






没有语法,表达甚微;没有词汇,无法表达。不管一个人的语法学得有多好,语音语调多幺漂亮,没有词汇来表达各种意义,语言交际就难以实现(张维友 1997)。词汇是语言知识的重要组成部分,是学生语言能力发展的基础。很多学生都抱怨词汇学习乏味低效,单词背了就忘,记住了也不会用。在词汇教学中,语言输入的主要形式是单词的定义和例句。例句展示了单词在具体语境中的用法,但教学用的很多例句平淡,很难给学生留下深刻印象,但如果选用耳熟能详、语言精练的成语,并将其适时地引入词汇教学,则可以让学生体会词汇学习的乐趣,进而积极有效地扩充学生的词汇量。


(一)There are one hundred things to attend to.(百端待举)Thousandsand tensof thousands.(成千上万)A thousandmountainsand ten thousand rivers.(千山万水)Thousandsand thousands ofwords.(千言万语)通过观察和比较,学生很容易发现何时词尾加s,何时不加s。

(二)学习without时引入To leavewithoutsaying goodbye(不辞而别),让学生明白w ithout后跟动名词。

(三)教seem时用One day seems like a year.(度日如年)

(四)last作不及物动词时可用Happy days do not last long.(好景不长)

(五)引入Congratulations on your new home.(乔迁之喜)教授congratulations的用法。


(六)To kill a tighterw ithbare hands and to crossa river on foot.(暴虎冯河)To hearw ithone’s own earsand to seewithone’sown eyes.(耳闻目睹)

(七)To run in theoppositedirection.(背道而驰)

(八)To tella dream toa foolandthe foolbelieves it to be true.(痴人说梦)


(十)Tocalleach otherbrothers.(称兄道弟)To callwhite black and black white.(颠倒黑白)To go along a zigzag.(拐弯抹角)

(十一)Lostand found.(失而复得)





(一)学习from...to...短语时,引入From one house to another.(挨家挨户)Begood from beginning to end.(善始善终)

(二)“把……变成……引入”White clouds change into grey dogs.(白云苍狗)To turn a stone into gold.(点石成金)

(三)“把……当成……引入”To regard an old broom of one’s own as something valuable.(敝帚自珍)To regard something asunworthy of aglance.(不屑一顾)People regard food as their prime want.(民以食为天)

(四)学习“既不……也不……”时引入Neither keep in w ith nor keep away from.(不即不离)Neither three nor four.(不三不四)Be neither relative nor friend.(非亲非故)Stopped by neither wind nor rain.(风雨无阻)Neither the old nor the youngwillbe cheated.(童叟无欺)

(五)“太……而不……”引入Too seriously ill to be cured w ithmedicine.(不可救药)Too high to reach.(高不可攀)Too sad shocking to the ear.(惨不忍睹)Too happy to remember Shu.(乐不思蜀)There are toomany things for the eye to take in.(目不暇接)

(六)“看起来像……”引入Every bush and tree look likean enemy.(草木皆兵)


(一)Wolf standin theway.(豺狼当道)

(二)A fireon the city gatebringsdisastertothe fish in themoat.(城门失火,殃及池鱼)

(三)Tomake a footof oneselfin public.(出乖露丑)

(四)To show up in public.(出头露面)

(五)A new born calfis notafraid oftigers.(初生牛犊不怕虎)

(六)To remove the oldin order tobuild the new.(除旧布新)

(七)Notdig a welluntilone is thirsty.(临渴掘井)

(八)Topreferthe light loadstothe heavy ones.(拈轻怕重)

(九)Have no relatives or friends todepend on.(六亲无靠)

(十)One issoangrythathis hair stands on end.(令人发指)

(十一)To draw a snake andaddfeettoit.(画蛇添足)Toaddfueltothe fire.(火上浇油)

(十二)To recall the past andcompareitwithpresent.(抚今追昔)

(十三)To have nothingin common.(风马牛不相及)

(十四)To forget the trapas soon asthe fish is caught.(得鱼忘筌)To pull down the bridgeassoonas the river’scrossed.(过河拆桥)


任何一种语言都有大量的句子,而句型则是从大量句子中归纳总结出来的典型句式,是语言结构的模式。句型在初中英语教材中处于很突出的地位,从某种意义上来说,句型是初中英语知识教学的核心。句型教学的成功与否是初中学生能否学好英语知识的关键。句型教学在于展示句子结构的功能,以便在适当的交际情景中运用句型来表达思想(章兼中 2001)。例如:

(一)引入It is difficult to move a single inch.(寸步不离)It’s impossible to clap with one hand.(孤掌难鸣)来教授It’s+adj.+to do sth...句型;

(二)引入It takes ten years to grow trees,buta hundred to rear people.(十年树木,百年树人)It takesmore than one cold day to freeze three feet of ice.(冰冻三尺,非一日之寒)来学习It takes...to...(花费时间……做……)句型。

(三)引入There is no lack of such people.(不乏其人)There are plenty of such people.(大有人在)There is no road to heaven and no door into the earth.(上天无路,入地无门)来学习There be...句型。

