安徽宿州市砀山县唐寨中学 翟晓霞



文章词数 3 2 1 建议用时 6′ 难度系数 ★★★

Chinese retail giant Alibaba has unveiled(推出)a new automated vehicle which is easy to mass-produce and could serve a number of functions.These could includedeliverycourier(信使) andautomatedcoffee vendor(供应商).

The Cainiao G Plus can travel at up to nine miles per hour.It was shown at aconferencewhere Alibaba founder Jack Ma announced a 100bn yuan($15.5bn) investment in smart logistics(物流).This includes devices such as warehouse robots as well as delivery aids.

AI expert and author Calum Chace described the G Plus asresemblingthe “ugly big brother” of a delivery bot developed by UK firm Starship Technologies.Starship has been working on this project for several years,so the Alibaba project looks to be behind as well as ugly, he said.“But that won't matter.Anything to do withartificial intelligence is a high priority for China,which has set itself the target of overtaking the US as world leader in AI by 2030”.

Chinabenefits from havingfreeaccess tolarge amounts of data,essentialfor training algorithms(运算程序),he added,potentially adrawbackin Europe since the introduction of GDPR legislation(立法), designed to protectprivacy.

“Don't bet against the Chinese pulling ahead in any AI-related competitions, be it self-driving cars,facialrecognition, or delivery bots,” Mr Chace said.

The G Plus vehicleis fitted withsolid state Lidar—the laser sensors which form an important part of the system autonomous vehicles use tobe aware oftheir surroundings.

Solid state Lidar is more compact,cheaper and easier to manufacture than the traditional system,which involves spinning multiple lasers in circles to help build up a 360-degree image of what surrounds the vehicle.There are various developers creating their own versions but essentially Alibaba uses fewer lasers and a tiny swinging mirror.

Last month BMW revealed(透露)that its autonomous vehicles will be fitted with solid state Lidar when they will belaunchedin 2021.


1.serve v.服务;供应

2.function n.功能

3.delivery n.运送

4.automated adj.自动化的

5.conference n.会议

6.resemble v.看起来像

7.essential adj.必要的;重要的

8.drawback n.缺点;劣势

9.privacy n.隐私

10.recognition n.识别;承认

11.manufacture v.生产;制造

12.launch v.发射;发布

13.anything to do with任何与……相关的

14.benefit from 受益于

15.have access to接近;有使用……的机会(权利)

16.be fitted with配备

17.be aware of知道;意识到

18.build up建立;竖立;增进



1.What is AI expert Calum Chace's attitude towards China's AI?

A.worried. B.unconcerned.

C.negative. D.confident.

2.What do we know about the delivery bot developed by UK firm Starship Technologies?

A.It looks nicer and more modern.

B.It is behind but looks nicer.

C.It is behind and looks ugly.

D.It is modern about looks ugly.

3.What is the aim of GDPR legislation in Europe?

A.To let people have free access to data.

B.To protect personal information.

C.To encourage more people to go online.

D.To train people to go online properly.

4.What plays an important part in the system the vehicles use to know their surroundings?

A.The laser sensors.

B.The tiny swinging mirror.

C.The traditional system.

D.The things around the vehicles.



Chinese retail giant Alibaba has unveiled a new automated vehicle________________________to mass-produce and could serve a number of functions.

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。which引导的是限制性定语从句;定语从句使用的是“sth is+adj.+to do”句式,其中动词不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。

【答案】which is easy




Starship has been working on this project for several years,so the Alibaba project looks to be behind__________________ugly,he said.

【点石成金】本句是由so连接的一个并列句。第一个分句用的是现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去开始一直持续到现在;第二个分句中的as well as意为“也;还”,连接并列成分时,谓语动词与最前面的名词保持一致。

【答案】as well as





Solid state Lidar is more compact,cheaper and easier to manufacture than the traditional system,_________involves spinning multiple lasers in circles to help build up a 360-degree image of________surrounds the vehicle.




