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My beautiful 18-year-old daughterwas admitted topsychiatric(精神病治疗的).I visited her every day twice a day.She was the only patient who had visitors at every session;some were lucky to have a visitor once a week.

I was asked by the patients to prepare a Christmas basketon their behalffor the nursing staff,and I was given enough money toput togethera luxury(奢侈的)basket.My colleague Olive came into my classroom when I was attempting to make the basket while students were out.She could see I wasexhaustedasI struggled to putthe basket together.Olivetook overand made a great job of the basket then carried it to my car.

When I brought the basket to the patients,they wereabsolutelydelighted.I was there when they presented it to the nursing staff;they'd never been given anything like this before and they were so touched and appreciative.It was a beautiful moment as those in psychiatric care acknowledged those who cared for them.

A few days later,I was given a thank you card and a box of chocolates from the patients for helping them with their basket.I can't tell you how touched I was.These were people who were unable to function outside hospital.They were vulnerable(脆弱的)people who were unable to look after themselves and were on very high medication yet their hearts still found love andgratitudefor the nursing staff and for me.

Olive could also see that I was struggling emotionally and was physically exhausted and she bought me a beautiful Christmas gift.

This is a greatreminderof the importance of love and support.Despite their own vulnerabilities,the patients showed their love to the nursing staff and also to me.I supported the patients even though it was a struggle for me and Olive loved and supported me.

My friends,we are all here to love and serve each other and no matter what our personal situation is,loving and serving others is still possible.If we want to love and serve others but struggle to do so,guidance will appear and gently and lovingly support us.

Reading check

What does “their beautiful idea” in the title mean?

A.making Olive love and support me.

B.looking after patients outside hospital.

C.helping patientsprepare a Christmas basket.

D.giving a thank you card and a box of chocolates.

Language study

I.Word study

exhaust v.使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪

struggle v.&n.奋斗;努力;争取

absolutely adv.(强调真实无误)绝对地;完全地

gratitude n.感激之情;感谢

reminder n.引起回忆的事物;提醒人的事物

Ⅱ.Important phrases in the text

be admitted to 准许加入(俱乐部、组织);接收(入学);接收入院;收治

on one's behalf代表(某人);作为(某人)的代表;

put together组装;组织;汇集

take over接收;接管

Using language

I.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the words given above.

1.This is a great________of the importance of love and support.

2.She could see I was___________as I struggled putting the basket together.

3.I supported the patients even though it was a_______for me and Olive.

4.Olive could also see that I was__________emotionally and was physically exhausted and she bought me a beautiful Christmas gift.

5.When I brought the basket to the patients,they were_________delighted.

6.Their hearts still found love and for the nursing staff and for me.

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences.


Two crash victims____________ ______________ ______________ the local hospital.


______________ ______________ ______________ the entire company,I would like to thank you for all your work.


It's easier to take a machine apart than to______________ ______________ ______________ again.


When he retired,his son______________ ______________ thefarm.