陕西省渭南市富平县迤山中学 任逾蓉

文章词数:361 建议用时:6′ 难度指数:★★★



When she①got married,Guanghui Wu was carrying 10kg of silver on her head and shoulders.

“Every girl has to get a set of silver to get married,”Wu explained.

For females from theMiaoethnic民族的group in the mountainous Guizhou Province of south-western China,wearing heavy and elaborate精心制作的silver headdresses and jewellery is common during weddings,funerals and the②annualSister’s Meal Festival.

Many families believe their daughters cannot get married if they don’t own a③propersilver outfit全套服装;装束,and start saving④up to10 years before the ceremony.

“You can tell a family’s wealth from the silver she is wearing,”Wu said.Her family has been making silver for at least three generations,and,even though her village and society is now rapidly changing,she is not ready to⑤give up the tradition.

“Without silver,a girl is not a girl,” an oldMiaosaying goes.

A disappearing art?

Only very young children and the elderly inhabit居住于the village.The tradition of silver-making⑥has deep roots inMiaoculture,but what will happen when the roots spread too far from the tree?

Hope for future generations.

Now 29,Wu works as a nurse in a hospital in Kaili.Although detached使分离from her village from a young age,Wu is proud of her heritage and of her family’s story:her parents got married with 1kg of silver on them,while she got to wear 10kg.She and her husband Shikun Yang plan to pass their people’s unique culture on to their children.

“Most kids are born and live in the cities.The parents no longer useMiaolanguage to communicate with their kids.Therefore,the language is slowly dying.I want my son to learn the language and keep our culture and tradition alive,”Wu said.

“Silver⑦stands fortheMiaoethnic group’s past and culture.Wearing silver is not only a memorial to the ancestors,but also the observance of the traditional culture of theMiaopeople.⑧Advocatingsilver ornaments饰品has become an enduring持久的cultural symbol of theMiaoethnic group and it is also the basic mark of theMiaopeople’s clothing culture.” an historian illustrated.



①get married(to...) 与……结婚



④up to达到

⑤give up the tradition放弃传统

⑥have deep roots in...在……根深蒂固⑦stand for代表;支持



1.Although detached from her village from a young age,Wu is proud of her heritage and of her family’s story...尽管在很小的时候就离开了她的村庄,但吴光辉对她的传统和她的家庭故事感到自豪……

句中although引导的是让步状语从句;Although detached from相当于 Although she was detached from,因让步状语从句的逻辑主语与主句的主语同为Wu,故将让步状语从句中的主语和be动词was同时省略。

2.Wearing silver is not only a memorial to the ancestors,but also the observance of the traditional culture of the Miaopeople.佩戴银饰不仅仅是一种对祖先的纪念,更是对苗族传统文化的遵守。

本句使用的是“not only...,but also...”句型。 当 not only...,but also...连接并列的成分作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要遵循“就近原则”,即与最近的主语保持一致。

Not only I but also he likes English.不仅我而且他也喜欢英语。

Not only he but also I like English.不仅他而且我也喜欢英语。