(四)引入Whata strange thing!(咄咄怪事)学习What引导的感叹句。






e.g.1.To answeras quickly as the flow ing water.(对答如流)2.As firm as rock.(坚如磐石)3.As cold as ice.(冷若冰霜)4.As differentas the rivers of the Jing and Wei.(泾渭分明)5.Things are getting worse and worse.(每况日下)6.Themore you hurry,the lessprogress you are likely tomake.(欲速则不达)7. Each crab is smaller than the one before.(一蟹不如一蟹)8.The lips areassharp as a spear and the teeth asa sword.(唇枪舌剑)9.Love isasdeep as the sea.(情深似海)


e.g.1.He who talks too much is prone to error. (言多必失)2.The horse that does harm to the group.(害群之马)3.To lethim who tied thebellon the tiger take it off.(解铃还须系铃人)4.To drop stones on theman who has fallen into awell.(落井下石)5.To cut a mark on the gunwale of a moving boat to indicate where one’s sword dropped into the river.(刻舟求剑)6.To force sb to do sth which hewon’t or can’tdo.(强人所难)


e.g.1.If one man guards the pass,ten thousand cannot get through.(一夫当关,万夫莫开)2.To correct m istakes if you have made any and guard against them if you have not.(有则改之,无则加勉)


e.g.1.To hearahundred times cannotbe compared w ith seeing once.(百闻不如一见)2.Can be found everywhere.(比比皆是)3.Cannotbe mentioned in the samebreath.(不可同日而语)4.Spiltwater cannot be gathered up.(覆水难收)5.Rivers and mountains may be changed but it’shard to alter aman’snature.(山河易改,本性难移)

(五)as if引导的虚拟语气

e.g.1.Guests comehereas if theywere returning home.(宾至如归)2.To enjoy sth bitter as if itwere sweet.(甘之如饴)3.To feel as if one’s soulhad left one’s body.(魂不附体)4.As if there was no one nearby.(旁若无人)


e.g.To be clear aboutwhat to love and what to hate.(爱憎分明)


e.g.Don’t forgetdanger in peace.(安不忘危)


e.g.1.Each is in his proper place.(各得其所)2.Each doeshisbest.(各尽所能)3.Thedragon had nine sons and each of them was different from the others.(龙生九子,各不相同)4.Everyone hashisown willoraspiration.(人各有志)


目前正在进行的基础教育课程改革的一个重要方面是关注学生情感态度的发展,把学生情感态度的培养渗透到学科教育和教学之中。基础教育阶段的英语课程不仅要发展学生的语言知识和语言技能,而且有责任和义务培养学生积极向上的情感态度(教育部 2012)。与其他学科领域相比,语言与情感态度的关系更为密切。因此,英语课程在发展学生的情感态度方面还应发挥特殊的作用。

众所周知,万千成语中许多都教人守德、惜时、为善和求真,劝人淡泊名利、志存高远和勇于进取等,因此成语也是情感教育的好材料。学生熟知一些思想健康、勉励性强的成语,可潜移默化地陶冶情操,矫正其不良心理,从而养成良好的行为习惯(庞公平 2010)。


(一)Timeand tidewait fornoman.(时不我待)引导学生懂得珍惜时间。

(二)No pains,no gains.(不劳而获)告知学生一份辛勤,一份收获的道理。

(三)To climb yetone storey higher.(更上一层楼)To try to make further progress after having achieved a fair degree of success.(百尺竿头,更进一步)激励学生虽取得了相当好的成绩,还应进一步努力。

(四)A thousand-li journey beginswith the first step.(千里之行,始于足下)让学生懂得做什幺事情总要从头做起,逐步积累,才能成功。

(五)Where there are threemenwalking together,one of them is bound to be able to teacher me something.(三人行,必有我师)引领学生善于向他人学习,取长补短。

(六)No know ledge abouta thing can be gained without theexperience of doing or seeing it.(不经一事,不长一智)让学生明白只有通过实践才能获得真知。

(七)As long as the green hills last,therewillalwaysbewood to Burn.(留得青山在,不怕没柴烧)有助于激励学习成绩不理想而一直勤奋的学生,正确对待暂时的成败。

(八)Tostop learningaftergaininga litterknow ledge.(浅尝辄止)告诫学生学习过程中不要浮在表面,而要肯于深入钻研。

(九)The greater the adversity,the stronger the w ill.(穷当益坚)鼓励那些处境越是困穷的学生,意志要越加坚定。


语言是表情达意、传递信息的运载工具,也是写作表达的第一要求(谭云杰 2002)。无论是日常书面作业,还是卷面作文,只要书写美观、规范、条理分明、衔接自然、符合逻辑关系,内容充实,那幺该篇书面表达基本上就可得到比较高的分数。如果在文章的开头或者结尾适当引用成语,往往就能给自己的作品增色,令人耳目一新,尤其是文章的点睛之处,无疑会给老师或阅卷者留下深刻印象,一下子提高了文章的档次,理所当然增加了文章的分量。








