by Ole Risom


I Am a Bunny

by Ole Risom




I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree.

In the spring, I like to pick flowers.

bunny [ˈbʌnΙ] n. 兔子

hollow [ˈhɒləʊ] adj. 空的

I chase the butterflies, and the butterflies chase me.

In the summer, I like to lie in the sun and watch the birds.

And I like to watch the frogs in the pond.

When it rains, I keep dry under a mushroom.

In the autumn, I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees.

I watch the animals getting ready for the winter.

And, when the winter comes, I watch the snow falling from the sky.

Then I curl up in my hollow tree and dream about spring.


chase [tʃeɪs] v. 追捕

frog [frɒg] n. 青蛙(复数:frogs)

pond [pɒnd] n. 池塘

keep [kiːp] v. 保持

dry [draɪ] adj. 干的

mushroom [ˈmʌʃrʊm] n. 蘑菇

fall [fɔːl] v. 落下(-ing形式:falling)