陈 静


Premier Li Keqiang introduced the concept of the“spirit of the craftsman”during his government work report during the fourth session of the 12thNational People's Congress.

Premier Li mentioned that we should encourage enterprises to use custom-tailored and flexible production processes and to foster a craftsmanship spirit of striving for the best,so that we can create our brand products.

Recently,our manufacturing industry is big but not strong and it is weak in independent innovation.To carry forward the spirit of the craftsman will drive China from a manufacturer of quantity to a manufacturer of quality.




文中的spirit of the craftsman就是“工匠精神”的意思,其中craftsman用作名词,意为 “工匠;技工;手艺人”,如Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman.(能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟。)需要注意,这里spirit的基本意思是“精神;心灵”,引申可解释为“灵魂;勇气;活力;纯酒精”,是不可数名词。第2段中的foster用作动词,意为“培养;促进;鼓励”,如:foster an interest(培养兴趣)、foster an impression(加深印象)。
