山东聊城市外国语学校 方 丹




1.criticize v.批评

2.disturb v.打扰

3.comment n.评论

4.contrast n.差异;对比

5.conduct n.行为

6.flexible adj.灵活的;可变通的

7.imaginary adj.想象的

8.groundless adj.没根据的

A security guard in Changsha,Central China's Hunan Province,wh graduated from Tsinghua University with a degree of bachelor(学士)in bio logical science and technology has been criticized by many for wasting hi education.This has disturbed his normal life a lot.

The following are comments from a newspaper in Beijing.

In reality,the man's another identity was manager of the client liaiso department(客户联络部)of a property(财产)management company.How ever,the media's report has given his story a new version,simply identify ing him as a security guard,a post often taken by migrant (移民)workers They have also sharpened the contrast between his education backgroun and his job,which undoubtedly violates (违反)the professional conduct o the news media.

This kind of way to deal with information,which is against the ethic of journalism, is to cater to the bias(偏见)against manual(体力的)laborer and migrant workers.

Even if he is only a security guard,it is a personal choice how on makes a living.

In fact, as in the case of this man, people are often too eager to jum to conclusions without knowing all the facts.The man joined the researc and development department of a China-Japan joint venture producin daily chemicals in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province, afte graduation.He gave up the job to take care of his sick father in Changsh five years ago,and the current employer assures him of a flexible schedul to care for his father.

It is this that should have been the focus of the story.

As long as a person's choice is legal,no one has any right to say anything against it.There is no need to worry about the lives chosen by others like the man of Qi who was haunted(萦绕于脑际)by the fear that the sky might fall—to entertain imaginary or groundless fears.




2.cater to迎合……;讨好……

3.jump to conclusions得出结论4.give up放弃

5.take care of照顾;照看



1.__________(即使)he is only a security guard,it is a personal choice how one makes a living.


【点石成金】引导让步状语从句时,可以使用even if/even though“即使;尽管”。

【答案】Even if;即使他只是一名保安,这也是一个人如何谋生的个人选择。

2.It is this that should have been the focus of the story.


【点石成金】本句是一个强调句的陈述句式,句型为“it is/was+被强调部分 +that...”


3._________________________________(没必要担心)the lives chosen by others like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall—to entertain imaginary or groundless fears.


【点石成金】句型“There is no need to do...”意为“没必要……”。过去分词 chosen by others like the man of Qi作名词lives的后置定语。who引导的是一个定语从句,先行词为the man of Qi。而that引导的是一个同位语从句,解释名词fear。That引导同位语从句时,常用于解释说明抽象名词possibility,truth,information,word(消息)和news等。

【答案】There is no need to worry about;我们没有必要杞人忧天,为别人选择的生活而烦恼。Ⅲ.词义匹配

1.disturb A.behaviour

2.comment B.Something that is imaginary is created by and exists only in the mind

3.conduct C.without cause

4.flexible D.to interrupt what someone is doing

5.imaginary E.something that you say or write to express your opinion

6.groundless F.able to change or be changed easily according to the situation








