Selamat Hari Raya



Hari Raya brings joy and good cheer to those

who celebrate every year.

Clean the house and put up the lights that twinkle and glow in the darkness at night.

Weaving leaves into little green cases to fill with rice brings a smile to our faces.

Grandma can weave the fastest of all and Grandpa won’t let a grain of rice fall.

Daddy is cooking a hot spicy curry and sister is filling up jars in a hurry.

I sweep the garden and help where I can.

Everyone’s happy to lend a hand.

As I hear a car horn, I rush to the gate.

It’s my older brother arriving home late.

He’s tired, but happy to be back home.

No one should spend Hari Raya alone.

The morning arrives and I feel so excited, knowing so many friends are invited.

Sharing this day, in a very special and wonderful way.

glow [gləʊ] v. 发光

weave [wi:v] v. 编织(-ing形式:weaving)

a grain of [ə greɪn ɒv] 一粒

spicy ['spaɪsɪ] adj. 辛辣的

curry ['kʒ:rɪ] n. 咖哩粉,咖哩饭菜

jar [dʒα:] n. 坛子;罐子(复数:jars)

sweep [swi:p] v. 打扫

horn [hɔ:n] n. 喇叭声

spend [spend] v. 度过,消磨

invite [ɪn'vaɪt] v. 邀请(过去分词:invited)

share [ʃeə] v. 分享(-ing形式:sharing)

grand [grænd] adj. 威严的

songkok ['sɒŋkɒ] n. (马来西亚和印度尼西亚的)椭圆形无边帽

“Selamat Hari Raya!” to my family so dear.

I am happy and grateful that they are all here.

Mother looks lovely and Daddy looks grand.

I look so fine in my new clothes, I stand.

My brother’s songkok looks smart on his head.

And sister’s so pretty in her new clothes of red.

Time for visits from all our good friends, who join our celebrations as the fasting month ends.

Cookies and cakes, laughter and joy, I really am the happiest boy.

And so to bed at the end of the day, a wonderful time so happy and gay.

Tomorrow we’ll visit and spread the good cheer.

And all will look forward to this time next year.



开斋节(Hari Raya Puasa)是为了庆祝一个月的斋功圆满完成。Hari Raya 在马来语中意思是“欢庆的一天”。这天人们互相的问候语是“Selamat Hari Raya”,马来语的意思是“节日快乐”或“开斋节快乐”。开斋之后,家家户户门户大开,准备了各式美食,任何人进了门就是朋友,可以尽情地享受主人准备的美食。开斋节是穆斯林最盛大的节日,就像我们的新年。