California& George’sdiary12th-14th June Reading教学设计与反思



本课教学内容为人教版选修8第一单元阅读课文California和George’sdiary 12th-14th June,文章以时间为线索,从历史的角度说明了加州多元文化形成的原因。George’sdiary12th-14th June通过旅游者George的旅游日记,介绍了旧金山较为着名的旅游景点,以及与其相关的历史典故和史实。总体来讲,两篇文章分别从不同角度介绍了加州,文章篇幅较长,但脉络清晰,语言简练,信息量丰富,对于学生了解美国加州的文化与生活有很大的促进作用。所以,教学设计的初衷是把两篇阅读文章进行内容上的整合与衔接,通过任务型教学法及对比性阅读的方法,重点训练学生在阅读篇章中的快速信息定位能力和批判性思维能力。




以阅读文章的内容为基础,处理文章Califor原nia时以时间为线索贯穿始终,将相关历史信息进行提炼并理解,让学生对多元文化的发展有个纵向的掌握;George’sdiary12th-14th June依然以时间为线索,但其中渗透了不同的旅游景点,所以以三天的旅行为依托,通过电子地图展示旅行线路及相关景点。引导学生在小组成员的帮助下,利用手提电脑和Internet学会如何寻找有用的信息,并利用信息完成指定的任务,促进学生自主学习与合作学习方式的培养。
















PartI Pre-reading

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Personal introduction. Free talk.

2. Guessing game:

Watch the video clip and tell:

Where do they come from? How do you know?

3. Introduce the topic today

—We are going to know a land of diversity in class.

Guess the name of the country and state with the given pictures. Then brainstorm.

—What are we going to talk about today? California.

—How much do you know about California?

—What else do you want to know?

4. Look through the titles of the 2 passages and predict the contents.

[Purpose]Lead into the topic by free talk and an interesting guessing game. Check how much they already know about California. Meanwhile know their expectations in terms of California.

PartII W hile-reading

Step 2 Skimming practice

Skim the 2 passages and match:

Passage 1a travel journal about trip

in San Francisco

of California

Thinking:How do you make the match?(writing styles)

In what order is the passage organized?

[Purpose]Pay attention to the different structures of 2 passages. Catch the main idea and get to know different writing styles by skimming the reading materials.

Step 3 Scanning practice with mind-map

1. Read passage 1 fast and find the answer.

Why is California the most multi-cultural state of the USA?

Look through the rest of the passage and find out:How many historical stages are mentioned?

2. Divide them into 4 groups. Each group read their paragraphs to finish the mind map of history according to time order.

Group 1:para. 3

Group 2:para. 4,5

Group 3:para. 6,7,8

Group 4:para. 9,10

[Purpose]Draw an outline of the passage with the help of mind map.Upon finishing this activity,the students will have a general picture of the whole passage. Students read different parts of the passage,which will save the reading time and more importantly cause an information gap among groups. This makes it necessary for different groups to exchange ideas and share the information they get.

Step 4 Group discussion

What has attracted so many people to California

in the past hundreds of years?

(Vast land,gold,working chances,fishing,winemaking,farming,shipping industry,climate,lifestyle,education,places of interest,...)

[Purpose]Brainstorm the reasons why people came to California,leading to the second passage about places of interest. By listing the reasons,students will feel the differences in history,direction of development,life style and education system between the USA and China.

Step 5 Fast-reading practice

1. Read passage 2 quickly and find the places George has visited.

2. Read the map of San Francisco and find the route of traveling.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

3. Get familiar with the places,watch the short video about more interesting things in San Francisco.

[Purpose]Passage 2 will be used as extensive reading for students to practice reading skills and prepare to finish the learning task in the next step.

Step 6 Surfing the Internet(optional)

According to the website teacher offers,work in groups to surf the Internet for information they are interested in about San Francisco. Take notes and share with the other groups.

[Purpose]In this step,students will learn to use the Internet as an effective learning resource to promote self-learning.

Part芋Post-reading task

Step 7 Voice your opinion

1. Comparing writing styles of the two passages in the following 4 aspects:




Writing style:

2. Making a choice:

Considering the 4 aspects above,which passage do you like better?

3. Activity:Design a guessing game.

According to the passage we have learned and your life experience, prepare a short paragraph to describe a period of Xi’an history or a famous place of interest of Xi’an. The other will guess and each winner gets a prize.

4. Evaluation and summary.

Make comments on their performance and summarize.

[Purpose]Students will combine the information they learn from the passage with their life experience and design an interesting guessing game in this step. Through this activity,their critical thinking and oral English will be trained.

Step 8:Assignment

1. Write down your description about history or place of interest and share with others.

2. Surf the Internet for more information about California and Chinese cities with the websites offered.






