by 璇玑

Peacocks—Birds with Beautiful Clothing 孔雀—拥有华丽外衣的鸟

by 璇玑




In all the animalkingdom, the peacock has the most beautiful clothing.Malepeacocks have beautiful long tailfeathers. They canspreadthese tail feathers into a fan. The feathers are usually blue or green.

Peacocks eatseeds, plants, andinsects. They can fly, but they stay on the ground most of the time.Femalesare usuallygrayishwhite or brown.They do not have long tails.


Know More

实际上,peacock只用来表示雄性孔雀,雌孔雀用peahen,那小孔雀的英文同学们认为应该是什么呢? 而孔雀的统称英文为peafowl。

Word Power

peacock['piːkɒk] n. 孔雀(复数:peacocks)

clothing['kləʊðɪŋ] n. 衣服

kingdom['kɪŋdəm] n. 王国

male[meɪl] adj. 雄性的

feather['feðə] n. 羽毛(复数:feathers)

spread[spred] v. 展开

seed[siːd] n. 种子(复数:seeds)

insect['ɪnsekt] n. 昆虫(复数:insects)

female['fiːmeɪl] n. 雌性动物(复数:females)

grayish['greɪɪʃ] adj. 浅灰色的