by Yun Gu-byung

If There Were No Trees



by Yun Gu-byung


If there were no trees,

we could not see interesting picture books.

Paper is made from trees.

We could not eat apples, pears or peaches.

They grow on trees.

Birds could not build nests.

Nests are built in trees.

Giraffes could not live.

Giraffes feed on the leaves of trees.

We could not build our houses.

We need the wood from trees to build the houses.

If there were no trees,

there could be flooding.

And our houses might float away.

If there were no trees,

mountains as well as streets would not be beautiful.

We could not build ships to sail out to sea.

We need trees to build ships.

Without trees, we would have trouble breathing.

Most oxygen that we breathe is produced by trees.

have trouble doing sth. 的意思是“做某事出现问题,做某事有困难”,还可以写成have trouble in doing sth.,其中in是可以省略的。

nest [nest] n. 巢,窝(复数:nests)

giraffe [dʒɪ'rɑːf] n. 长颈鹿(复数:giraffes)

sail [seɪl] v. 航行

flooding ['flʌdɪŋ] n. 泛滥

oxygen ['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] n. 氧,氧气
