山东滕州市东郭中学 高秋艳



4. segregate /΄seɡrɪɡeɪt/ v. 使隔离;使分开

5. mammoth /΄mæməθ/ adj. 庞大的

6. graffiti /ɡrə΄fiːti/ n. 涂鸦

Located in the foothills of the Garhwal Himalayan range, Mussoorie has been a popular destination. The Queen of Hills, known for its fascinating landscape, is home to 30,000 people and attracts more than three million tourists annually.

The tourists have left the scenic town choking with plastic waste. But the hill station and its people are fighting back. An unusualinstallation, titled the Wall of Hope, has been constructed using 15,000 plastic bottles near Mussoorie.

The 150-foot-long and 12-foot-high wall wasunveiledin mid-June. The structure aims to increase awareness of plastic waste management and the importance of creating a plastic-free environment.

The Hilldaari team aims to take art to the masses for this project. Over 50 volunteers from schools and colleges across the hill station contributed to building this wall over two months.

Mayank Tandon, a member of Hilldaari movement, says, “Most of the time went into collecting plastic water bottles. Everyone who saw the wall was quite surprised to see that something so beautiful can be made from plastic.”

The idea for the Hilldaari movement wall was seeded six months ago. A mobile van named Plastic Express travels across the towns,collecting plastic waste.

However, most of us ignore the efforts of waste workers andragpickers. These people tirelessly clean up the mess we create andsegregateit so that it doesn’t end up in open spaces or near our houses.

To give these workers the respect they deserve, an artist has been drawingmammoth graffition walls across the city under a project called “Deewaron Par Dastak”.

Mayank says, “Different types of workers are involved in this entire cleaning process, from sanitation workers to municipality workers. We are now looking at how their life can be made better by introducing a few new provisions for them.”

Reading Check

What is the goal of the Hilldaari team's project?

Language Study

Sentences for writing

1. 穆索里位于加瓦尔喜马拉雅山区的山脉上,是一个很受欢迎的旅游目的地。

________ ________the foothills of the Garhwal Himalayan range, Mussoorie has been a popular destination.

2. 这个建筑物旨在提高人们对塑料垃圾处理的意识,让人们知道创造一个无塑料环境的重要性。

The structure ________________increase awareness of plastic waste management and the importance of creating a plastic-free environment.