

by Inigo Byrne

from My World


Morning Has Broken



by Inigo Byrne

from My World


by WJ

Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlit from heaven

Like the first dewfall on the first grass

Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden

Sprung in completeness where His feet pass

Morning has broken like the first morning

Blackbird has spoken like the first bird

Praise for the singing

Praise for the morning

Praise for them springing fresh from the world

Mine is the sunlight

Mine is the morning

Born of the one light Eden saw play

Praise with elation, praise every morning

God’s recreation of the new day

Praise for the singing

Praise for the morning

Praise for them springing fresh from the world


来自英国柴郡的伊尼格·伯恩(Inigo Byrne)出生于1991年。九岁的时候,伊尼格美丽纯净的歌声在一次机缘下被一位女歌唱教练发现,从此伊尼格开始接受专业的歌唱指导。2005年,伊尼格推出首张专辑《我的世界》(My World),曲目融合了流行与古典的元素,呈现出英国人的民谣风味,同时糅合了一些新世纪的风采。而伊尼格那跨界古典的柔和唱腔如同夏日的微风,给大众留下了深刻的印象。

blackbird ['blæbзːd] n. 画眉,黑鹂

praise [preɪz] v. 赞扬,歌颂

spring [sprɪŋ] v. 跳,跃出


fall [fɔːl] n. 降水

sunlit ['sʌnlɪt] adj. 被日光照射的,阳光照射的

heaven ['hevən] n. 天空,天堂

dewfall ['djuːfɔːl] n. 降露

sweetness ['swiːtnɪs] n. 甜蜜,甜美

completeness [kəm'pliːtnɪs] n. 完整,全面

Eden ['iːdn] n. 【圣经】伊甸园,乐园

elation [ɪ'leɪʃ(ə)n] n. 得意洋洋,兴高采烈

recreation [,rɪkrɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] n. 重现,重建

《破晓》(Morning Has Broken)是一首着名的圣歌,是二十世纪七十年代英国民谣摇滚歌手凯特·斯蒂文斯(Cat Stevens)的代表作之一,后来被多次改编并且被多位歌手翻唱。这支着名的英文老歌据说改编自一首儿童赞美诗,出自一位英国女诗人之手。整首歌曲歌词优美,节奏愉悦,抒发了对清晨来临的赞美,表达了对世界、对生活的热爱以及对美好一天的憧憬。



1. Morning has broken like the frst ________ .

2. Praise for them springing fresh from the .

3. Praise for the sweetness of the wet ________.

4. Born of the one _______ Eden saw play.

5. Praise with elation, praise_________morning.
