

Step 2 实践·文本解读


Ⅰ.1.Phenomenon 2.Conclusion 3.Feminine 4.acceptable 5.choice 6.capital

Ⅱ.(1)Disagreement (2)blamed (3)negative

Step 3 运用·读写整合


1.has been frequently asked 2.has resulted in some reactions 3.①blame;for ②have a negative effect on ③their choice and their right④do not insult them



The phenomenon that makeup has been popular among males has resulted in different reactions among Lihua's class.Different students have different views.

Some people think it unnecessary to use male cosmetics,which weakens the spirit of the society.Judging from the more than 2,500 “like” s it has won,an article online objecting to this phenomenon must have been read at least a million times.Yet some people think that is their choice and their right.A striking example is that James Charles from upstate New York was 16 when he launched his first makeup program on YouTube.Two years later,Charles had gained 8.5 million subscribers.

From where I stand,we shouldn't insult the males wearing makeup as it's the choice of them.Besides,it's such a powerful form of expression.


Reading Check

1.The struggle with chronic illness.

2.Firstly, they look healthy on the outside.Besides,they live with chronic illnesses.Lastly,they pursue dreams bravely through travel.

3.We can come across unknown difficulties in our whole life but that's not the end for us.We can accept and overcome them as we are in the journey.

Language Study

1.when it comes to

2.so can I


Reading Check

1.B 2.A 3.C

Language Study

1.were on edge;had no idea 2.Figures from;show


Reading Check

1.B 2.D

Language Study

1.which 2.aiming 3.are required


Reading Check

1.A 2.D

Language Study

1.Established 2.were found copying and transferring content




Ladies and gentlemen,

Hi,everyone.I'm honored to be here to share a speech about the travel with you.

As we know,China remains the driving force for the global tourism industry,as the number of Chinese tourists and their spending power continue to rise.Besides,tourist destinations of China have been attracting tourists from abroad for many years.Travel is of great significance to us.For young people,travel is a part of education;for the elderly,travel is a part of experience.Lastly,what we should pay attention to is tomake civilized tourism become normal and it is necessary to improve people's personal cultivation and quality.



Reading Check

1.C 2.B

Language Study

1.up with 2.carry 3.reach out to 4.hands-on 5.hit upon


Reading Check


2.Because Robby wanted to play Mozart's music.

3.Love and perseverance are very powerful.

Language Study

Ⅰ.1.musically challenged 2.upcoming 3.current 4.To my surprise 5.was packed with 6.dressed up 7.applause

Ⅱ.1.one of whom 2.Never had I heard 3.it is he that


Reading Check

1.friend 2.recover 3.mind 4.young 5.part 6.garden



1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A


1.A 2.B 3.C



1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B


Reading Check

Any answer is encouraged.

Language Study

1.a good way of making;more accessible to

2.have a positive impact on

3.pointed out;such great credit


Reading Check

(1)Lab-grown (2)ethical (3)reduce (4)Tissue (5)primitive (6)muscle (7)Challenges/Barriers (8)affordable (9)safe (10)interested Language Study

1.Because a considerable number of farmers crowd into the city,the population increases dramatically.

2.If a new restaurant can first succeed in addressing taste concerns,chances are that it will become competitive and commercially successful.

3.The environmentally sustainable development of urban areas should be given enough attention.


Reading Check

1.C 2.C

Language Study

1.spun 2.alternative 3.sufficient 4.at low cost 5.are involved in 6.in an effort



Critical Thinking

1.Firstly,its cooking process is open to the customers so that they can make certain of the safety of the food.Secondly,the Shaxian Delicacies has made improvements when maintaining the traditional production skills.This makes it possible that it can agree with foreigners.Finally,it has high quality and competitive prices.

2.Any answer is possible.

Language Study

1.at ease 2.captured 3.been sold out5.officially




My first trip to Hainan

Last winter vacation,I went to Hainan with my parents.It was my first time to travel by air.I felt a bit nervous,but excited.

The first day we went to the beach.The sky was clear,the sea was blue and the beach was very beautiful.What impressed me mostwas diving.I saw many colorful tropical fishes and coral.It was so exciting! On the second day, we visited the Ends of the Earth,which I had dreamed of going to.There we took many photos.During my visit,I tasted many delicious local foods,especially sea food.

We had a wonderful time there.I look forward to travelling there again.



Task 1

本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了The Schirn Kunsthalle museum征集新的和平徽标的事情,以及现在的和平徽标的由来。

1.D 词义推断题。根据语境判断征集新的和平徽标的广告和“和平”展览一同进行。

2.D 推断题。由文章第3段最后一句可推知答案。

3.C 主旨题。本段主要讲述了目前的和平的徽标的诞生。

4.C 推断题。根据第4段末句以及第5段首句可知,The Third of May1808这幅画展现了战争的恐怖以及人们绝望的情绪。由此推断Holtom通过这幅画得到了灵感。

Task 2


1.C 根据上文可知,CC喜欢小动物,所以当得知当地有一个动物收容所时,她迫不及待地想要参与进来。get involved意为“参与……”。

2.A 动物收容所都是慈善性质的,所以是由志愿者运营的。run意为“运营”。

3.C 在动物收容所做志愿者能够了解和关爱小动物,是一个很好的机会。从后文可知,CC不仅学到了动物的生活环境的重要性,还懂得了关爱自己所生活的世界,所以作者认为这是一个绝佳的机会,故excellent符合语境。

