My Birthday Party




by 璇玑

Last Thursday was my birthday. We had a big party at my house.

Three days before the party, my mother helped me to make invitation cards. She made a list of all the friends that I wanted to call and then made a card to send to each of my friends.

Next she took me to the supermarket and we bought balloons, masks and caps. We ordered the cake and bought some return presents. When we got back home, we hung the balloons all over the walls and on the fans and doors and windows.

invitation [,ΙnvΙ΄teΙ∫ən] n. 邀请

list [lΙst] n. 名单

mask [mɑːsk] n. 面具(复数:masks)

order [΄ɔːdə] v. 订购(过去分词:ordered)

return present [rΙ΄tзːn ΄prezənt] 回礼(复数:return presents)

hang [hæŋ] v. 悬挂(过去式:hung)

On the party day, my mother spent the whole day in the kitchen cooking for all of my friends. The cake arrived in the evening. It was a beautiful house with colourful icing and chocolate. I blew out the candles and made a wish. I cut the cake with my mother. Later we played some games and had some toffees and lollipops. And then, my father gave return presents to everybody.

It was really a wonderful party.

1. 展现大家才华的时刻到了!同学们会不会用英文写邀请卡呢?某地区去年小升初考试的英语写作题目就是写生日邀请卡哦!还不赶紧来练练手?大家也可以自己设计一张邀请卡拍给我们,我们会从中挑选优秀作品登在杂志上。以下模版供大家参考。

Birthday Party

To ____

Please come to my birthday party!



Time: 3~5 pm

Please reply!



From ____

spend [spend] v. 花费(过去式:spent)

whole [həʊl] adj. 整个的

arrive [ə΄raΙv] v. 到达(过去式:arrived)

icing [΄aΙsΙŋ] n. 糖衣

blow out [bləʊ aʊt] v. 吹熄(过去式:blew out)

candle [΄kændl] n. 蜡烛(复数:candles)

toffee [΄tɒfΙ] n. 太妃糖(复数:toffees)

lollipop [΄lɒlΙpɒp] n. 棒棒糖(复数:lollipops)

2. 璇玑姐姐的生日在9月,也想组织一场生日派对,请大家帮忙把下面的事项按日期先后归类。

a. Place(放置)chairs.

b. Clean the house.

c. Buy flowers.

d. Do some grocery(杂货)shopping.

e. Send invitation cards.

Three days before: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___

Day of the party: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

3. 请在文中找出下列动词的过去式,并写出其中文意思:

make ______ ( ), take _______ ( ), buy _______ ( ), cut _____ ( ), get _____ ( ), give _____ ( )

f. Do cooking.

g. Plan the menu.

h. Make an invitation list.

i. Greet(欢迎)the friends.

j. Set(摆放餐具)the table.

k. Give return presents.



草莓西瓜蛋糕 strawberry watermelon cake


翻糖蛋糕 fondant cake
