Water’s Journey




by CC

Falling rain and melting snow swell the waters of a brook.

The waters of the brook find their way to the river.

River water finds its way to the sea.

The seas are much larger than land.

The heat of the sun beats down and warms the water which is changed into vapor that rises to the sky.

Rapidly boiling water in a tea kettle changes to vapor in the same way.

swell [swel] v. (使)膨胀,增大

brook [brʊk] n. 小河,溪流

beat down(太阳)直射,烤晒(第三人称单数:beats down)

vapor ['veɪpə] n. 水蒸气,蒸汽

rapidly ['ræpɪdlɪ] adv. 迅速地

boiling ['bɔɪlɪŋ] adj. 沸腾的

Vapor rises up and up to the sky.

As one ascends the mountain, it gets windy and cold.

It must be even colder

higher in the sky.

Vapor quickly cools in the sky and becomes water drops.

The water drops cluster and expand.

Then they fall as rain in summer and snow in winter.

ascend [ə'send] v. 攀登,上升(第三人称单数:ascends)

cluster ['klʌstə] v. 丛生,成群

expand [ɪk'spænd] v. 膨胀,扩大

请你根据文章的内容,在括号里填上正确的单词以完成水的旅程,也就是水的循环(water cycle)。