4.D 根据下文可知,做志愿者并非一件容易的事情。 It takes great effort to do sth意为 “需要很大的努力去做……”。

5.D 承接上一句,说明志愿者工作的难度比CC预想的要困难得多,than expected意为 “比预想……”。

6.B 句意:她了解到为了让动物们健康成长,保持笼子的干净和水的新鲜是多么重要。故选important。

7.A 根据下文:但是她不回避去做一些自己力所能及之事去帮助小狗们。句中“回避”一词,提示CC害怕狗,选scared。

8.A 作者看到孙女这样克服困难关爱小动物的品性,感到骄傲。文章体现了CC有爱心的一面,caring意为“关心他人的;乐于助人的”,符合语境。

9.D 当CC得知许多小动物在收容所没有独立生活空间时,这令她很烦恼。故选bothered。

10.B 从后文可知CC和作者一起做了两个木质狗屋,所以此处选wood。

11.C 根据上下文可知,作者一直都支持孙女关爱小动物,当志愿者,所以当CC提出让作者帮忙做狗屋时,作者一定是欣然接受,故gladly符合语境。

12.B 根据下文可知,CC参与了做狗屋的全过程,可知做狗屋这件事对CC来说是很有意义的。make sense意为“有意义”。

13.B 根据上文可知,作者和CC一起建造了两个木质狗屋,故选houses。

14.C 根据下文:在建狗屋的过程中,CC帮着设计、粉刷、锤打等等。据此可以推测CC几乎参与了建造狗屋的每一阶段,故选stage。

15.D 句意:我们一做完两个狗屋,就把他们送给了收容所。Instantly意为“一……就……”。

16.A 句意:现在,很多孩子都被视为懒惰而且不关注他们赖以生存的环境。write off...as...意为“将……视为……;认定……不可救药”。

17.D 承接上文,因此,在这样的时期(第16题中所指时期),CC的所作所为令作者自豪,因为前文提到CC关爱小动物,所以作者感到自豪,故选proud。

18.B 上一句:孩子们从大人花时间教他们的东西中汲取知识。下一句:孩子们经常教给大人一些生活中真正重要的东西。说明孩子和成年人互相学习,所以用in turn连接,意为“相应地;转而”。

19.A 句意:相应地,孩子们经常教给大人一些生活中真正重要的东西。matter在此处为动词,意为“重要”。

20.C 根据上文可知,孩子和大人相互学习,所以CC这一经历对于作者和CC都是值得的。rewarding意为“值得做的;有益的”。

Task 3


1.B 后文提到本指南将向您展示一些简单的步骤,你可以用来防止被盗,所以这里应该给出后文发生的条件,也就是如果你不想自己的房子被盗的话。

2.G 前一句提到如果你无法买到报警系统,那么就可以在标签上或标志上显示出警报的信号,这是明智之举,所以这里接着说,这些带警报信号的标签在很多的安保公司都可以免费或者以低价格得到。

3.D 前文提到无锁的门和窗户使人很容易入侵你的房子,后文提到,买一把门栓锁,所以这里应该填“如果一个锁坏了,马上把它修好”衔接前后两句。

4.A 本段主要介绍的是在家里没有人的时候应该让灯亮着,故A项为概括这段的主旨。

5.F 后文提到,你可以给邻居留一把钥匙,这里应该解释在什么条件下给他们留钥匙,也就是你如果跟他们关系好,可以信任他们,故F项符合语境。

Task 4



1.was sent a note和send之间是一种被动关系,而且发生在过去,因此用一般过去时的被动语态。

2.if/whether 这里if和whether意思是“是否”。

3.that/which 先行词是The first thought,关系代词that和which在定语从句中作主语。

4.was sitting while和从句and后面的thinking说明此空应该用过去进行时。

5.the 这里表示特指,因此用定冠词the。

6.to listen 这里不定式作定语。

7.discovered 事情发生在过去,一般性的表述,因此用一般过去时。

8.kindness 形容词性物主代词后面应该接名词形式。

9.thankful be thankful to sb为固定搭配。

10.Amazingly amazingly意为“令人感到惊喜地”。


Dear Mary,

I am sorry to hear that you didn't achieve good results.You should not be too worried about it.I am sure you have the ability to get good grades in the next exam.

Firstly,you should analyze the mistakes that you made during the exam,which gives you a chance to review the knowledge.The second thing you can do is consider what led to the mistakes.Besides,you should know how to avoid the mistakes in the next exam.Finally,according to the reflection,you should make a plan and follow it in future.

I believe that you can perform well if you study hard and find a good method.


Li Hua

Task 5


1.C 推断题。根据第1、2段内容可知,传统的体育课让不同运动能力的孩子们比赛,会给一些孩子带来压力,令他们害怕在同学们面前出丑。

2.B 推断题。根据第2段末句以及第3段内容可知,学校开展的体育活动目的是让孩子们更积极地参与,培养他们终生的兴趣和爱好。而且文章末段末句也再次强调这点。

3.A 推断题。根据第4段和第5段内容可知,当孩子们进行这种新型的体育课活动时,他们会更加有兴趣,也会从中获得更多的乐趣。

4.D 细节题。文章最后一句提到参加非竞技性的体育活动也许能够鼓励孩子更多的运动,因此可知答案D项正确。

Task 6


1.B 前文提到我们的日常生活变得枯燥乏味,我们的习惯变得枯燥乏味,所以这里应该说“你现在的生活可以改变了”。

2.G 后面提到没有钱的时候怎么做和钱多的时候怎么做,因此这里应该说钱少的时候怎么做。

3.F 本段主要介绍了网络可以给人们提供可以学习的课程,故F项能总结本段的主旨。

4.A 前文提到我们认为我们会喜欢这个,我们认为我们应该这样做。后文提到花一分钟的时间去想一些你永远不会做的事情,然后把你的注意力放在做这件事上,所以这里应该说“这样做是没有好处的”。

5.E 前文提到,上网不能使你的生活变得更好,所以这里应该说“想想你在网上浪费的所有时间”,故E项符合题意。