase, and their job hunting ideas have changed. Enterprises need to make corresponding adjustments in recruitment, especially in the campus recruitment aspect, enterprises need to carry on the brand-new localization. This paper uses the methods of interview and survey research, taking the enterprises participating in the recruitment fair of Guangdong Polytechnic in 2019 as the research object, analyzes the current situation of campus recruitment of enterprises, finds out the existing problems and their influencing factors, and puts forward corresponding solving countermeasures for the existing problems. It is hoped that the research results can play a role of help and reference for the campus recruitment of major enterprises.


【Keywords】enterprises; campus recruitment; existing problems; solving countermeasures

【中图分类号】F272.92                               【文献标志码】A                                   【文章编号】1673-1069(2020)10-0086-02

1 引言


2 调查


3 问题

3.1 校园招聘中企业存在的问题

3.1.1 招聘人员缺乏经验,专业水平较低
