【Abstract】 Chongqing is abundant in rich and unique historical resources of the united front. To strengthen the construction and development of the traditional education base of Chinas united front is of great significance to strengthen the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC, consolidate and develop the cause of multi-party cooperation, and promote the continuous development of the united front work in China. This paper analyzes the significance, present situation, existing problems and measures of the construction of base.

【Key words】Traditional Education; Chinas United Front


1. The significance

The traditional education base of China united front in Chongqing, approved by the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, was officially established  in  Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary Memorial Hall on January 20, it set the functions of propaganda, education, training, research as one. The resources of the united front in Chongqing are abundant and unique, there are more than 80 sites including the Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary Memorial Hall,  South Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and  Former Site of the Office of the Eighth Route Army in Chongqing, Zhou Gong Guan, Gui Yuan, Democatic Parties History Museum of China (Te Yuan),  Fomer Residence of Song Qingling, Former Business Department of Xinhua Daily, Chongqing Gele Mountain Martyrs Cemetery, etc, they are closely connected with the history of the united front. The history of the united front in Chongqing is vividly embodies the theory and policy of the CPCs united front, reflects the national spirit of the Chinese people to unite against aggression and fight hard in bloody battles, reflects the good traditions of the CPC and the democratic parties to work together through thick and thin, it is one of the best materials of the united front for propaganda. The excavation, utilization and research of  the united front resources in Chongqing is an important magic weapon to further consolidate and develop the patriotic united front in the new stage of the new century. It is of great significance to make new contributions to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

2. Current situation

In recent years, under the guidance of United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee and the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, the construction of  base has been highly valued, the speed of its development has been accelerated. The base integrates resources, grasps the key points, builds the venues of base elaborately, plays an exemplary role. Chongqing develops the activity according to local conditions, extends four big functions of the base including education, propaganda, training and research. The base serves members of the national united front and has a wide and profound social influence. Since the establishment of the base, especially since the opening of the Democatic Parties History Museum of China (Te Yuan), it has become an important training place for leading cadres of party and government, cadres of united front work and members of democratic parties. The education and training function of the base is prominent, and achievements in application of united front theoretical research and achievements in practice and innovation are outstanding.

3. The main problems

The management mechanism needs to be further improved and perfected. Due to the lack of effective incentive mechanism, the service level and work ability of some employees need to be improved. Besides, insufficient investment in construction funds affects sustainable development.

4. Suggestions and main measures

4.1 We should take account of long-term development, achieve consensus of opinion and perfect functional orientation. We should focus on serving the whole country, give full play to the bases unique advantages, and develop it into a comprehensive demonstration base for education, training, publicity and research in the national united front system.

4.2 We should integrate forces and increase input , implement the central leaderships important directive spirit, and strive to improve the function of education base of the united front.

4.3 We must give full play to our advantages to serve the overall situation, persist in serving the whole country and the overall situation of the united front, and play its role of leading.

4.4 We need to perfect system and management in order to put functions of the base into full play.  It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, improve the coordination mechanism , strengthen the team construction and strive to improve the quality of personnel. We should enhance training of through classes, lectures, activities and other various forms to create a team with high political quality, strong professional ability, rational construction ,relative stability and vitality.