江苏海安中学 景苏华


题材文章词数清洁海洋计划296 难度 ★★★体裁建议用时记叙文5′



A teenager's dream of cleaning up the world's oceans may soon come true.Boyan Slat lives in Holland, Europe.Seven years ago,when he was a teenager,he was swimming in the ocean.He saw more trash in the water than fish.So for a school project,he made a plan to clean up the ocean.

In 2013,Slat formed a group called The Ocean Cleanup.It raised money to put Slat's water clean-up plan into action.On September 8,Slat's plan began.In the ocean between California and Hawaii there is a lot of floating garbage.Itisknown astheGreatPacific Garbage Patch (GPGP).

Slat's group will clean it up using a floating plastictube.Thetubewillgoaround the garbage andtrapit.The plastic tube is hollow(空心的).It is 600 metres long.A big screenhangs downfrom it,about three metres into the water.Wind,waves and ocean currents(洋流)will push the trash toward the tube.(Fish can swim under the screen.)A ship willpick upthe trash and take it back to the shore to sort and recycle it.The GPGP contains about 1.8 trillion(万亿) pieces of trash.Most of it is plastic,like bottles,bags and packaging.

Plastic trash is very bad for birds and fish.They try to eat it and may become sick.They may also gettangledup in it.The Ocean Cleanup says it will be able to clean up half of the trash in the GPGP within five years.If this first project works well,The Ocean Cleanup hopes tolaunchas many as 60 more.About 8 million tonnes of plasticend up inthe ocean every year.That's like having a garbage truckfull ofplastic dumped(倾倒)in every minute.

Reading Check

1.What do we know about The Ocean Cleanup?

A.It is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

B.It has cleaned up half of the trash in the GPGP.

C.It is firstly set up on September 8,2013.

D.It covers 60 more projects.

2.What's the function of a floating plastic tube?

A.Picking up the trash and take it back to the shore.

B.Carrying the rubbish as it is hollow.

C.Sorting and recycle rubbish.

D.Protecting birds and fishes.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text



3.hang down挂下来;下垂

4.pick up捡起

5.end up in最后到了……;结果是

6.be full of充满……

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences.


If this first project_______,The Ocean Cleanup hopes to launch _______.


That's like having a garbage truck _______plastic _______in every minute.